View Full Version : SMACKDOWN REPORT: Results May 16th, 2008

Black Widow
05-17-2008, 08:16 PM
Sunday night is Judgment Day and we will get to see the Undertaker battle Edge for the World Heavyweight Title, but Vickie Guerrero has given her fiancé an advantage because That Submission Hold has been banned. Will Undertaker unveil That Submission Hold II this week to scare Edge or will we see Taker voice his anger at Vickie’s decision? Now that Cherry has been popped out of Deuce and Domino, what is next for her? Will Domino bring in another sister or will Maryse fill Cherry’s skates? How will Deuce cope with the loss of his girlfriend? What is next for the United States Champion?

We start off with a look back at Vickie Guerrero’s quest to take the title from Undertaker only to give the Undertaker a shot at the title that he was stripped of. We then see the ten men battle for a shot at the Undertaker only to see the eleventh (Steiner math allows eleven to be less than ten) man, Edge become the man to face Taker. We then see the glass case holding the belt explode when that darn indoor lightning struck.

We are live on tape from Grand Rapids, Michigan and your announcers are Michael ‘They’re GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT’ Cole and Mick ‘Buck needs work on his shilling’ Foley.

Edge emerges from the smoke with Vickie Guerrero and her substitute wheelchair driver Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, Chavo Guerrero, and Bam Neely and they come to the ring. Edge says that last week we witnessed a medical miracle. He did not think that he would be able to compete in the Championship Chase for the Chance to Face the Undertaker Until Something Devious Could Be Planned to Screw Them Over deal at the start of the night. After plenty of rest, some perseverance, and some green tea from Vickie, and support of his familia; he got clearance in the nick of time. Edge says that means that on Sunday he will beat the Undertaker. Undertaker has never beaten Edge without using the Illegal Choke Hold, but he will not be able to use that hold on Sunday. Edge will be the new World Champion.

Edge is interrupted by the music for Vickie’s regular wheelchair driver, Teddy Long who makes his way to the ring. Teddy apologizes for being late and Vickie wants to know where Teddy has been because she has been trying to contact him all day long. Vickie asks Teddy who he thinks he is coming to the show late and interrupting Edge. Vickie reminds Teddy that he assists her and when she calls, he answers. Teddy is the first to arrive and the last to go home. Vickie says that they will finish this conversation in the office and she tells Teddy to stay there. Teddy tells Vickie that he was late because he was in Stamford, Connecticut at the WWE Headquarters. Teddy says that he was summoned there to meet with the Board of Directors. They had questions about Vickie’s decision to strip the Undertaker of his title. Teddy says that they wanted to meet with Vickie, but she blew off the appointment. Vickie says that she had other business commitments. Teddy answered all of their questions to the best of their ability, including questions about Edge and how the relationship affected her decisions. Vickie says that it has nothing to do with her fiancé. She does everything for the betterment of Smackdown. Teddy says that the board sees things a little differently. Teddy has something for Vickie from the Board of Directors and he was asked to deliver it publicly.

Teddy reads the letter and it says that due to her recent actions on Smackdown, including stripping Undertaker of the World Title, they have decided to take disciplinary or action against her. Teddy says that the Board has given her a choice. Either she competes in her first wrestling match tonight to keep her position or you will be removed as the General Manager of Smackdown. Teddy tells Vickie that he knows someone who can handle the job perfectly. Vickie says that she cannot believe that Teddy went behind her back so she fires Teddy. Teddy tells Vickie that she cannot fire him because he quits.

Teddy leaves the ring and before he leaves the arena, he tells Vickie that she will be facing the Undertaker. We go to commercial.

We are back and we see highlights of the feud between Chuck Palumbo and CM Punk.

Match Number One: CM Punk versus Chuck Palumbo
They lock up and Palumbo with knees and punches instead of a clean break. Palumbo chops Punk. Punk with a side head lock take down for a near fall. Palumbo runs Punk into the corner and hits a number of shoulders while Punk tries to punch Palumbo. Palumbo with an Irish whip and Punk floats over and he connects with a series of punches to Palumbo. Punk with a kick and forearms to Palumbo. Palumbo with a back elbow but he charges at Punk and Punk drops down and Palumbo goes to the floor. Punk hits a tope on Palumbo and they are near the motorcycle. They return to the ring and Palumbo with a punch to Punk for a near fall. Palumbo with a reverse chin lock followed by knees to the back. Palumbo returns to the reverse chin lock. Punk with punches but Palumbo with a knee and slam. Palumbo misses an elbow drop but Punk with a kick to the head and legs. Palumbo misses a charge into the corner and Punk with a rollup for a two count. Punk with an enzuigiri that backs Palumbo into the corner. Punk with the running knee followed by the bulldog for a two count. Palumbo with forearms to Punk but Punk with a spin kick and Palumbo goes down hard. Punk goes to the apron for the springboard clothesline but he can only get a two count. Punk with kicks to the arm but Palumbo catches the leg on the third attempt and Palumbo with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Palumbo tries for a suplex but Punk floats over and gets Palumbo up for the GTS but Palumbo sends Punk into the turnbuckles. Palumbo charges into a boot and Punk goes for a cross body but Palumbo catches him and he hits a fallaway slam but he can only get a two count. Punk send Palumbo shoulder first into the ring post and then Punk hits the GTS for the three count.
Winner: CM Punk

We go to Vickie’s office and she is with Edge and Chavo. Montel Vontavious Porter enters the office. Porter asks if the Championship Chase charade last week was complete BS or just mostly BS. Fit Finlay enters the office and he tells Edge that everything that he said about MVP was right, but he wants to ask for some green tea for Hornswoggle. Big Show enters the office and he applauds Edge and Vickie. He says that he was ready to face the Undertaker until they pulled the scam on them. Now Vickie will be facing the Undertaker and Edge is going to lose his meal ticket. Vickie reminds Show that she is the General Manager, but Show asks Vickie what will she be when the Undertaker is done with her. Vickie reminds them that she is still in charge. Vickie tells MVP to find a partner to face Big Show and Fit Finlay.

All of the non-members of La Familia leave and Chavo reminds Vickie and Edge that he was a part of the Championship Chase too. Chavo wanted to know if he was going to be a part of the plan or was he a pawn like everyone else. Vickie says that they need to make a plan. Chavo emphasizes that the plan needs to be put devised TOGETHER. We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Michelle McCool versus Layla El
Michelle with an arm drag but Layla with a kick. Michelle with another arm drag and then she catapults Layla into the turnbuckles and then Michelle turns it into a rollup for a near fall. Layla with forearms but Michelle with a drop toe hold followed by a step over toe hold and Michelle bridges. Layla turns it into a side head lock and take down. Michelle works on the leg and hits an atomic drop on the leg. Michelle continues to work on the leg. Michelle with a heel hook and Layla eventually taps out.
Winner: Michelle McCool

If you didn’t think the Edge/Undertaker/GoGoGadgetPlata video packages have not been done to death, we see the Shawn Michaels did he or didn’t he injure his knee clip from Backlash. We will hear from Batista when we return from this commercial break.

We are back and Batista comes to the ring. Batista says that he did not think he would have to come out and talk about Shawn Michaels any more, but he was watching Raw and we go to the footage of Shawn Michaels admitting that he lied about his injury and the super kick on Chris Jericho. We return to live on tape action and Batista says that he is glad that Shawn’s knee is better. Batista points out that Shawn’s knee was never hurt. He reminds Shawn that if he was not really hurt, the next time he saw Shawn, Shawn would be hurt. He says that since Shawn will be at Judgment Day and since he does not have any plans, he might be there too. We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Big Show and Fit Finlay with Hornswoggle versus Montel Vontavious Porter and Mark Henry
Finlay and Porter start things off and Porter goes for the leg as they battle on the mat. Finlay backs Porter into the corner and Porter with punches on the break. Finlay with a drop toe hold into a front face lock and suplex for a near fall. Porter with a kick and punch before slamming Finlay’s head into the turnbuckle and kicks. Finlay with a thrust to the throat and a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Finlay with a nerve hold and then he works on Porter’s face with an elbow. Porter punches and kicks Finlay on the break but Finlay with a single leg take down. Show tags in and Porter backs up quickly. Porter with a punch and then he backs up to tag in Mark Henry. Henry and Show lock up and they go to a stalemate. They lock up again and Henry with a side head lock. Henry tries for a shoulder tackle and Show stays on his feet. Show with a side head lock on Henry but Show takes Henry down with a shoulder tackle. Henry tags in Porter and Porter is brought into the ring by Show. Show with a head butt and then he stands on Porter in the corner. Finlay is tagged back in and he punches Porter followed by the short arm clotheslines and boots to the chest. Finlay with a European uppercut and punches to Porter but the referee separates them since they were in the corner. Porter with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot from Finlay and then Finlay with a body block that takes Porter down to the mat. Finlay goes up top and Henry tries to stop him but Finlay kicks him away. The referee admonishes Henry and that allows Porter to hit a running boot that knocks Finlay off the turnbuckles and to the floor.

Henry runs Finlay into the apron before rolling him back into the ring. Porter with forearms to Finlay followed by a rear chin lock. Henry tags in and he stands on Finlay’s chest. Henry throws Finlay to the mat and then he tags in Porter. Porter with a forearm to the back. Finlay tries to make the tag but Porter keeps him from making the tag. Porter with a kick and then Finlay gets his foot under the rope. Porter continues to keep Finlay from making the tag and then Henry is tagged in again. Henry with a head butt to Finlay followed by a kick to the ribs. Porter is tagged back in and he applies a cravate on Finlay. Porter with a knee and snap mare but he misses a knee drop. Show tags in and he hits clotheslines on Porter followed by an Irish whip but Porter moves out of the way when Show charges into the corner. Show stops short, but he does not see Henry hit a splash from behind. Henry charges at Finlay and he goes gingerly over the top rope to the floor when Finlay drops down. Porter with a forearm to Finlay. Porter charges at Show but Show grabs Porter by the throat and gets the three count after a choke slam.
Winners: Big Show and Fit Finlay

After the match, Henry has some words for Show as he walks to the back.

Edge and Vickie are in Vickie’s office and Edge tells Vickie that it needs to be the whole family. Vickie says that is okay. Vickie addresses the Board of Directors and she says that she is dismayed at their decision. She knows that she is doing a good job. She is a woman in a male dominated business. This is difficult for her and she is a pioneer and a role model for many women. Vickie reminds us that she is the caretaker for the Guerrero legacy. She wonders why they treat her like that. She cannot overrule their decision and cancel the match, but she can change it. The Undertaker will face her, Chavo Guerrero, Bam Neely, Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, and Edge in a six-on-one handicap match. We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Funaki versus Vladimir ‘No Gimmicks or Music Necessary’ Kozlov
Kozlov with a front face lock on Funaki and a take down as he turns his attention to Funaki’s arm. Kozlov with a throw while keeping the arm bar and he turns it into a key lock. Kozlov with a wrist lock. Funaki with punches to Kozlov but Kozlov with a head butt to the midsection to take Funaki down. Funaki with punches followed by a back kick but Kozlov throws Funaki into the corner with a boot. Kozlov chokes Funaki with his boot and then he hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Kozlov hits the inverted DDT for the three count.
Winner: Vladimir Kozlov

We go to commercial and the graphic of Vickie Guerrero is a lot happier because she has five people with her to face the Undertaker.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Cherry being kicked out of Deuce and Domino in favor of Maryse.

Match Number Five: Cherry versus Maryse with Deuce and Domino
Maryse pushes Cherry and face washes her into the corner, but Cherry with a kick and forearms. Cherry with an Irish whip into the corner and Cherry with a kick and neck breaker for a two count. Cherry goes to the second turnbuckle but Domino gets on the apron and Cherry goes back to the mat. Maryse misses a clothesline and Cherry with a rollup. Maryse with a drop toe hold that sends Cherry into the ropes. Maryse slams Cherry’s head into the mat followed by a kick and then she chokes Cherry in the ropes. Maryse with a cravate and then she slams Maryse’s head into the mat. Cherry with a series of forearms to Maryse. Maryse with an Irish whip and then she eventually charges into the corner but she is met with an elbow from Cherry. Cherry with a bulldog for the three count.
Winner: Cherry

After the match, Deuce looks like he has some regrets about letting Cherry go. We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the card for Judgment Day.

We go to a video package previewing the Triple H/Randy Orton cage match so you don’t have to see it fifteen times during the pay per view.

We go to the back and Eve is with Matt Hardy and Kofi Kingston. Kofi says that he has always been a fan of the Hardys because they are high fliers and innovators. Kofi mentions the DVD and then he wishes Matt luck. Kofi and Eve leave, but that means that Shelton Benjamin appears on the other side of Matt. Shelton talks about the brown nosing session and Kofi did not mention that the Hardys are a thing of the past while the Gold Standard is the new wave of the future. Hardy says that if you want to talk about the past, then Kofi beat Shelton twice on ECW. Hardy also says that the Gold Standard currently has no gold, unless you count his hair and that does not count. Matt says that he will show why his gold standard is no joke. We go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Matt Hardy versus Shelton Benjamin in a Non-Title Match
They lock up and Benjamin backs Hardy into the corner before a clean break. They lock up again and Benjamin with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Shelton with a single leg trip into a waist lock and then he works on the arm with an arm bar into a key lock. Hardy with an Irish whip and running clothesline into the corner followed by a bulldog for a near fall. Hardy tries for a Side Effect but Benjamin blocks it with elbows and then he hits a gourdbuster for a near fall. Benjamin with kicks to the midsection followed by a knee to the midsection. Benjamin tries for Paydirt but Hardy blocks it. Hardy tries for the Twist of Fate but Benjamin counters and he puts Hardy on the top rope. Benjamin kicks Hardy in the ribs and hits a back breaker for a near fall. Benjamin with a seated abdominal stretch. Hardy gets out of the hold and hits a crucifix drop for a two count but Benjamin with a rollup for a two count as well. Benjamin with a head butt to the solar plexus for a two count. Benjamin with a body scissors but Hardy gets out of the hold with elbows. Benjamin with a kick to the midsection. Hardy hits a clothesline and both men are down. Hardy with a punch followed by a running clothesline but Hardy cannot hit the bulldog. Hardy does hit the Side Effect for a near fall. Benjamin with a dragon whip and both men are down again. Benjamin charges into an elbow and Hardy goes to the turnbuckles, but Benjamin with a boot to the midsection. Hardy counters a suplex with a Twist of Fate for the three count.
Winner: Matt Hardy

Cole and Foley talk about the main event six-on-one match. In case you missed the first part of the show, we recap it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see the opponents for the Undertaker come to the ring, but Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely go to the back.

Match Number Seven: Edge, Vickie Guerrero, Bam Neely, Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, and Chavo Guerrero versus Undertaker
Edge, Hawkins, and Ryder protect Vickie as the bell rings. Hawkins runs into a boot from Taker while Ryder gets a punch for his troubles. Hawkins and Ryder save Vickie but Taker still fights off Hawkins and Ryder. All three men attack Taker but when Edge leaves the battle, Taker controls Hawkins and Ryder. Vickie screams in fear as Taker backs Edge towards her. Time for another three-on-one attack. Edge directs the attack on Taker. Taker has Edge by the throat but Hawkins and Ryder attack Taker from behind. Taker tries for the Unnamed Submission Hold-Plata but Edge gets out of the attempt and Hawkins and Ryder pounce on Taker. Taker sends Hawkins and Ryder out of the ring and then he does the same to Edge. Taker is alone in the ring with Vickie but Hawkins and Ryder return quickly. Taker with a double choke slam. Instead of getting the win, he goes after Vickie and he grabs Vickie by the throat and Edge hits a spear. Edge gets Vickie out of the ring as Taker sits up.

We go to credits.
