View Full Version : Developmental Talents See Major Turnaround In Florida

Black Widow
04-10-2008, 05:07 PM
In an interview with WWE Hall of Famer Tito Santana in the new WWE Magazine, he admitted that the Intercontinental championship belt destroyed by Greg Valentine in a mid-1980s angle was thrown out years ago. Santana noted that he kept it for a long time but ""I just got tired of looking at a destroyed title belt. It would probably be worth some money now, I am sure." Santana operates a hair salon in Succasunna, New Jersey today.

The morale among WWE developmental talents in FCW has been nothing but positive of late, according to a number of talents I've spoken to. Dusty Rhodes' arrival has helped to boost that as he's been personable and positive to the talents stationed there. One former OVW worker described it as "Night and day", in comparison to OVW. "We're told we are the next generation now. Then, all we were told is how bad we sucked. A lot of guys got psyched out and lost their deals in the process. Who knows where they might have been if they weren't trapped in the Louisville head-games?"

B. Brian Blair has been helping out with WWE developmental territory Florida Championship Wrestling recently as well, using his political background as Hillsborough County Commissioner to help FCW gain local ordinances to run in various venues and townships.

Speaking of Blair, he's recently come out against the homosexual community, according to Tampa Bay channel 10. You can read more below:


Tampa, Florida - Hillsborough County Commissioner Brian Blair is warning parents about the "Day of Silence."

The "Day of Silence" is an annual event created by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network to bring attention to name-calling, bullying and harassment of gay students. On April 25th some students will wear buttons or t-shirts to to observe the day. Others may even put tape over their mouths.

In an e-mail from the District 6 Commissioner, Blair encourages parents to contact the Hillsborough County School District to object. Blair notes an Internet list of schools that are alleged to be participating on April 25th. The list includes Tampa Bay Technical High School, Riverview High School, Wesley Chapel High School and St. Petersburg High School.

Here are excerpts from the Brian Blair e-mail:
"I have always believed that all citizens are equal and should be treated accordingly. On the other hand, no group of citizens should be given government sanction and support to promote their social and sexual agenda upon the rest of us and especially, on our children."

"Considering the fact that the same school system does not want to allow just one Minute of Silence in the classroom for God, this is preposterous."

"Can you imagine asking for a 'Day of Cheer for Heterosexuality?' If no action is taken to change this policy, then perhaps it is time for another surgical strike from the majority; 'A Day of Abstention' from school participation might be considered."


04-10-2008, 11:30 PM
Thanks for the read.