View Full Version : NWA Upstate Results - Henrietta, NY -5/17, Featuring AJ Styles

Flair Country
05-20-2008, 02:48 PM
NWA Upstate FINALLY returned to action after a three-month absence Saturday May 17th at the Minett Hall in Henrietta, New York for it's four year anniversary show, Anniversary Anarchy IV. With everything that went down at February Fallout and the various changes that were made leading up to and even before the show, this may have been the most highly anticipated show in Upstate history. Here's what went down.

"The Montgomery Madman" Sweet Lou defeated "The Rican Sensation" Maximo Suave (w/Luis Whiteshoes) & Coconut Jones (w/"Superbad" Richard Venice)
This was a contest of three different combatants with three unique styles. It was The Montgomery Madman & Coconut Jones double-teaming The Rican Sensation for most of the matchup. Suave, was able to fight back and seemed to have the match in hand until Lou delivered his "Confederate Crunch" piledriver for the victory.

Yoko-Dewey defeated The Dustytaker in a casket match
It was at February Fallout where Dewey challenged The Dustytaker to a casket match after costing Dustytaker to lose his first match in Upstate and attacking him after the match. In this contest, The Dustytaker seemed to have things well in hand after delivering a chokeslam to Dewey. But just as DT was about the slam the lid shut on Dewey and the match, a group of wrestlers only known as Dewey's Minions attacked Dustytaker and dragged him back him in as Dewey delivered a Bonzai Drop and threw a lifeless Dusytaker into the casket and shut the lid for the victory. After the match, Dusytaker rose up from the casket and went after Dewey and his minions as they hightailed it back to the dressing room.

Main Show
NWA Empire Tag Team Champions The McCloud Brothers defeated The Ring Crew Express (w/Nikki Jett), CloudLee, & NWA Upstate Tag Team Champions Rhythm & Booze (w/Col. Johnny Kayfabe) in a non-title four corners match
This was scheduled to be a three-way dance until CloudLee ("The Right Stuff" Brodie Lee & Cloudy) came out and interjected themselves into the match, making it a four corners match. It was The McClouds who came out on top as they delivered the Boston Massacre to Cloudy continuing their winning ways and putting CloudLee on the losing end once again. Toward the ends of the match, Rhythm & Booze and Col. Kayfabe walked out, shortly after The McClouds had them in trouble. Even though it was a non-title match, one has to wonder how long Buddy Delmar & Frank The Tank can avoid the fighting Irishmen from Boston.

"The Notorious BCL" Big Cat Lemmer defeated Spazz
The man mountain from Cincinnati who's had a change of attitude in recent months, continued his dominance with a convincing over Upstate's resident psycho, Spazz with a BCL Driver. This, however, wouldn't be the last fans would see or hear from The Notorious BCL during the show.

CloudLee defeated "American Angel" Sara Del Ray & Portia Perez
The match between Sara Del Ray & Portia Perez was interrupted by CloudLee, who came out for the second time to interrupt a scheduled match. Brodie Lee grabbed the mic and said that he and Cloudy were not leaving Anniversary Anarchy as losers and were going to end losing streak tonight. The two then saw Del Ray & Perez and challenged them to a tag match. The two stars from Shimmer put up a game fight, but in the end it was CloudLee getting the win hitting their Cloudy Killer on Perez for the victory. After the match, it looked as if CloudLee were going to continue the onslaught until The McClouds and The Ring Crew Express came out to run them off. As sickening and despicable as it may be, it looks as if CloudLee is back on the winning track.

"The Bull of Black Mountain" Gabe Saint defeated Cheech in a relaxed rules match to win the NWA Upstate No Limits Title
This would be the final match between two of Upstate's top stars who have been feuding over the No Limits Title for almost a year. And because of what's happened in their previous matches and to decide a clear-cut winner, Upstate officials made this a "relaxed rules" match in which there would be no time-limit and no countout.
This was another hard-fought physical battle between these two bitter rivals. But this time, it was Gabe Saint hitting his "Down The Sun" frog splash for the victory and finally winning the No Limits Title that has eluded from almost a year. Cheech, distraught over the loss, grabbed the belt at first but would eventually hand Saint the title and shake hands in a great show of respect and sportmanship.

Triple X, Super Assassin, Mastiff & NWA Empire Champion Jonny Puma defeated The Star Foundation (Starrider, Platinum, Rip Impact, & Loca Vida)
This was a eight-man tag team war that saw yet another Upstate team get off the schnide and gain some momentum with a victory as Triple X and Super Assassin hit their "X Marks The Spot" DDT on Loca Vida for the victory. Despite being cheered now by Upstate fans, Starrider and his charges found themselves on the losing side and with Star Foundation member "Fabulous" John McChesney out of action after being attacked by Ricky Reyes at February Fallout, one has to wonder where the Star Foundation will go from here.

Before the next match, Zaquary Springate and J.D. Love, representing 2CW, came out to interrupt the festivities. Love grabbed the mic and said that Upstate fans didn't compare to 2CW fans and that "a cure for insomnia is their business" should be Upstate's new motto. Love continued his verbal assault until NWA Upstate owner "The Boss" Hellcat came out on crutches. Springate asked Hellcat what happened to him and that he must have had some kind of "unfortunate accident". Hellcat said they could act like they didn't know what happened to him, but this was his house and tonight he brought some backup. With that, Gabe Saint and Eric Everlast came out and cleared the ring of the 2CW contingent. Hellcat then said if he 2CW wanted a war they've got one and challenged 2CW to a War Games Cage Match for Upstate's next show June 28th.

"The Patrick Swayze of Professional Wrestling" Pepper Parks defeated "The Havana Pitbull" Ricky Reyes and "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles
This match marked the much-anticipated Upstate debut of AJ Styles against two of Upstate's hottest and top stars in Pepper Parks and Ricky Reyes and the Phenomenal One did not disappoint. AJ was perhaps on his way to victory as he went of a springboard forearm until Reyes shoved referee Andrew Mollon into the ropes knocking Styles off balance and down to the outside. With AJ out of the picture, Reyes thought he had things in hand but as he turned Parks was there and hit his Pepper Shaker neckbreaker for the victory. After the match, Styles and Parks shook hands to a standing ovation from the crowd as Reyes left the ring upset that his hot streak in Upstate came to an end in this high-profile match.

NWA Upstate Champion Danny Doring defeated Jimmy Olsen in a steel cage match
The main event saw Danny Doring and Jimmy Olsen do battle, but this time inside the confines of a steel cage. Once again it was Big Cat Lemmer making his presence felt as he and Doring attacked Olsen before the two even entered the cage. A bloodied and battered OIsen fought his way back and at one point, attempted to escape over the cage when Lemmer caught Olsen and held on making sure his feet didn't touch the floor before throwing him back in. Moments later, Olsen rolled up Doring and as Doring kicked out Lemmer slammed the door into Olsen's head. Sensing victory, the champion made his way over the cage but stopped to add insult to injury, hitting the challenger with own overbomb/piledriver finisher. After that, Doring grabbed the title and walked out through the door for the victory. Once again thanks to Big Cat Lemmer, Danny Doring has gotten the better of Jimmy Olsen and is still NWA Upstate Champion.
