View Full Version : JR Comments on Torrie, Helms, Lashley, Angle and More

05-11-2008, 12:07 AM
Source: jrsbarbq.com

It was not really a major surprise that lovely Torrie Wilson was released from the WWE this week, as Torrie’s chronic back issues were becoming problematic. Torrie has had an outstanding run in the business and came along in a timely fashion and had some really nice years financially with WCW and WWE. Torrie was a tomboy at heart and was much more athletic than many fans realized. I remember booking a live event card once in her home town of Boise, Idaho and thanks to Torrie’s efforts doing media, the live event over achieved. She was a great interview and there wasn’t a male DJ in the world that didn’t love having her as an in-studio guest. Torrie had a great physical presence in the ring while her Playboy experiences were some of the hottest that any WWE Diva ever did. Torrie was always a good sport and worked diligently for the WWE during my days in the corporate tower. She even endured the TV storyline of her father, Al Wilson, and all that entailed. Finally, she was the first to remind me that her Boise State football team spanked my Oklahoma Sooners in the famous Fiesta Bowl that has been replayed seemingly a million times on a variety of media outlets. Was I angry at her remarks? Are you kidding me? Who could stay angry at one of the nicest ladies ever in the WWE? Sure as hell not me and especially not over a football game. Whenever Torrie decides to settle down, some lucky man is definitely going to "out kick his coverage".

Gregory "Hurricane" Helms did the smart thing by not over reacting to a negative situation that occurred in, what I understand, a sports bar after 1 a.m. recently. Gregory is a very bright young man who is still on the mend, but he used common sense in not getting involved in any physicality, even though the other guy probably deserved to have his ass kicked. The "nothing good after midnight" rule applies here, but I do applaud Helms for using discretion as the media would have loved to have had another negative wrestling story to headline the TMZ’s of the world.

Gasp….Floyd Mayweather did not actually get $20M for his fight at WM24 or so we have been told…the boxing media, always known to never "hype" an event is appalled, pray tell. I don’t know exactly what "Money" made for the fight, but I assure you he was pleased and who’s to say that the monies he negotiated won’t be flowing in for a while longer?

The media and others exaggerate numbers every day….have you been keeping up with the Presidential race and some of the news outlets’ outlandish polls?

I recently read where wrestling websites exist solely on the back of the WWE, which I find perplexing. I don’t necessarily agree with that assessment, but everyone has a right to their opinion. Without the WWE there is lots of other wrestling to cover globally, not to mention the ever growing mixed martial arts biz.

The stock market baffles me, which is probably why I am not overly invested in that medium. The WWE had a strong, or at least it seemed strong to me, quarterly result but their stocked dropped which doesn’t do yours truly any favors.

I did not solely create the idea of the WWE Legends Video Game, but thru the Legend’s Program that I did help launch, the video game concept was an idea I floated around the WWE about 10 years ago. It was akin to always wondering what it would be like for, say, Roger Clemens pitching to Mickey Mantle in a baseball video game. Now wrestling fans will be able to book some amazing dream matches with many of the greats that will be featured on the Legends Video Game. Yes, some old timers won’t want to be a part of the process, but what can one do? Those veterans who want to help other old timers who did not plan for their future or drank their future away, etc would be well served to be a part of the video game and donate their earnings to those more needy, if that was there mindset. At least the Austin vs. Hogan match could be booked on the Legends Video Game.

Speaking of video games, I hear thru the video game world that the multiple postponements of the TNA video game is highly unusual, which will lead some to believe that there are issues. Hopefully there are none, but multiple false starts does raise an eyebrow or two.

I can’t be sure why certain things jump into my mind, but this morning I thought about when I used to travel with Don "The Spoiler" Jardine, whose car was always immaculate and smelled so fresh, which was a contrast to the cigar stained, beer spill odors of so many other wrestlers. Don always had classical music on the radio, as well, and gave me a great education of what it took to be a great, wrestling villain. More people who have had long, productive careers in the wrestling business had one common denominator and that was that they worked the territories and were able to exchange ideas and philosophies on long car trips. It’s amazing what happens when one doesn’t have access to a cell phone, etc. A conversation actually takes place.

I read where Kurt Angle has been having more neck problems, which gives me cause for genuine concern. Getting that "one more match" and then "another match" out of a flawed body is flirting with disaster. I have great respect for Kurt’s athletic ability and helped hire him in the WWE and I hope he doesn’t stick around as a wrestler for one match too many. Especially when he has so many other skills that have little to do with putting on a singlet and risking his long term health.

As reported here several weeks ago, it was inevitable that the talk would start about a MMA bout between Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley. No matter what either man says, they are in the world of earning a living one fight at a time, as a rule, and this fight, if properly built over time, would be one I definitely would purchase and the sports world would talk about because both men have ample, international name identity thanks to the WWE. I think this one is a year or more away, but if Lesnar can get on a roll, and I think he can, and if Lashley is carefully booked in the early stages of his MMA career this match could be a super attraction.

Upon talking to Gerald Brisco recently, I asked him to tell me what he recalled about the time that Lesnar and Angle had an impromptu match in South Dakota many years ago. I watched it from ringside and didn’t think that either man had a decided advantage for any extended length of time but Gerald remembers that it was Angle that got the better of the situation on that occasion. This is one of those stories that will grow and be embellished as the years go by.

We all should keep RVD’s wife Sonja in our prayers during her battle with colon cancer. This is one fight that I can relate to and Sonja is a strong minded, Oklahoma girl who I have a strong feeling will overcome this obstacle in her life. Sonja is also one of the truly nice people I have had the privilege of meeting and is a great "wrestler’s wife".

For the record, I am not a fan of stripping any one of a title and feel that titles should be won and lost inside the ring. I know I am old school, I get reminded of that on a fairly regular basis, but that’s my story and I am sticking to it.

Don’t count out a Jeremy Shockey trade just yet as the Giants can perhaps now leverage a better deal than they could going into the 2008 draft. Shockey, one of the most talented tight ends in the NFL, seemingly wants to have a fresh start and New Orleans is still in the hunt or so I hear. But what do I know….Hell, I’m just a ‘rasslin announcer. :)

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Boomer Sooner!