View Full Version : Jim Ross Q&A: Flair vs. Sting In WWE, Austin Wrestling Again & More

03-19-2008, 05:30 AM
Source: JRsBarBQ.com

Jim Ross has posted another batch of Q&A responses on his website.

Here are the highlights:

-- Steve Austin returning to the ring: "Austin’s in ring wrestling days are history. However I do see Steve coming back onto TV from time to time for the right reasons. Guys like Austin and Rock are special talents that are not, and sometimes never, easily replaced."

-- How WWE managed to keep John Cena's return at the Royal Rumble a secret: "Beats me as things usually leak for various reasons. Wrestling surprises generally work well. I thought it was a nice touch."

-- WWE putting the Benoit tragedy behind them and his image returning to TV: "This has been talked about a great deal. I don’t know if there is a right answer on the exact date that Chris Benoit’s images will reappear on WWE products. It might never happen for all I know. The whole horrific tragedy is still an indescribable blur to me."

-- The chances of Sting showing up in WWE to wrestle Ric Flair one last time: "Slim and none my friend."

03-19-2008, 05:47 PM
Thanks for this.