View Full Version : Nick Hogan Sentenced To Eight Months In Prison

Black Widow
05-09-2008, 09:50 PM

Former WWF, WCW and WWE World champion Hulk Hogan's son Nick Bollea (henceforth referred to under his stage name of Nick Hogan in this article) entered a plea of no contest to the criminal charges stemming from the 8/25/07 car wreck that left his friend John Graziano badly injured and was subsequently sentenced to:

*eight months incarceration in Pinellas County jail, which would immediately begin.

*Five years probation, which would include a no alcohol provision.

*500 hours of community service, the type of which would be similar to the service Graziano provided to his community.

*Three years of revocation of his driver's license, preventing Hogan from driving until he's 21.

The court declined to deliver adjudication in the case, which would have ruled Nick guilty due to the evidence at hand.

Presiding Judge Philip Federico called the case a tragedy for both the Hogan and Graziano families, especially the Grazianos for the loss of their son. The judge said that what started out as a "great friendship for two young men has turned out to be something completely different." He said that he did believe that Nick has been hurt and is suffering from the accident, not in the same physical way, but still hurting from the loss of his friend.

The judge also noted that he has an issue with calling the incident an accident, pointing out the facts of the case and saying the wreck was the result of volitional decisions. "That accident could have been avoided at any time had any of the decisions [made that day] been different." While Hogan did not have a criminal record, he felt that Nick's driving record could be described as "cavalier" and that professional drivers understand the difference between a race track and a public street while carrying passengers. He called the incident "a serious of conscious choices that led to consequences for all involved."

The judge said that he's pleased with some of the things he's seen and heard that Nick has done since the wreck and felt that the Hogan family has done much to assist the Graziano family since the wreck. He said that despite that, he cannot overlook that had decisions not been made, Graziano would not be suffering and Nick would not be standing before the court.

"There is no perfect answer. You weigh the things you've heard and try to present a decision that you feel is appropriate."

The August 2007 car wreck left one of Nick's closest friends, John Graziano, permanently disabled and injured and in need of hospitalization for the rest of his life. The no contest plea was partially due to to the ongoing civil case against the Hogan family by the Graziano family.

The no contest plea was a condition of the court agreeing to a cap of a total period of one year incarceration and an additional five year probationary period. Nick Hogan's attorney asked that any probationary period be transferred to the state of California. The judge agreed, as long as the State of California signed off on the probation and that Nick could not back off on his agreement if California declined to transfer the probation. The issue of restitution to the Graziano family would be left to the civil case, although it would be followed up upon by the criminal court. The court ruled they would follow up on that aspect on November 12, 2008.

The Graziano family had previously petitioned the court for "at least" a year of incarceration, according to the prosecutor, although statements from the Graziano family members featuring requests of six months to a year incarceration. The State prosecutor stated that they would "go along with those requests." Nick's attorney asked for no incarceration and three years of probation, but if the court wanted incarceration, that it be less than the 6 months to a year requested by members of the Graziano family.

Prior to his sentencing, Nick addressed the court. Nick Hogan was placed under oath before being asked a number of questions by the court. Hogan was asked if he understood the plea he was putting in and that he would be resolving the case without a trial. He said that he did and was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, had never been treated for any mental illness in the past, was doing it of his own free will and was happy with the counsel he had received. After the prosecutor read the circumstances of the case, the Judge noted that Hogan was not necessarily agreeing with the facts but was agreeing that there was sufficient evidence to warrant charges. Hogan agreed and the judge at that point noted they would move forward with the sentencing portion of the proceedings.

Prior to his sentencing, Nick spoke directly to the court, stating "The man I looked up to" was injured in the car accident. He said that he looked up to Graziano as a brother. He said that he misses being around John every day, all the time. He said that he understands that the situation has been extremely difficult for the Grazianos and his own family. He apologized to both families for the accident. He said that it's not easy listening and reading all the "terrible things" said about his family and that no matter what is said, every single day, he thinks of John. He said he prays for John every chance he has. He said that he knows that he has apologized to the family before, then turned to them in the court and told them that he was indeed terribly sorry and nothing can ever make up for what happens.

Hogan said that since the accident, he has tried to do as much as he can to become a better person and has gotten involved in charities that have raised $60,000 to date towards brain trauma research and some of it has gone directly to John Graziano's care. Nick said he is also trying to raise awareness to safe driving and the importance of wearing a seatbelt. He said that he hasn't driven since the day of the accident and made that decision out of respect to John and the case. He said that he hopes to show his peers the responsibilities of safety and driving.

Hogan said he understood this was a serious situation and was ready to accept any punishment the court was about to hand down. He thanked the court for doing so and closed by saying that he feels that since the day of the wreck, he had matured as a person and had a better understanding of what good he can bring.

Prior to the sentencing, prosecutors showed the judge a video that was not made public to the cameras following the proceedings. Nick, his counsel and the prosecuting attorney were the only others present in the courthouse allowed to see the footage. The prosecutor then showed the court a series of photos from Hogan's Toyota Supra, recounted Hogan's speeding tickets (including one he received while Hulk was in the car with him) and that 12 different witnesses of the accident claimed that Hogan was "driving recklessly" prior to the crash.

Pinellas County Assistant State's Attorney Scott Rosenwasser noted that the incident was not an accident as Hulk Hogan claimed to the media, because an accident means that the series of events were unintentional or an act of God, which was not the case. He said that Nick made the choice to take the keys to the car and drive in the manner that Nick did, on a wet road, after drinking. He noted that Hulk stated that finding out about the accident was a "nightmare" and said that the nightmare indeed became true and John Graziano will have to live with that nightmare for the rest of his life. He said that the crash was completely Nick Hogan's fault.

The prosecutor asked for Hogan's license to be revoked until the end of his probation, that Hogan serve 500 hours of community service that would have to be completely served, and that he be forced to take alcohol testing to insure he was not drinking until the end of the probationary period.

Nick's attorney said that Nick and John had been friends since Nick was 12 and John was 17 after they met and realized a friendship over their mutual interest in cars. He pointed out family letters to the Hogans from Graziano that shows the close friendship. He pointed out Nick was the only minor involved in the accident and there were three adults also involved, one of whom received 90 days probation. He said that Nick could have been behind the wheel after the accident, but chose not to. He said that Nick has been doing a number of things for community service. He spoke to Hogan working as a religious food bank and of Nick's dismay that TV cameras showed up when someone was tipped off to the charity work. He said that although Nick had a number of speeding tickets, he did not have a criminal record. He said that Nick's parents are going through a difficult divorce, he's lost his best friend and his family is being sued for more money than this family has - and that's "a difficult thing for a 17 year old to know that he is responsible for."

The prosecutor commented that he thought it was "nervy" for anyone to claim what John Graziano may have wanted and pointed ouit that while Nick was a minor, he was the only professional driver of the quartet.


During the proceedings, both the Hogan and Graziano families read prepared statements to the court.

The Graziano's, as victims, spoke first. Graziano's father stated, "What Al-Qaida could not do, Nick Bollea accomplished in a matter of minutes." Graziano had returned from the Iraq war with a number of declarations shortly before the wreck. He explained that his son will need a round the clock nursing care and that it is questionable that he will ever be able to communicate with his family again, while "Nick Hogan's life will go on." Graziano claimed that Nick "has shown no remorse" for what he's done and that when he visited Graziano in the hospital, he had the face of a child being "dragged to his grandmother's house" and at times, was skateboarding down the hallways of the Bayfront Medical Center.

Graziano's father, Ed Graziano, also called out the Hogan family's claims that Graziano was like a brother to Nick, questioning where Nick and they were during Graziano's boot camp graduation, his sendoff or return from military service. He noted that the family wanted no less than at least one year of incarceration "would have no impact on Nick's life" and that Nick needed to be reminded of all the daily activities that he can still perform that John Graziano will never be able to do again. He closed with the statement, "Nick should bear the burden of what he did to my son as my son will have to carry the burden of what Nick did to him for the rest of his."

Graziano's sister, Christian Carson, addressed the court, explaining the family's loss in emotional detail and stating that to this day, Nick Hogan had yet to apologize or show any remorse for what had happened. She likened Graziano's current state to a never-ending open funeral.

Graziano's girlfriend Ashley Berry talked of future plans they talked talked about that will never come to pass and asked what type of friend brings skateboards and Nerf guns into a hospital to play as their friend is unable to breath in an ICU unit. She said that her boyfriend was safer on the streets of Iraq than he was on the streets where Nick Hogan was driving. She said that anything less than the fullest criminal punishment will have no effect on Nick, who needed to be held accountable. She said that it was time for Nick to step up and understand what he had done.

Graziano's mother then spoke to the court. He said that her statement was not motivated by anger or revenge. She talked of going to see her son and her jump of excitement when he moves his eyes towards her or being able to breath without a tube. She said that such a large part of his brain was removed, that he could never, ever be the same John again. She said that at the time of the accident, she was unaware that Hulk was in the car when Nick was once pulled over for speeding over 100 mph or that Linda Hogan was bragging about racing on a video. She said that she has never received an apology from the Hogan family and within weeks, Nick was "bragging about looking for sponsors on his website, with just a post-script about John." She said that an adjudication of guilt is necessary to make sure that this is never forgotten by Hogan because it is important that Hogan has a lasting impression on the incident. She asked for at least 6 months to a year in jail, plus probation and additional monitoring without being able to end it early. She asked that he be forced to serve the type of community service that cannot be used to "boost his own ego, such as speaking at schools" but instead, hard labor.


The entire Hogan family were present at the Pinellas County courthouse, arriving together. Linda and Brooke Hogan sat together, with Linda's mother sitting between Brooke and Hulk. Hulk, who was carrying a copy of the book "The Power of Now - The Power of Spiritual Enlightenment" sat quietly praying with his hands folded during parts of the proceedings. Hulk and Linda did confer together with Nick's attorneys during the proceedings.

Hulk Hogan, addressed the court before the sentencing. He thanked the court and the Grazianos for allowing him to speak on his son's behalf. Hogan said that he considered John Graziano like "a son" and considered him "another member of the family." Hogan said he understands how devastating the entire situation has been for the entire family. He said that what many don't understand is that while it pales in comparison to the Grazianio's pain, is that his Hogan has suffered and been torn apart. Hogan said that when Graziano had issues with his father, he spent days, sometimes "weeks at a time" with the Hogans. He said that Graziano spent the last night before he went back into service in Iraq with the Hogans and that he had gone on family vacations with them as well.

Hogan said that when he arrived at the scene of the accident, he thought both boys had died and that they were blessed that both survived. He said that his son's focus since the accident has been what can he do to help John and to have John back in his life. Hogan said that he spoke to John's mother a few days ago on the phone and he still refuses to accept anything less than praying for John's full recovery.

Hogan noted that it wasn't easy for Nick to follow in the shadow of a celebrity father or being part of a celebrity family. Hogan said that Nick has been unfairly attacked by the media because of his on-air persona on television. Hogan said that their VH-1 show was "a scripted show, even though it was presented as a reality show" and Nick has been attacked for being that on-air persona. He said that no matter his physical appearance, Nick is still just a 17 year old boy and one that had just turned 17 at the time of the accident. Hogan asked that the judge not make his son a convicted felon. He said that he doesn't want Nick to be treated differently than anyone else, but also doesn't want him treated more harshly because his father is a celebrity. He said the Hogan family will never give up on John Graziano and asked the court not to give up on Nick.

Linda Hogan then addressed the court. She called the incident "heart-breaking" and that Graziano was like a big brother to Nick and Brooke. She said that Graziano lifted the spirits of their home and that they were a clan of friends in the home, but not there's just an air of sadness in their home. She said that Nick has been deeply saddened to see Graziano hurt. She cried as she said, "My son never meant to hurt his best friend and he would have changed places with him if he could." She said that no matter what sentence Nick is given, he will live with the sadness for the rest of the life and will never be the same without Graziano "by his side." She said, "These were two friends that were having the time of their lives."

A letter from Nick's grandfather (Linda's father), who was a former Los Angeles police officer, was read by Nick's attorney. Sean Schumura, speaking for the J&J Recovery Fund charity, explained that he came to speak on his home, not on the behalf of the family. He said that he never knew Nick before the accident and that Nick had gotten involved on his own to help their charities and "that no one has done more to help The National Wave." He said that the loss of Nick would be "detrimental effect to the money being raised" by the charity.

Brooke Hogan told the court that she was there to speak on behalf of neither side, because Nick was her blood brother while John was her brother as well. She said she wasn't there to smooth things over or to be sweet, but just to set the record straight. She said that from the day John met Nick, they were extensions of the other. She said Graziano was her best friend and confidante. Brooke, who cried through her statement, said that Graziano was a wonderful person, who was thoughtful and kind and wouldn't have spent time with Nick if Nick wasn't the same. She said that if John was there, he would say the same. She said that these were two boys who were friends and now there are two families that have heartbreak. She intimated that some who spoke on John's behalf now were not there for John in the past and were after "superficial" things. Brooke said, "This is why I hate being a celebrity and why they say money is the root of all evil."

A letter that John Graziano's mother Debbie Graziano wrote to the St. Petersburg media in the days following the accident discussing Nick's heartbreak and the Hogan family's support for her was also read to the court before the sentencing. It was explained that the Hogans have supported her financially in the days since the accident, including furnishing a condominium so she could be closer to Graziano and even helping financially with the funeral of her father.

None of the national cable news networks carried the proceedings live. A video of the proceedings was carried live by gossip website TMZ.com.


05-10-2008, 05:16 AM
Prior to his sentencing, Nick spoke directly to the court, stating "The man I looked up to" was injured in the car accident. He said that he looked up to Graziano as a brother. He said that he misses being around John every day, all the time.

since the accident, he has tried to do as much as he can to become a better person and has gotten involved in charities that have raised $60,000

Graziano's girlfriend Ashley Berry talked of future plans they talked talked about that will never come to pass and asked what type of friend brings skateboards and Nerf guns into a hospital to play as their friend is unable to breath in an ICU unit.

Do you guys think that he really cares about what happened?


05-10-2008, 05:45 AM
He should have got the 5 years he was facing the whole hogan family is messed up.

05-10-2008, 06:51 AM
Do you guys think that he really cares about what happened?


Most probably not ... good to see him doing time, he might wake up to himself

Dangerous Incorporated
05-10-2008, 07:19 AM
What does this have to do WWE?

Ill Will
05-10-2008, 08:36 PM
What does this have to do WWE?

I ask the same question every time crap like this is posted in the WWE news section.

The answer: absolutely nothing