View Full Version : wrestlemania 24...opinoins

03-31-2008, 09:11 PM
was wondering what everybody thought of wm24? quite frankly flair vs michaels saved what i considered a terrible show dont get me wrong the money in the bank match was awesome as usual and the belfast brawl was not that bad but chavo getting beat in 10 seconds was a disgrace and the bunnymania match was beyond terrible the three was ok when it was just hhh and orton wrestling but of course cena f""ed up when he was in there... and the big show/mayweather fiasco was... well just that vince should be embarassed in the way the whole thing turned out i also found could barely stay awake for the edge/undertaker main event? all in all it was over after flair/michaels everything else could not top or touch that moment in closing let me just say i gonna miss you RIC and thank you for all the memories.

03-31-2008, 09:42 PM
While it wasn't the best, what you complained about weren't even the problems with it. This is what I thought about the show while I was there in person:

-First, the Belfast brawl, which I thought was gonna be the worst match of the night, ended up being pretty good. I may hate both wrestlers, but they put on an entertaining match.
-The Money in the Bank was amazing. CM Punk is my favorite wrestler, and him winning was the best. Matt Hardy's return was also great.
-Umaga vs Batista sucked. I was excited for this match, but it was just awful. Who's stupid idea was it to have Batista get in ZERO offence for the entire match, just to come back with TWO moves and win it. It should have been back and forth, not just Umaga owning just to lose.
-The ECW match was hillarious in my opinion. Chavo sucks, and has always sucked, so I'm glad to see the belt on Kane. It had us all laughing and cheering, even if it did just last 5 seconds.
-Flair vs HBK was AMAZING. My friends hated it, but that's because they didn't care at all about Ric Flair's last match. The emotion poured into that match was just great.
-Bunnymania was awful. The power went out in the middle of it, so we couldn't even see what was happening in the ring. The only saving factor was Santino Marella. Snopp clotheslining him was awesome.
-The Triple threat sucked, but not because of Cena. All three men gave it their all...and then it ended abruptly. I mean, Cena has kicked out of countless pedigrees...so how are we supposed to believe that he couldn't kick out of TWO pin attempts off of one? I mean, that was just a horrible ending, and a very bad call with Orton retaining.
-The Big show vs Mayweather match wasn't bad, but the ending sucked. Having Big Show get knocked out was just a bad call.
-The Undertaker-Edge match was AMAZING as well. Started off slow, but as it built along, I got really worried Edge would win. I mean, after the two horrible endings beforehand, anything is possible. It was a great match all around though.

03-31-2008, 09:48 PM
While it wasn't the best, what you complained about weren't even the problems with it. This is what I thought about the show while I was there in person:

-First, the Belfast brawl, which I thought was gonna be the worst match of the night, ended up being pretty good. I may hate both wrestlers, but they put on an entertaining match.
-The Money in the Bank was amazing. CM Punk is my favorite wrestler, and him winning was the best. Matt Hardy's return was also great.
-Umaga vs Batista sucked. I was excited for this match, but it was just awful. Who's stupid idea was it to have Batista get in ZERO offence for the entire match, just to come back with TWO moves and win it. It should have been back and forth, not just Umaga owning just to lose.
-The ECW match was hillarious in my opinion. Chavo sucks, and has always sucked, so I'm glad to see the belt on Kane. It had us all laughing and cheering, even if it did just last 5 seconds.
-Flair vs HBK was AMAZING. My friends hated it, but that's because they didn't care at all about Ric Flair's last match. The emotion poured into that match was just great.
-Bunnymania was awful. The power went out in the middle of it, so we couldn't even see what was happening in the ring. The only saving factor was Santino Marella. Snopp clotheslining him was awesome.
-The Triple threat sucked, but not because of Cena. All three men gave it their all...and then it ended abruptly. I mean, Cena has kicked out of countless pedigrees...so how are we supposed to believe that he couldn't kick out of TWO pin attempts off of one? I mean, that was just a horrible ending, and a very bad call with Orton retaining.
-The Big show vs Mayweather match wasn't bad, but the ending sucked. Having Big Show get knocked out was just a bad call.
-The Undertaker-Edge match was AMAZING as well. Started off slow, but as it built along, I got really worried Edge would win. I mean, after the two horrible endings beforehand, anything is possible. It was a great match all around though.

I actually agree with...you!:o Except about Orton retaining though... I'm really glad he kept it:)

03-31-2008, 09:49 PM
-First, the Belfast brawl, which I thought was gonna be the worst match of the night, ended up being pretty good. I may hate both wrestlers, but they put on an entertaining match.
I thought this match was well.

-The Money in the Bank was amazing. CM Punk is my favorite wrestler, and him winning was the best. Matt Hardy's return was also great.
I thought this match was fantastic except i didnt think this match actually had the "big moment".. i think there were lots of good moments.

-Umaga vs Batista sucked. I was excited for this match, but it was just awful. Who's stupid idea was it to have Batista get in ZERO offence for the entire match, just to come back with TWO moves and win it. It should have been back and forth, not just Umaga owning just to lose.
I thought it was better than what I expected but then again, I didnt expect much..

-The ECW match was hillarious in my opinion. Chavo sucks, and has always sucked, so I'm glad to see the belt on Kane. It had us all laughing and cheering, even if it did just last 5 seconds.
It should've been longer.. but I am glad Kane is finally a champion again.

-Flair vs HBK was AMAZING. My friends hated it, but that's because they didn't care at all about Ric Flair's last match. The emotion poured into that match was just great.
Match of the night without a doubt. <3 both wrestlers

-Bunnymania was awful. The power went out in the middle of it, so we couldn't even see what was happening in the ring. The only saving factor was Santino Marella. Snopp clotheslining him was awesome.
I was laughing at the power outage.. no offense.. but that was just unexpected.. Yeah, all diva matches are crap except trish vs mickie at wm22.

-The Triple threat sucked, but not because of Cena. All three men gave it their all...and then it ended abruptly. I mean, Cena has kicked out of countless pedigrees...so how are we supposed to believe that he couldn't kick out of TWO pin attempts off of one? I mean, that was just a horrible ending, and a very bad call with Orton retaining.
I love the way it ended, but like you said.. it just ended too early.

-The Big show vs Mayweather match wasn't bad, but the ending sucked. Having Big Show get knocked out was just a bad call.
This match didnt live up to the hype imo.. Mayweather needed to take a chokeslam or something.. he took like 2 or 3 wrestling moves at most.

-The Undertaker-Edge match was AMAZING as well. Started off slow, but as it built along, I got really worried Edge would win. I mean, after the two horrible endings beforehand, anything is possible. It was a great match all around though.
Hats off to edge. I dont give him enough credit because i always felt he didnt have the it factor.. I change my mind now though. *marks out for Undertaker winning again* *ends mark*

04-01-2008, 02:00 AM
i thot it was better than last year

04-01-2008, 05:01 AM
I actually agree with...you!:o Except about Orton retaining though... I'm really glad he kept it:)

Wow...you and I agree on almost everything? Shocking...:shock:

The Imagi-Nation
04-01-2008, 09:24 PM
I thought that overall, the PPV was good. MITB was crazy this year, Randy Orton retained which I love, 'Taker won in a great way, and every other match was good too.

Ill Will
04-02-2008, 12:14 AM
The PPV itself was alright I guess (7/10), but the production and booking was horrible. There wasn't enough actual wrestling matches (that bunny bullshit, Floyd/Show, and Kane/Chavo don't even count as matches IMO). Half of the show was entrances. They all took way too long. WWE should have first of all put the ring a lot closer to the stage. Some of the pyro was excessive also (especially the pyro that went into the crowd and injured dozens of people). There literally could have been an extra match during HHH's entrance.

Speaking of HHH, I thought the triple threat match was pretty horrible, not only because I dislike all 3 wrestlers and couldn't care less who won, but it was just generally a boring match, and the ending was obviously a let down to most people. Flair/HBK should have been the main event. Taker/Edge was alright, but I honestly expected more from both of them. They looked like they were out of energy halfway through the match, and I didn't like the way it ended.

The only ending to any of the matches that made sense was HBK/Flair. Mayweather knocking out Big Show? Taker winning the title at Wrestlemania with that new submission instead of a tombstone? Batista practically breaking his back trying to powerbomb Umaga? JBL all of a sudden hitting a clothesline in the "Belfast Brawl", which was nothing more than a sad attempt at a hardcore match? Jericho being caught up in the tree of woe...on a ladder? Orton punting HHH's head, then falling on a pedigreed Cena? Just seemed way too contrived, and I don't even recall how the bunnymania crap ended--that shows how uninterested I was, or that I couldn't even see the ending because there was no lights--probably both.

The only match that had nothing wrong with it was Flair/HBK. Besides that, the only good points that stand out to me were that both Batista and Cena got the shit booed out of them. Vince is certifiably retarded if he doesn't turn Cena heel sometime soon.

04-06-2008, 03:26 AM
if anything batista should be turned heel he could have really hurt umaga in there mania match plus he will be booooooed out of the building in his fued with michaels...