View Full Version : More On Randy Orton's Time Off, Santino's DUI, WWE CD News

05-08-2008, 08:19 PM
- To follow up on an earlier report that Randy Orton asked for some time off house shows due to being burned out, the only dates he has been removed from are the Mexico tour shows. As of right now, he is still booked regularly throughout June's house shows.

- WWE's new entrance music CD has now fallen out of the top 200 on the charts.

- As reported earlier, Santino Marella was out drinking with several other WWE superstars on the night/early morning of his DUI arrest. Kevin Thorn, Katie Lea, and Vladimir Kozlov were among some of the names out with him. Given that he blew under the legal blood alcohol limit of 0.08 (he blew a 0.06) it is still possible he could be prosecuted based on the field sobriety test.

Source: Wrestlezone