View Full Version : *SPOILER* Smackdown! Air Date: 11/04/08

04-09-2008, 10:34 PM
SmackDown Opener:

A bunch of dancers are out with The Great Khali to start Smackdown. His manager says Khali has a peace offering. The Big Show comes out. Khali gives the Big Show a bunch of Indian things including a goat. They shake hands then Show knocks him out with one blow.

Non-title: The Miz and John Morrison vs. Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang. Miz pinned Yang after an inverted ace crusher type move.

Vickie Guerrero and Edge were getting massages away from the venue with the night off.

Finlay and Hornswoggle vs. Matt Striker. Hornswoggle squirts Striker mid match. After more antics, Finlay wins via start shot.

Victoria with "Natalia" (Nattie Neidhart). They show an anvil highlight reel. Nat cuts a short promo. Michelle comes out, bell rings for a match with Victoria. Victoria wins after Nat throws something at Michelle to distract her.

HBK/Batista in ring segment. HBK says everyone has moved on except Batista. Batista says HBK stabbed people in the back. Michaels and Batista could get by on size, but he couldn't. So he did what he had to. Segment ends with Michaels faking sweet chin music and then a brief brawl.

Vladimir Kozlov defeated Matt Logan. This will never make TV, but Kozlov botched his introduction twice, first by heading out before they were filming and then walking backstage as the lights were on. Absolutely hysterical live.

MVP comes out to do commentary for Matt Hardy vs. Chuck Palumbo. Hardy wins via the twist of fate. Matt then yells at MVP, who leaves the ring area.

Interview with Jesse. He says he's never seen Festus like that before.

They did several vignettes with Edge and Vickie Guerrero to give the impression they were having sex.

Undertaker defeated Festus via gogoplata. Ref bump that led to nothing, new ref came down to call for the bell.

After SmackDown: Edgeheads and Chavo Guerrero beat down the Undertaker. Batista comes for the the save. Edge comes out. Then Kane. Massive brawling. Big Show out next. Faces beat down the heels.

Source: Wrestlezone

Bad Boy
04-09-2008, 10:56 PM
and just another Smackdown... thx for the spoilers...

04-10-2008, 12:33 PM
Nuff said on that!!!