View Full Version : Man Arrested Following Malicious Cyber Attack On New WWE.com Message Board

Dangerous Incorporated
04-22-2008, 09:55 PM
In case you don't know, over the weekend WWE.com launched WWE Fan Nation, a social networking site. The network lets people create personal profiles to communicate with other WWE fans. So far, the network has garnered over 7,000 registered users. You can check out WWE's answer to MySpace and Facebook at Fans.WWE.com.

The WWE Fan Nation also features a message board for fans to discuss WWE and other aspects of professional wrestling. However, on Saturday night/Sunday morning, the forums were infiltrated with tons of spam and other nonsense by a few vicious users looking to wreak havoc on WWE's new social networking site. The forums were closed on Sunday to clean out all the "graffiti" left by the attackers. WWE hopes to have the forums back online again next week after Backlash. In the meantime, they are in the process of adding new security measures to the site to help prevent further violations and to make the forums a friendly place to go to for WWE fans.

On Sunday, one of the heads of the WWE Fan Nation released the following statement regarding the cyber attack:

So, have you visited the Forums lately? Thought so...

First, thank you to the more than 4,000 new WWE Fan Nation members that joined our new online community, eager to participate in debate and discussion with fellow fans from around the world. They've created new fan groups, written excellent blog posts and participated in animated Forums discussion threads. We at Fan Nation thank you all for the great start. Please keep up the great work!

However...yesterday, we experienced a coordinated attack from (what was claimed to be) a competing wrestling forum community that wreaked havoc on our Forums, filling them with spam and other vile diatribes.

Thank you to all of the WWE Fan Nation users that filed Abuse Reports quickly on those 100 or so user accounts created Saturday with the specific purpose of ruining the rapidly growing Fan Nation community. The moderation team has temporarily frozen the Forums section, and is currently scrubbing the section clean of all "graffiti" left by the attackers. We hope the Forums will be ready to return before Backlash.

They will also be banning all the user accounts that participated in said activity. We will not be issuing warnings or suspensions. Sorry, but martial law is in effect as of now.

We are in the process of adding new security to the site, to help prevent further violations of WWE.com's Terms of Usage, and to keep the Forums a friendly place to play. More on those details to come.

Until then, you stay classy Fan Nation. Keep your eyes peeled on photos and blogs for inappropriate material, and file Abuse Reports on such items to alert moderators. We'll continue to grow, and will overcome this early attempt to ruin the soon-to-be largest WWE community on the Internet.

Thanks, enjoy King of the Ring tomorrow night on Raw!

Anyway, one of the cyber attackers will not go without being punished for his vicious attack on the WWE.com fan forum. According to the website of RTE -- Ireland's National Television and Radio Broadcaster -- police managed to track down and arrest one of the attackers, a man from Dublin, Ireland. In accordance with the Communications Regulation Act from 2002, the Dublin man has been detained by police.

A number of users were involved in the cyber attack, but so far, only one person has been charged. However, WWE's looking to take legal action against the other individuals involved in the cyber attack. WWE's in the process of tracking down the cyber attackers and forwarding their information to law enforcement agencies.

Regarding the attack, WWE spokesman Gary Davis said, "certain postings made on the WWE Fan Nation Forum were unacceptable and against the rules set down by WWE. The users who made these postings have been traced and their information has been forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agencies."

Davis believes that many of the rogue users acted independently, however, a certain number of them coordinated their attacks through a rival wrestling fan forum, believed to be that of f4wonline.com, Figure Four Weekly Online. WWE plans on taking some form of legal action against other individuals involved in the cyber attack before the end of the week.

A few of the controversial postings were said to be pornographic. As you would imagine, this is a huge concern to World Wrestling Entertainment as their fanbase largely consists of children and teenagers.

Regarding the cyber attacker in question, the person is known as Dave Anchorking, a frequent poster at the f4wonline forums who posts under the name 'mr_anchorking'. Anchorking is believed to be a resident of the Blanchardstown area of Dublin. RTE attempted to contact the man's family for comment, but were unsuccessful.

http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/9584/dickheadoc6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Black Widow
04-22-2008, 10:17 PM
More from RTE

Man arrested following malicious attack on pro wrestling website
Tuesday, 22 April 2008 16:58

A Dublin man has been detained in accordance with the Communications Regulation Act 2002 after an alleged malicious attack on the website of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), the leading professional wrestling company based in the US.

The attacks are reported to have taken place over a period of two days last weekend. The newly created WWE Fan Nation Forum was the subject of the attack.

A WWE spokesman told RTÉ that the attacks on the forum consisted of "lewd and vile diatribes" aimed at WWE and its global fanbase. It is understood that many users were involved in the attacks but so far only one person has been charged.

WWE spokesman Gary Davis said, "certain postings made on the WWE Fan Nation Forum were unacceptable and against the rules set down by WWE. The users who made these postings have been traced and their information has been forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agencies."

Mr Davis also added that WWE believe that although many of the rogue users acted independently, a certain number of them coordinated their attacks through a rival wrestling fan forum, believed to be Figure Four Online. Some form of legal action is expected to take place before the end of the week.

The postings that have created this controversy are understood to have been pornographic in nature. This is a huge concern to WWE, whose fanbase largely consists of young children.

The man arrested, known only as Dave Anchorking, is believed to be a resident of the Blanchardstown area of Dublin. Efforts made to contact the man's family were unsuccessful.


04-22-2008, 10:23 PM
Interesting, thanks for the read.

Ill Will
04-22-2008, 11:02 PM
WWE's answer to MySpace and Facebook

...considering how low WWE.com's traffic has been lately, WWE thinks they've found the "answer" to two of the most popular sites on the internet? lol, good luck with that.

As far as "anchorking" or whatever, who posted porn on their forums: why the hell was he arrested? Sure it may have been against the forum's rule or the websites TOS, but it wasn't ILLEGAL. I find it kind of funny that WWE has recently been trying to take on this venture, if you will, of becoming part of the IWC. It's just not happening. You really can't mix corporate agenda with the IWC. TNA tried a few years ago (while being moderately successful for a while), and they failed too. If, as a much smaller company, TNA couldn't sustain a presence within the close-knit family that is the IWC, how much of a chance would you give WWE?

btw, UOW >>>>>>>> whatever lame message board there is/was at WWE's "Fan Nation".