View Full Version : WrestleMania 24 Battle Royal Update, Hogan, HOF, & More

03-27-2008, 12:22 AM
-- The Wrestlemania Battle Royal has been moved to the pre-show on Sunday night, and will be on WWE.com at 6:30 p.m. The confirmed competitors are Snitsky, Brian Kendrick, Chuck Palumbo, Cody Rhodes, Deuce, Domino, Elijah Burke, Festus, Jim Duggan, Bob Holly, Jamie Noble, Jesse, Jimmy Wang Yang, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Lance Cade, Mark Henry, Matt Striker, Shannon Moore, Great Khali, The Miz, Tommy Dreamer, Trevor Murdoch and Val Venis. The winner faces Chavo Guerrero.

-- A repeat of the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony will be shown on USA Network at 2:00 AM.

-- CNN’s Showbiz Tonight ran a piece on the Hogan family falling apart from the divorce and Nick’s car crash that is now resulting in a lawsuit from the passenger’s family.

-- WWE came in at #1 on Yahoo.com’s search buzz index. UFC landed at #10.

Source: Wrestlezone

03-27-2008, 02:09 AM
what the hell that was one of the only matches i was looking forward to