View Full Version : RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 28th Apr, 2008

04-27-2008, 02:25 AM

When the dust settles at Backlash, who will wear the WWE Championship as Raw rolls into the Izod Center in East Rutherford, N.J.?

After defeating three Superstars in one night last week on Raw, General Manager William Regal will be officially coronated Monday night as the 17th King of the Ring, in a ceremony full of pomp and prestige. Will the newest English monarch be a benevolent ruler or a cruel dictator? What might be first on his majestic agenda now that he’s the Raw brand’s truly regal GM? We'll find out as the crown and scepter are bestowed on Regal Monday night.

Will a new WWE Champion be first to greet the new King? Will WWE Champion Randy Orton have survived one of the biggest challenges of his career, facing three former WWE Champions at Backlash in a Fatal Four Way Elimination Match? Could it be that John Cena, Triple H or John “Bradshaw” Layfield will see the gold return to their waist once again?

After Batista and Shawn Michaels settle their differences at Backlash over the retirement of their friend, WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair, will The Showstopper be able to claim a huge victory over The Animal? Or will HBK be licking his wounds after a Batista Bomb knockout?

Also, after a barbaric battle between two titanic Superstars in Baltimore, will Big Show be boasting of his victory over The Great Khali? Or will the Punjabi giant have posted a win over The Largest Athlete in the World?

Finally, Mr. Kennedy will make his return to Raw this Monday night. Fully recovered from the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at WrestleMania XXIV, will the Green Bay gladiator aim to exact revenge for that painful loss?

We’ll find out the answers to these and many more questions as Monday Night Raw airs live at 9/8 CT on USA Network.


Please feel free to discuss RAW here. No need to wait for updates!


RAW Results - 28th Apr, 2008
Location - Izod Center - East Rutherford, N.J
Announcers - Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

Last night at Backlash, we saw two new champions crowned as well as the debut of a new announcer. The important development out of last night's pay per view is that The Game is back on top on Raw. Triple H defeated Randy Orton, JBL, and John Cena to become a twelve time World Champion. Speaking of multiple time World Champions, Shawn Michaels defeated Batista last night in the Apology for Doing What Ric Flair Wanted to Do Match featuring special guest referee Chris Jericho who called it right down the middle and did not get any revenge on the two men who beat him up during the build to last night's match. While it is time to look forward to Judgment Day, it is also time to celebrate the reign of the new King of the Ring, William Regal. What is in store for the new King? What will happen when Ken Kennedy returns to the ring? Will Beth Phoenix challenge Mickie James for the Women's Title?

We begin with a look back at last night’s Backlash pay per view and the Fatal Four Way Elimination Match which saw Triple H win the title.

We are live from Exit 16W in East Rutherford, New Jersey and your announcers are Jim "12 Divas in Baltimore and no Crabs" Ross and Jerry 'That is one big alligator on this building' Lawler.

After a brief delay, the sounds of the Game play in the Meadowlands as the new WWE Champion Triple H comes to the ring and he is wearing his spinner belt without spinning capabilities, but the champ does the GameFountain for his adoring fans. The music stops and it is time for the champ to talk. Hunter says that he has an announcement. As of right now, the Age of Orton is officially dead. Eight months ago, he stood behind that curtain (which is hiding a Wrestlemania sign) ready to make his comeback not knowing what was going to happen and if he could be the best again. Eight months later, he returns to the same building and without a shadow of a doubt, the Game is back.

Hunter is interrupted by Randy Orton’s music and Orton comes to the ring with his own mic. Orton says that Hunter does not get a victory speech. Orton asks Hunter if he is proud of what he did last night. Orton talks about the odds stacked up against him. Hunter reminds Orton about how confident he was last night and how he was going to walk out as the WWE Champion. Orton says that he is a victim of his own success. He was so dominant that they couldn’t put him against anyone one-on-one. Hunter wonders if Orton wouldn’t face anyone in a one-on-one match. Hunter points out that Orton gets to sit back and slide in there to get the victory while others do the work. Orton says that he is going to prove that he is the best. In three short weeks, at Judgment Day, he will use his rematch clause to get his title back. Orton says that he was champ for six months. Hunter says that he made his career on running his mouth talking about how great he was, but the difference is that when Hunter did it, he was telling the truth.

Hunter tells Orton that since everyone is sick of hearing Randy run his mouth, he suggests that Orton get out of his ring. Orton refuses to leave the ring. Orton says that it is his ring and Hunter has his title. Nobody is going to tell him . . .

Hunter punches Orton and Orton leaves the ring. Orton says to forget Judgment Day because he cannot wait that long. Hunter was wrong to say that the Age of Orton is dead because it has only just begun. Orton points out that Hunter’s last title reign did not even last twenty-four hours and this one will not either because he is going to get his title back tonight.

Lawler and Ross wonder if we will have the rematch tonight and they will let us know later tonight, maybe when we get back from commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Orton’s demand to use his rematch clause . . . TONIGHT!! The match is officially on for tonight on Raw.

Mickie James, Michelle McCool, Maria, Kelly Kelly, Ashley Massaro, and Cherry versus Beth Phoenix, Victoria, Natalya, Melina, Jillian Hall, and Layla El in a We have Nothing New Rematch from Last Night Match

The match starts with all twelve in the ring and it slowly gets to Beth Phoenix and Kelly Kelly and Beth with a double sledge to the back. Beth with a vertical choke slam and then she mocks Kelly with an intended tag. Beth runs Kelly into the corner and Victoria is tagged in and Victoria tosses Kelly around the ring. Kelly with a punch but Victoria with an elbow to the back. Victoria tries for a side slam but Kelly counters into a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Melina is tagged in and Victoria puts Kelly in the Tree of Woe and Melina with a screaming charge into the corner and she gets a two count. Michelle hits Melina from behind and Kelly gets a two count. Melina with a front face lock and then she takes Kelly down. Jillian tags in and she Irish whips Kelly into the corner and she tries for a handspring back elbow into the corner but Kelly with a kick and Mickie is tagged in. Mickie with a flying clothesline but Jillian with an Irish whip. Mickie with an elbow and then Mickie gets sent to the apron. Victoria tries to attack Mickie on the apron but Mickie knocks her off. Mickie with a head scissors and a Thesz Press. Layla hits Mickie from the apron but Mickie with a rollup and Backlund Bridge for the three count.

Winners: Mickie James and her Merry Band of Eye Candy

We are reminded that the Coronation of King William Regal I is still coming tonight as we go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for a recap video of Backlash, and in case you didn’t know, there are replays this week.

Bradshaw with JBLimo sponsored by Mamajuana and Fox Business Channel versus Robbie McAllister with Rory McAllister

Bradshaw backs Robbie into the corner and he connects with a knee and boots to the head. Bradshaw with a Saito suplex and a kick to the back. Bradshaw with a number of elbow drops to Robbie. Bradshaw with a Clothesline from Wall Street for the three count.

Winner: Bradshaw

After the match
Bradshaw joins Lawler and Ross at the announce table. Bradshaw says that should have been John Cena because Cena robbed him of what his cares about the most. Hell has been unleashed, and he challenges the winner of the WWE Title Match tonight. He says that he will get revenge on Cena and he will get his title back.

We go to commercial as they pull Robbie off the mat after what Bradshaw did to him.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Trevor Murdoch losing to JTG two weeks ago on Raw and Cade gives Murdoch a nasty look before leaving.

Paul London and Brian Kendrick versus Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

London and Cade start things off and Cade with punches to London. Cade with a back body drop to London for a near fall. Murdoch tags in and he works on London’s back. Murdoch with an elbow to the top of the head for a near fall. Murdoch pulls London back into the corner and he tags in Cade who connects with a boot. London tries to get out of the corner. London with an elbow to Cade and then he tags in Kendrick. Kendrick with a slingshot kick to Cade followed by a flying forearm and drop kick. Kendrick tries for Sliced Bread #2 but Cade sends Kendrick into the corner and Cade with a clothesline. Kendrick with a rollup and since Murdoch is not the Undertaker, he gets counted out instead of applying That Submission Maneuver

Winners: Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

After the match
Cade yells at Murdoch but Murdoch gets the mic from Lillian and he stands on the announce table. Murdoch sings to Cade on Raw Karaoke. Cade does not like the performance and he leaves the ring and walks to the back. Maybe next week we will see Dancing with the Murdochs.

We see footage of Shawn Michaels fighting through the pain to beat Batista last night at Backlash. Chris Jericho’s guest on the Highlight Reel will be Shawn Michaels.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to see the press that last week’s appearance by the top presidential candidates

Paul Burchill and Katie Lea versus Super Crazy

Before our next match, Katie Lea says that William Regal made this a handicap match.

Burchill attacks Crazy but Crazy punches Burchill and then Lea with a waist lock but Crazy with a reversal and waist lock take down. Burchill with knees and then he puts Crazy in a rear chin lock while Lea kicks Crazy in the head. Crazy with kicks to Burchill’s legs but Burchill maintains control. Crazy moves when Katie charges into the corner and he connects with a series of kicks. Crazy goes up for a moonsault but he misses when Burchill moves. Lea with a missile drop kick and then Burchill with the curb stomp and then Lea gets the three count.

Winners: Paul Burchill and Katie Lea

Todd Grisham is with Randy Orton in the interview area and Todd reminds Randy that he invoked his rematch clause tonight. Todd wonders if Randy has any second thoughts. After a few seconds, Orton gives a resounding NO!!

The Coronation is coming after this commercial.

We are back and it is time for Royalty in New Jersey as Lillian Garcia announces that the coronation is about to begin.

William Regal is in the ring in his throne as he looks at the peasants in the crowd. William Regal says that he wants to put an end to any speculation. He will not be relinquishing his role as General Manager of Raw. As General Manager and King, he has become the most powerful entity in the WWE. Regal says that he will not mince his words and he says that the fan’s xenophobia will not allow them to like him. Everyone will have to respect him and fear him. From this day forward he is their ruler, their better, and their superior.

Regal is interrupted by Ken Kennedy’s return. Kennedy walks to the ring and he addresses Mr. Regal. He would love to be the first guy to congratulate William Regal, but he just cannot do that. Kennedy asks who the biggest wrestler not to be invited to participate in the King of the Ring Tournament. Who is the guy who would have won the tournament? Who is the guy to challenge Regal to be the King.

Regal tells Kennedy that he is not a common wrestler, he is the general manager and the King. Nobody talks to him unless he gets an appointment. Regal tells Kennedy to apologize. Kennedy refuses to apologize and reminds everyone what his name is. Regal punches Kennedy after the dramatic pause and then he knocks Kennedy out of the ring. Regal and Kennedy exchange punches in the ring and then the Royal Referees break things up.

We go to commercial.

We are back for the WWE Rewind: Santino Marella saying that they will have the tag title belts around their bellies; and then we see Santino and Cody exchange the verbal barbs before they fight.

Santino gets on the mic before his match and he says that he does not like New Jersey or The Sopranos because of the fake stereotypes and fake accents

Santino Marella with Carlito versus Cody MAH THUN Rhodes with Bob Holly

Santino with a kick and punches followed by forearms and a snap mare and kick to the back. Santino with an elbow to the back of the neck and then he runs Rhodes into the corner. Marella with a forearm to the back. Rhodes misses a cross body when Marella moves. Marella with a near fall and then he applies a rear chin lock. Rhodes with a rollup for a near fall, but Marella with a hip lock into a near fall. Marella continues to work on the back and he puts Rhodes in a camel clutch. Rhodes gets to his feet and he hits an electric chair drop. Rhodes and Marella exchange forearms and then Rhodes with a drop kick and clothesline. Rhodes sends Marella into the turnbuckle and Rhodes tries for a bulldog but Marella sends Rhodes into the turnbuckle and gets a near fall on Rhodes. Rhodes with a DDT for the three count.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

After the match
Carlito paces around the ring as he thinks of a good song to sing to Santino.

Rhodes gets on the mic and he mocks Santino’s accent. Cody’s promo is interrupted by a lungblower from Carlito.

Chris Jericho is dressed for prom (darn you Jerry Lawler for saying it just as I type it) as he walks us into commercial.

We are back for the Highlight Reel and the King of the Prom Chris Jericho comes to the ring. Jericho welcomes everyone to an awards edition of the Highlight Reel. Jericho has the award for Best Actor in Sports Entertainment. The first nominee is Magnificent Muraco and Mr. Fuji in Fuji General. The next nominee is Michael Cole in Deliverance II with co-star HEIDENREICH. The final nominee is Shawn Michaels in Pretending to Have a Knee Injury to Win at Backlash. Jericho announces the winner and it is Shawn Michaels. Shawn limps to the ring to appear on the Highlight Reel. Jericho tells Michaels that it was a masterful performance last night. Jericho tells Shawn to give an acceptance speech. Shawn tells Chris that he is hurt. Jericho tells Michaels that the charade is over. Jericho reminds Michaels that he told Batista he would do whatever it would take to win. Jericho says that nobody goes from pious preacher to backstabbing bastard as fast as Shawn. Jericho says that he would be super kicked if he was not standing on the other side of the podium. Jericho calls Michaels the Daniel Day Lewis of the WWE. Jericho leaves the ring while Michaels stays in there. Jericho walks to the back.

Triple H is getting ready for his match in the back by a metal door as we go to commercial.

We are back and Santino is walking in the back and he says that there is one thing that makes him happy and it is the WWE Divas and he sees one with junk in the trunk. Santino gets a Diva mixed up with Roddy Piper. Santino says that Piper looks like Chunk from Goonies and he asks him to do the Truffle Shuffle. Piper slaps Marella. Piper wonders if Santino has a death wish or if he is just special.

Randy Orton versus Triple H for the WWE Title

The bell rings and they stare at each other before locking up and working their way around the ring in a collar and elbow tie up. The referee separates both men and then they get in each other’s face as they go nose-to-nose. They lock up again and Orton with a side head lock. Orton with a shoulder tackle to Hunter. They lock up again and Orton with another side head lock. Hunter tries for an Irish whip but Orton holds on to the side head lock. Hunter tries to escape and he does and he puts Orton in a hammer lock and a side head lock. Hunter with a shoulder tackle and then he gives Orton a crotch chop. Orton tries for a hip toss but Hunter blocks it and responds with a short arm clothesline. Hunter works on Orton’s arm but Orton with a knee and punch. Orton with an Irish whip but Hunter moves when Orton charges into the corner and Orton goes into the ring post. Hunter sends Orton into the ring post again as Hunter works on the shoulder. Hunter wrings Orton’s shoulder into the ring post and ring steps. Hunter with a wrist lock and arm wringer. Hunter uses his collarbone to work on Orton’s arm.

They go outside and Hunter rams Orton’s arm into the ringside barrier. Orton is sent back into the ring and when Hunter gets back in the ring, Orton kicks Hunter in the face. Orton with a Hangman’s DDT as we go to commercial.

We are back and Orton with a forearm to the back of the neck followed by punches as Orton punches Hunter around the ring. Hunter and Orton with punches but Orton with a drop kick and both men are down. Orton gets a near fall and then it is time to the old standby of a side head lock. Hunter gets to his feet but Orton keeps the hold applied. Hunter goes down to his knees. Hunter gets to his feet again and he applies a sleeper on Orton but Orton with a belly-to-back suplex to get out of the hold. Orton starts with the Garvin Stomp followed by a knee drop. Orton with another knee drop and he gets a two count. Orton chokes Hunter in the ropes and then Orton goes to the floor as he punches Hunter off the apron. Orton with more punches on the floor and then he sends Hunter into the ringside barrier. Orton slams Hunter’s head into the ring steps.

They return to the ring and Orton gets a two count. Orton with forearms across the upper chest and then he returns to the reverse chin lock. Hunter returns to his feet and he hits a belly-to-back suplex of his own to get out of the hold. Hunter charges at Orton in the corner, but he is met with a boot to the head. Orton sets for the RKO with the Orton push ups. Hunter sends Orton into the corner on an RKO attempt and Orton’s injured arm hits the turnbuckles. Hunter with a punch to Orton. Hunter with more punches but Hunter with a face buster and a clothesline. Orton with a power slam when Hunter comes off the ropes and Orton gets another two count. Hunter hits a high knee on Orton for a two count. Hunter with punches to Orton and the referee tries to stop Hunter. Orton with a back breaker after the referee admonishes Hunter. Orton gets a two count. Orton goes up top but Hunter crotches Orton on the top turnbuckle. Hunter punches Orton and then he sets for a superplex and hits it. Hunter covers Orton but Orton is able to kick out. Orton with a European uppercut and he tries for an RKO but Hunter gets out of the hold. Hunter tries for a Pedigree but Orton counters and he catapults Hunter into the turnbuckles. Hunter with a drop toe hold into a Crossface.

We see Regal in the production truck and he tells the producer that nobody will disrespect him any more so he tells the producer to take the show off the air.

*While Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler do commentary, we have no video feed because of Regal and we have a Tony Schiavone moment as we go to Law and Order. I hope the tape machines are recording things to show the finish on next week’s WCW Saturday Night.

Black Widow
04-28-2008, 08:10 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Roddy Piper is in New Jersey and is expected to appear in some fashion on tonight's edition of Raw from East Rutherford, New Jersey.


04-29-2008, 04:05 AM
this is so gay how could they do that at all with a match like this. Of coarse its a submission that they end it in

04-29-2008, 04:08 AM

My guess is that they will say that Regal has some major hubris, with the "always will be gm" line, and use this as the reason to fire him from the GM position so he can wrestle again, as king of the ring.

But that's my opinion.

04-29-2008, 04:11 AM
^ thats sounds like a good storyline gguru

04-29-2008, 04:12 AM
this is dumb though and its not goign to help the ratings either bc people will expect this will happen again and they will be pissed. Or it could work the other way

04-29-2008, 04:54 AM
I'm guessing this is to cement what appeared to be a Kennedy Face-turn this week. Next week, Regal will be SO hated, and when Kennedy comes out to fight him, the crowd will be unanimously behind Kennedy, making the transition he started today complete. Horrible thing for them to do, but at least it will end with a cocky, arrogant Kennedy who people love!

Ill Will
04-29-2008, 05:27 AM
Regal>>>>>>Kennedy, btw

I really don't see the point of the ending of the main event. Is WWE expecting people to wonder if the World title changed hands...without even being televised? It's really not even a good way to continue the HHH/Orton feud. I'm sure the match just had some predictable ending anyway.

04-29-2008, 10:03 AM
Would have been better to have Orton on top as the feed went so it could look like he might win the title back.

Bad Boy
04-29-2008, 11:35 AM
The end sounds stupid... but it wud put Regal over as a big heel, maybe that was where they were aiming things at... at ofcourse Orton wudnt have won it anyways...

04-29-2008, 05:00 PM
Regal>>>>>>Kennedy, btw

I really don't see the point of the ending of the main event. Is WWE expecting people to wonder if the World title changed hands...without even being televised? It's really not even a good way to continue the HHH/Orton feud. I'm sure the match just had some predictable ending anyway.

Psh, hell no. Kennedy is FAR better than Regal, on every level.

04-29-2008, 05:08 PM
This was said about the ending of the show:

As we saw on RAW, General Manager William Regal forced the show off the air without the fans getting to see a definative winner to the main event. After RAW went off the air, WWE champion Triple H and Randy Orton brawled before Orton powered out and Triple H's music hit. There was no announced winner, so the live crowd didn't get a match finish, either.

So, it looks like the fans got gipped anyway lol.