View Full Version : Divas Offer Fit Tips For National Women's Health Week Thread

Black Widow
05-13-2008, 06:46 PM
WWE Divas are not only the Sexiest Women on Television, they’re some of the healthiest, too. May 11 through 17 is the 9th annual National Women’s Health Week in the United States. To mark the occasion, five Divas will offer WWE.com readers advice on health and wellness each day this week through Friday.

Tuesday, May 13: Health advice from WWE’s newest Diva, Natalya

Being a WWE Diva, we always have to be on our game. We always have to be in the gym watching what we eat and taking care of our bodies. A lot of the Divas here do yoga, Pilates and weight training — whatever it is that works for them. However, I’m a firm believer that not everything works for everyone. Find what works for you. Find what you like and then it won’t feel like work.

I am an avid runner, I love running. When I go back home to Canada, I go running a lot with my sister. We go on a beautiful bike trail and can run for 10 miles. It’s so beautiful because we’re right by the mountains and the Bow River, and it doesn’t feel like a work out. For me, running is almost an addiction. I just get that “runner’s high.” It makes me feel good for the rest of the day. It’s great.

Find a partner that you’ll stay committed to, because sometimes it’s easy to wake up in the morning and be like, “I don’t want to do it.” But if you have a partner, you don’t want to let them down.

Also, I think to take care of yourself is not to deprive yourself. … I think everything is OK in moderation. If you work hard and you want something, have it. That’s motivation to work out even harder. I just find that if you get too obsessive about anything, it will drive you nuts. So I think everything in moderation, do what you enjoy and it will never feel like work. And hopefully you’ll have a healthier lifestyle.

Monday, May 12: Women’s Champion Mickie James kicks it off on National Women’s Check-Up Day (May 12) with her advice

First, you have to love yourself because if you don’t, then how do you expect anyone else to love you?

Second, I would say for everyone, it’s important to be healthy. I’m big on going green right now, so try to recycle and be as environmentally friendly as possible.

I think that exercise is amazing for anyone and everyone. And people make a lot of excuses not to, like, “Oh, I don’t have time.” Well, you have to make time. I don’t often have the time, but I make it.

Even if you don’t want to go to the gym, just go for a run around your block or take your dog for a walk. Just go outside. Outdoors is the best environment to exercise in because the air is fresh and clean, and you can run around. I go to the gym sometimes and do an hour of cardio, and I break a sweat, but it’s not the same as if I run outside. I run outside for ten minutes and I’m dripping sweat. It’s totally different for your body and you can embrace this beautiful earth at the same time.


05-13-2008, 07:28 PM
Thanks for the read.

Black Widow
05-15-2008, 09:58 PM
WWE Divas are not only the Sexiest Women on Television, they’re some of the healthiest, too. May 11 through 17 is the 9th annual National Women’s Health Week in the United States. To mark the occasion, five Divas will offer WWE.com readers advice on health and wellness each day this week through Friday.

Thursday, May 15: Maria’s pearls of wisdom

I take Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a big deal. So is drinking enough milk, getting enough Vitamin D and protecting your bones with calcium. Women have to take care of their bones.

Also, constantly going to the gym is great. The more you go, the better it is. Even if you only get there for a half hour a day, it makes you feel better. Not only physically, but mentally as well. Just knowing that you’re trying your best.

When it comes to mental health, the greatest book that I’ve read lately is The Teachings of Buddha, by Jack Kornfield. It really tells you to live in the now and always remember that now is the most important thing you can work on. You have to release all the evils and all the things that might be bringing you down and focus on the things that are positive. The past is the past and the future is the future, but now is when you need to be happy. The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne, is another great book to read. It also gets you in tune with positive energy.

I stretch too. Stretching is very important for your body, especially as you get older and lose flexibility. It’s funny – this morning the Divas and I were in hot yoga, the same kind of yoga Madonna does. Think about it, how flexible is Madonna?! She just came out with a new CD and she looks amazing on the cover. She looked amazing in Vanity Fair, too, so she must be doing something right. (Read more about the Divas yoga experience at Trish Stratus’ yoga studio in Diva Dish.)

Try new things. Be different. Don’t ever settle for anything. Just keep challenging yourself.

Wednesday, May 14: Beth Phoenix’s tips for Glama-fans

The Glamazon sets the bar very high for the female body. I do have the most incredible physique of all the Divas, so I’m sure everybody is asking the question, “How can I look like you, Beth Phoenix?” Other than eating a healthy, clean, natural diet, women shouldn’t be intimidated to get into the gym to lift some weights. I know some women are afraid that if they weight train they are going to gain bulk and get really muscular and heavy. But that only happens to Glamazons. As far as weight training, it strengthens your bones, gives you healthy muscles and protects your joints.

I recommend that women eat healthy, weight train, do some cardiovascular training and as far as mental health goes, I think taking a break is important, too. Over-training can be a problem. It can definitely set you back farther than it can set you ahead. So definitely take that time to relax, kick your feet up and bask in the glow of all your hard work.
