View Full Version : Maria's FULL PlayBoy Interview

03-19-2008, 11:41 PM
If you like tomboys -- albeit hot ones -- you'll love Maria Kanellis, better known to her fans as the WWE's Diva Maria. The svelte and super-sexy auburn-haired RAW star kicks butt in the ring. She even fessed up in the April 2008 issue of Playboy to driving an Aston Martin Vanquish over 100 miles per hour on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago.

But she's also a bit of a girlie girl -- just check out her April Playboy magazine pictorial. "I wanted a black hood to wear for the shoot," she says. "It gets me in the mode." So when she didn't see one there, she took the initiative to sew one herself. "Everything I wore in the Playboy magazine shoot, I chose." Though hoodies and lacy gloves are her signature look inside the squared circle, we know there's more to being a Diva than just looking good: "I have a few signature moves," she says. "One is the beautiful bulldog: It's when I have a girl in a headlock, and I jump up and land on my butt, and I drive her head into the mat. After that, she's done. There's another thing I do, when I throw a girl in the corner, and I hit her with my bum, and then she falls down. [Laughs] And I do this thing called the bronco buster -- I jump up and down on the girl in the corner."

To heat things up a little more, Playboy.com caught up with the Illinois native, to talk crazy groupies, even crazier places to have sex and, of course, wrestling -- in and out of the ring. "Wrestling is definitely sexy," Maria says, "especially when it's two ladies." We agree it's a winning formula.

1. Have any of your wrestling injuries ever affected your performance in bed?

WWE Diva Maria: Most of my injuries haven't really been anything too bad where I couldn't perform properly. But if I'm really beat up and sore then the guy can take a little bit of time with me and make me feel better. I would just kind of lay down and take it, rather than have to do any of the work.

2. What are your favorite sexual positions?

Diva Maria: I like being on bottom. I have so much control in the outside world, I don't necessarily want it when I'm in the bed. Depends on my mood. Sometimes I can be aggressive; other times I'm pretty passive.

3. What do you like to sleep in?

Diva Maria: I'm actually pretty plain, when it comes to what I sleep in. I just wear sweats to bed. But when I'm walking around the house, it's just me in a pair of shorts, or just some pants. I'm usually topless.

4. Are your natural breasts an asset when you're wrestling?

Diva Maria: Well, they move a little bit more -- the "Tiggers" like to bounce around. So when I'm in the ring I have to tape them in a little more than the ones that just sit there.

5. You call your boobs "Tiggers." What are your nicknames?

Diva Maria: I have a couple of nicknames. Kitty is the big one right now, from the way I act in bed -- from crawling or the way I arch my back during sex.

6. Do you prefer giving or receiving oral sex?

Diva Maria: Oh, definitely giving. Boys are gonna love that one!

7. Do you have any WWE crushes?

Diva Maria: Definitely John Cena. [But as far as classic wrestlers] I'd have to say Rowdy Roddy Piper -- it's all in the name. Rowdy Roddy Piper, come on! And he comes out in a skirt? I want to see what's going on there!

8. Is wrestling a turn-on?

Diva Maria: At times, yes, definitely. So many hormones...and people are threatening, and you're getting beat up, and it's so physical. It's definitely an aphrodisiac. Especially because it's so aggressive and I'm an aggressive person; I go after what I want. So to me, it goes hand in hand.

9. What's the craziest thing a WWE groupie has ever done to try to meet you?

Diva Maria: A dude jumped in my car the other day. He wanted to take a picture with me so bad that he literally jumped through my window and was in my lap. The only really scary experience I've ever had was with a drunk guy who wanted to take a picture with me. He might have grabbed my boob and he might have gotten a large elbow to the side and then thrown out of the building.

10. Where's the craziest place you've ever had sex?

Diva Maria: Oh, gosh, there've been a bunch. Of course I've done the whole pool table thing. Done the really, really disgusting dirty bathroom on a road trip. I hope my mom doesn't read this -- I've done the parents' bed. Never done it in the bathroom [on a plane] but I might have done a few acts in the seat sitting next to someone. I've done it in the car. I've done the balcony at a hotel...that one was recent.

11. What's your favorite part of your body, and what do guys like the most?

Diva Maria: After my eyes, I would definitely say my boobs because it does make me happy that I don't have to wear a bra and I'm good to go. They're all natural. Believe it or not [guys like] my eyes, but lately I've been getting butt comments. I haven't gotten those since high school, so maybe I'm doing something right in the gym lately. [Laughs]

12. Have you ever had sex in the ring?

Diva Maria: After a match, no. Would I like to? Yes. How hot would that be? Wrestlemania...and after Wrestlmania, spending some time in the ring...please! Knowing how many people were in there before. Ah! Amazing. We're all performers -- every single one of us. That would be amazing.

Source: Playboy.com

03-20-2008, 12:25 AM
Oh man! I love Maria even more now