View Full Version : 11 Questions With Melina Perez

Black Widow
03-28-2008, 10:42 PM
Q-1:What would people be surprised to know about World Wrestling Entertainment?

That we’re not always angry! We’re not always like that. We are normal people. So, many of us are friends outside of the ring. Jillian Hall is my friend inside and outside the ring.

Q-2:How did you come up with your signature "splits" entrance?

Johnny Nitro [John Randall Hennigan], my boyfriend at the time, and I debuted together, and at our training camp he suggested we come up with a sexy entrance. I thought “how about this” and I just did it -- I never thought that me doing the splits would be a part of wrestling.

Q-3:Your wrestling name is "Diva Melina." What is your definition of a diva?

There are so many different types of “divas" in wrestling. I consider myself to be the truest of the divas because I’m strong, independent and I don’t care what people think. I’m not going to hold myself back and change who I am to please anyone else. I’m proud of who I am.

Q-4:Is there anything career-wise that is off limits?

I’m sensual but I’m not going to do things that are blatant sex. I’ll never say never, but at this point I wouldn’t pose nude. I want people to see me for my abilities and talents. When I do have a man, that will be the only person that I want to see me nude. That’s my gift to him.

Q-5:What do you think of mixed martial arts? Are you a fan of the UFC?

I’m a fan of anything physical. My dad was a boxer so he always had Saturday night parties, but now, with my busy schedule, I can’t follow boxing like I used to. I like watching it but I’m so busy I usually get DVDs after the fact.

Q-6:What’s your workout regimen? Do you follow a special diet?

On the road it’s hard to follow things, but I do count my calories and I have a certain intake. I eat foods with a lot of protein, but also with carbohydrates. I love to run so I need my carbs. Basically, I try to eat as “cleanly” as I can. I love food and sampling food from all around the world. I really care about my athletics.

I also try to workout as much as I can. I worry about strength and flexibility.

Q-7:How often do you work out?

It varies -- at least five or sometimes seven days a week. I always switch it up too -- I do 30 minutes to an hour of cardio, I do weights two times a week (upper and lower) and I do aerial silk training.

Q-8:What's aerial silk training?

It’s like what the Cirque du Soleil people do. I’m a huge fan of Cirque and I love watching aerial silk. I saw a show, found some classes and now I’m hooked. I wanted to do it for the longest time. I also take belly dancing classes. I love it.

Q-9:Are you single? What’s the one quality you look for in a man?

Yes, I’m single. I don’t look for just one thing but a combination of things: a sense of humor because I laugh at everything. If things go wrong you can get upset but, really, what can you do? I start laughing; I laugh things off.

Trust is also a big issue. A guy can be jealous but not insanely jealous because I work around a bunch of guys. These guys are my brothers. Anyone I date has to have an understanding that I work a lot. It’s not against him, and he has to understand I wish I could spend more time with him.

Q-10:Where should a guy take a woman on a first date?

Ooh, I’m torn on that one. Back in the day, I’d be like, “Romance me,” but now I want to hang out with someone. It doesn’t have to be too ritzy… just a place where I can get to know you.

Q-11:Who's your ultimate man's man?

They’re all metro[sexual] now… I’m totally stumped on that one. My question is: What happened to the manly man?


03-28-2008, 11:40 PM
thanks for the read ryan

03-29-2008, 12:16 AM
the last question was a slap in the face to men

03-29-2008, 08:13 AM
^ True Mike. Thanks for the read.

03-29-2008, 06:15 PM
the last question was a slap in the face to men

nah just the ones who follow trends like women.

03-29-2008, 06:32 PM
Metro sexual? I am in no way attracted to that kind of Man.

Thanks for the read ryan.