View Full Version : Jim Ross Comments On The Joey Styles-mike Adamle Switch, The King Of The Ring

Black Widow
04-17-2008, 09:14 AM
It was a long travel day Tuesday, but American Airlines got yours truly home safe and sound and on time. It is always fun to travel to the UK and I keep telling myself that on some of these international tours I am missing a great opportunity by not traveling a day or two earlier and enjoying the sights more. I am sure one of these days I am going to look back at all the trips I will have made abroad over the years where I essentially flew in, worked and left. As usual, the UK fans were awesome and they are so knowledgeable. For the record, I watched "No Country for Old Men" twice on the plane and still don’t "get" the ending. Helluva movie though.

The WWE’s international growth is pretty amazing, especially when one has the occasion to meet many of the ever evolving "business partners" the WWE is establishing around the world. I could see broadcasting many more Monday NightRaws outside the USA as times goes on, which will be important to global brand building.

Joey Styles, who, in my opinion, has been an excellent television announcer for years, has left ECW, as many of you know, and will be taking his skills to www.wwe.com and will be involved in providing content to the site or at least that’s how I understand it. I think it is imperative that for theWWE’s website to continue to grow, that more people with product knowledge and "wrestling in their blood" be involved and Joey certainly fits that criteria. If Joey’s job description is close to as mentioned here, Styles will remain attached to the product by attending the Monday and Tuesday television events, not to mention the pay per views. Joey joining the www.wwe.com team is really big for that group, as Joe will being great passion and a through understanding of the product to the table.

I spoke with Mike Adamle, who replaced Joey, at length Monday night after Raw about his new assignment. Mike is a former world class athlete who played in the NFL so Mike’s natural, competitive nature will help the former running back in his new venture. Wrestling fans can be tough to please at times and there is no doubt that Mike will have to earn the audience’s confidence, which will be a work in progress. Hopefully, wrestling fans will giveAdamle the opportunity to settle in and develop his wrestling broadcasting skills. Broadcasting wrestling has never been more challenging, especially considering there are so many masters to serve in today’s marketplace, including promoting magazines, the Internet, sellingPPVs , calling shorter bouts, DVD sales, etc on virtually every broadcast. This business is not about what one has done in the past and any broadcaster is only as good as his last outing. I still get nervous before every show and feel it is my responsibility to get better every week at what I do for a living. "Next week" is guaranteed to no one.

The King of the Ring Tournament was one of my favorite events in years past as I like one night tournaments. I like to see an event start and finish the same night as that is fundamental, episodic television. This will be, as I understand it, a single elimination tournament, which is easy to follow, the winners advance and the losers hit the showers. My firstKOR was in 1993 in Dayton, Ohio and Bret Hart won the honors that night. The KOR has been defining moments for several WWE superstars, including Stone Cold Steve Austin, Owen Hart, HHH , Kurt Angle to name a few. I don’t know what Superstars are entered from the 3 brands that will be represented in Monday’s competition, but I could theoretically see someone coming from out of nowhere and winning the tournament to be held inGreenville, South Carolina. What about a Lance Cade from Raw ,for example?

Would you like to know where Ric Flair weighs in on the HBK/Batista conflict? Me too, and perhaps that would be a great exclusive for WWE.com considering that Ric is the center of thecontroversy. Ric being mentioned by the former Mayor of Charlotte, Representative Sue Myrick , on the floor of the United States Congress, was damned cool this week. Usually when Congress mentions wrestling it isn’t so positive. Just from talking to folks in airports and on planes, more are talking to me aboutMichaels vs. Batista at Backlash than any other bout.

While on the subject of politicians, even though few sane people actually think that Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama will ever step into a Monday Night Raw ring, both the Democratic candidates could do much worse, and they have, by recording a short address or speaking via a live, satellite hookup to the wrestling fans of America. That certainly would make both candidates be perceived as less elite and more down to earth. As a voter, that’s how I see it.

WWE kingpin, Randy Orton, dodged a big time bullet Monday night after landing mostly on his head and neck at the hands of a nasty suplex, executed by William Regal.

Our online store has been experiencing excellent growth, thanks everyone who has been shopping with us, and the latest on the new J.R.’s Family Bar-B-Q coming to Moore, Oklahoma is that it should be ready to go just prior to Monday Night Raw rocking the OKC Ford Center on Monday June 30. Raw tickets go on sale Saturday morning, May 17.

We will be back with another blog soon and will have more Q&As up soon as well. Hopefully, the improvements to the site will be finished in a few days so thanks for your patience.

Boomer Sooner

jrsbarbq.com (http://www.jrsbarbq.com/2008/04/16/back-in-oklahoma-safe-and-sound-styles-out-adamle-in-king-of-the-ring-speculation-orton-dodges-bullet-politicos-have-an-opportunity-monday-night-seriously/)

04-17-2008, 02:10 PM
Mike Adamle is garbage.

Ill Will
04-17-2008, 05:55 PM
Before reading this, I just knew JR would come out and try to rationalize how horrible Adamle is.

I spoke with Mike Adamle, who replaced Joey, at length Monday night after Raw about his new assignment. Mike is a former world class athlete who played in the NFL so Mike’s natural, competitive nature will help the former running back in his new venture.
^all irrelevant info

Wrestling fans can be tough to please at times and there is no doubt that Mike will have to earn the audience’s confidence, which will be a work in progress. Hopefully, wrestling fans will give Adamle the opportunity to settle in and develop his wrestling broadcasting skills.Fuck you Jim. He sucks, plain and simple. Don't try to twist the truth and blame it on wrestling fans not giving him a chance. WWE is the top of the line when it comes to pro wrestling. Production-wise, WWE is supposed to have the best of everything. I literally can't think of a commentator worse than Adamle.

Broadcasting wrestling has never been more challenging, especially considering there are so many masters to serve in today’s marketplace, including promoting magazines, the Internet, sellingPPVs , calling shorter bouts, DVD sales, etc on virtually every broadcast.Yes, we get it. It's a difficult job...that's why WWE should get someone who can actually DO IT RIGHT!

This business is not about what one has done in the past and any broadcaster is only as good as his last outing....erm, wouldn't someone's last outing technically be their past?

I still get nervous before every show and feel it is my responsibility to get better every week at what I do for a living.
Considering JR's decline as an announcer over the last couple years, do any of you really believe he tries to get better every week?