View Full Version : Wwe Adds John Mccain's Name To Tonight's Political Raw Mix

Black Widow
04-21-2008, 03:41 PM
World Wrestling Entertainment issued the following press release today:

Clinton, Obama, McCain Fight For Your Vote On "Monday Night RAW"® Tonight

STAMFORD, Conn., April 21, 2008- The night before an important Pennsylvania primary, Presidential candidates Sen. Hillary Clinton, Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain will each make a very special appearance on athree-hour edition ofWWE®'s "Monday Night RAW" tonight on the USA Network starting at 8 p.m. ET.

The three Presidential candidates intend to tap into the power of the more than five million viewers who each week tune in towatch RAW, making it the number one weekly year round show on cable. In particular, Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama will be appealing for votes from WWE fans in Pennsylvania, where they are locked in a tight primary battle. An invitation from the WWE to have Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama appear on RAW to settle the Democratic nomination process in the wrestling ring was the catalyst fortonight's appearances by the three top Presidential contenders, who each will address the WWE audience in specially taped messages.

Who deserves to win the biggest Championship match in the country? Tune in Monday to hear what the candidates have to say.

WWE encourages its fans in Pennsylvania to Smackdown Your Vote! foryour favorite candidate on Tuesday.

Check out smackdownyourvote.com to register to vote and to learn more about WWE’s Smackdown Your Vote! campaign.

Additional information on World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: WWE) can be found at wwe.com and corporate.wwe.com. For information on our global activities, go to http://www.wwe.com/worldwide/

Ill Will
04-21-2008, 03:53 PM

04-21-2008, 07:57 PM
Thanks for the read.