View Full Version : ECW On Sci Fi Results - April 1st, 2008

Black Widow
04-02-2008, 09:52 AM
We open with footage of the 24 Man Battle Royal at Wrestlemania, leading to Kane's ECW title win over Chavo Guerrero. When Kane went to signal for his pyro to go off, we went live to Kane walking to the ring for the first time as champion. Kane said that at Wrestlemania, he had the satisfaction of destroying 23 other men to earn his shot at the ECW title. He said he beat Chavo in 8 seconds for the belt. The fans chanted ECW. Aw, come on now. I don't mind Kane, but that's just blasphemy. Kane said that even though ECW is known for the most brutal moments in wrestling, we haven't seen anything yet.

CM Punk came to the ring with his Money in the Bank briefcase. Kane says to Punk, "I see you had a good day on Sunday too, but if you are out here to do what I think you are going to do, you aren't going to have a good night tonight." Punk said that he's extremely jealous because Kane got himself a title shot, but the reality is he can have a title shot whenever he wants, even right now.

Chavo Guerrero came out and said no one is going to get an ECW title match before him, and his title win was a fluke. Kane said he beat Chavo in 8 seconds. Punk told Guerrero he made history by losing the title and in record fashion. Guerrero said he had to be prepared for 24 different opponents, while Kane attacked him from behind because Kane can't beat him face to face. Guerrero promised Kane he can't beat him face to face and when he does, everyone will be proud to call him their ECW champion again.

Guerrero said that he spoke to Armando Estrada and CM Punk and Kane will be teaming against Chavo and someone who feels he has unfinished business with Punk from Wrestlemania. Shelton Benjamin came out. He asked Punk if feels lucky, because the only reason he won the Money in the Bank was because two others tipped a ladder under Shelton and made him "drop 20 feet" through a ladder. Benjamin said a normal man would be hospitalized, but he's not a normal man, so tonight he'll find out why Benjamin is the golden standard. Benjamin sounds so forced on the mic. Punk said, "That's OK, Goldilocks." Punk said he can call himself any snazzy nickname he wants, except Money in the Bank

They air a Wrestlemania video, including the amazing ending to Flair vs. Michaels that will go down as one of the best finishes of all time in my opinion. I still get chills seeing it.

Stevie Richards come to the ring. We see clips of the recent problems between Mike Knox and Stevie.

Stevie Richards vs. Mike Knox

Knox went right after Knox, nailing several shoulderblocks in the corner. Richards came back with an enziguiri, which sent Knox to the floor. Richards went to dive off the apron but was nailed with an elbow as he came down. They fought back into the ring. Knox hit a delayed vertical suplex on Richards and began punching and chopping away. Knox locked on a bear hug. Richards fought back with a series of rights. He then bites Knox, who breaks the hold. Richards got laid out. All the commentary is based on building Knox.

Richards comes back with kicks to the knees and chest. He covers Knox for a two count. Richards goes to give Knox a big boot, but is caught and nailed with a backbreaker. Knox nails his finisher and scores the pin.

Your winner, Mike Knox!

They show a video package on the Hall of Fame ceremony, which was just great live. It's so worth getting the Wrestlemania DVD just for the Hall itself.

They confirm my report that Wrestlemania 25 is going to Houston next year. Joey quips that maybe they can get Tazz on a horse.

In the ring, Tazz asked Colin Delaney what his Wrestlemania experience was like. Delaney said he was there but didn't have a match. He said he hopes that next year, he hopes to have a match because he'll be there with a WWE contract, not because he bought a ticket to Wrestlemania. Armando Estrada came out and said that Delaney has some good news coming to him. He said Delaney has earned his first official contract. Estrada said that he's worked hard, but there's one thing he forgot to mention...April Fool's. Estrada tells him if he wants to earn a contract, all Colin has to do is defeat "This man."

The Big Show's music hit. Nice knowing ya Colin!

Big Show vs. Colin Delaney

They face off. Delaney tries to walk away but each time Show steps in front of him. He tried to turn away, but Show grabs him by the shoulder and locks in a cobra clutch. It's over. Show slams him to the mat.

Your winner, Big Show!

Triple H DVD plug. Order it at highspots.com.

They went into a video feature on last night's Ric Flair farewell. Great piece. WWE deserves a hell of a lot of credit for the way they've treated Flair. When they showed the old footage of Flair and Steamboat interspersed with them hugging, just fn' awesome. Everyone should send WWE a thank you note for doing this right, because they sure as hell did.

ECW champ Kane & CM Punk vs. Chavo Guerrero & Shelton Benjamin

Benjamin and Punk start the bout with Punk being worked into the corner. Punk fights out and uses a double leg takedown. He grabs Benjamin for a snap suplex and floats over for a near fall. Kane tags in and demolishes Benjamin with punches. He nails a dropkick, seriously, to the face of Benjamin, who is sitting up on the mat.

Guerrero tags in and begins working over Kane in the corner. Kane grabs him by the throat but is kicked off. Guerrero scampers out of the ring and tags out to Benjamin. Benjamin and Chavo both end up tossed out of the ring. Guerrero tries to save himself, but is kicked off by Punk.

Back from commercial, Kane drilled Benjamin with an elbow for a two count. He tags out to Punk, who snapmares Benjamin, then hits a dropkick to the back of the head. Benjamin kicks Punk and tags out to Chavo. Punk catches Chavo with a tilt o whirl backbreaker. Chavo hits a running clothesline to Punk. He goes to charge Punk in the corner but Punk catches him and nearly gets a GTS, but Benjamin kicks him in the face.

Benjamin tags in and ties up Punk with a submission. Punk fights to his feet, but is cut off and nearly pinned. Chavo tagged in and slingshot himself over the ropes into a double kneedrop on Punk. He locked Punk into a surfboard variation, then cinched in the Oriental torture device made famous by the Great Muta. Chavo went back to the surfboard. Chavo works over Punk in his corner and when the referee admonished him, Benjamin went to work on Punk. Punk tried to fight his way out but it was to no avail.

Benjamin whipped Punk into the corner. Punk surprised him with a small package but only got a two count. Benjamin began choking and punching Punk. Punk kept kicking out at two. So far, this is a really good, solid tag bout. Chavo continued to get heat on Punk, locking in an inverted armbar. Joey asked Tazz, "What do you call that?" since WWE likes their announcers to ask questions they think fans might ask, as opposed to simply explaining the moves.

Punk breaks free and finally makes the hot tag (get it?) to Kane. Kane lays out both and drills Benjamin with a legdrop. He pounds away on Benjamin in the corner. Kane catches Benjamin for a chokeslam, but he fights out. Kane nails him with a big boot to the face and went to the top for a clothesline. Chavo cut him off, crotching the ECW champ.

Punk tags himself in, but misses a springboard clothesline. Punk comes back with a kick to Benjamin, nails the GTS and scores the pin.

Your winners, ECW champ Kane and CM Punk!

I enjoyed the show. A solid mix of wrestling and hype. Mike Knox is starting to find himself as a vicious heel and the main event was good stuff. Hey did anyone notice that Punk never explained why he came out at the start of the show to begin with?
