View Full Version : Sam & Max Are Headed for the Wii- Fan campaign at the core of the decision

04-06-2008, 09:05 PM

Sam & Max are ready to wrap up the second season of their PC episodic content run. Telltale has managed to produce really interesting episodes up until now, that feature a perfect balance between puzzles and storytelling. And their ability to produce humor should have some professional stand-up comedians put to shame.

Considering the success of the PC version of Sam & Max and
the way fans have been consistently asking for a port of their adventures to game consoles it was only a matter of time till Telltale caved in to fan demands. Surprisingly the Nintendo Wii is the platform of choice for the first port, even if Telltale had stated that the main thing they are watching, console wise, is the evolution of the downloadable content market.

The Wii package is set to be a retail-only box that comprises the six episodes which make up the first season of Sam & Max. Player will start with Culture Shock and fight the Soda Poppers, and then go on and discover the massive conspiracies that threaten the world, including the Internet itself, a psy hypnotic threat based on the Moon and even Abe Lincoln himself. The "Abe Lincoln Must Die!" episode is a positive standard of how comedy can be integrated into a videogame. Of course, having main characters like the placid and rational Sam and the hyperkinetic rabbity thing that is Max also helps the narrative a lot.

How the series will take advantage of the Wii's unique control scheme is not yet known and no release date estimates are available yet. Telltale is not giving any details regarding any exclusive content that is planned for the Nintendo Wii release.

Dreamcatcher and The Adventure Company are the publishers for the United States edition of the game, while JoWood will have the task of marketing the game in Europe. It seems that French and German translations are in the works while the Spanish and the Italian are getting subtitles.


04-06-2008, 09:23 PM
Interesting read, thanks.