View Full Version : Middle Easterns Think WWE Is Real, Chavo To Smackdown

04-11-2008, 07:50 PM
- Thanks to Andrew:
Morgan Spurlock was a guest on Conan O' Brien tonight talking about his documentary on Osama Bin Laden. He mentioned in the interview that while visiting the middle east he noticed one consistent theme among the many countries like Pakistan, Israel and Afghanistan...they all love WWE. He said all the countries he visited knew about WWE, loved it and all thought it was a legit sport. When Spurlock said to some fans that it is fixed, they mostly replied with "maybe it is, we will never know" and one guy he told this to said it may be fixed sometimes, but definitely not when a championship is on the line. Could WWE be the answer to peace in the middle east?

- Thanks to Brian:
Chavo Guerrero got officially moved from the Smackdown Roster to ECW this morning. So I guess he'll probably be sticking around after his program with Kane is done.

Source: Wrestlezone

04-11-2008, 08:01 PM
Shouldn't the title say "Chavo to Ecw"? A bit misleading if you ask me.

04-12-2008, 04:11 AM
WWE shall bring peace

Ill Will
04-12-2008, 09:51 AM
I don't know who's dumber the "Middle Easterns" that "think WWE is real", this Spurlock character who believes that, or the reporter who passed on this story, and also managed to refer to Arab people as "Middle Easterns".

I'm going to go with the reporter. Wrestlezone is really starting to suck these days. No, for any who were wondering, people in the Middle East do not believe wrestling is real.

Shouldn't the title say "Chavo to Ecw"? A bit misleading if you ask me.

lol, misleading is an understatement. It's flat out wrong. The actual report completely contradicts the title. Just another example of how shitty Wrestlezone is as a source for wrestling news.