View Full Version : RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 26th May, 2008

05-24-2008, 02:37 PM

Just 24 hours after Judgment Day, four blockbuster matches were announced for One Night Stand, the one night where the WWE goes extreme. Half of those matches came from the biggest upset of Monday night, when Randy Orton & JBL defeated WWE Champion Triple H & John Cena in a tag team competition, earning the right to challenge the The Game and the Chain Gang Soldier to singles matches with extreme stipulations of the challengers’ choosing.

JBL assured that his match will be as vicious as the self-proclaimed “wrestling god” can make it, by demanding a First Blood Match. Orton, however, will compete against Triple H for the WWE Championship in the same type of match in which he won the title last October: a Last Man Standing Match. Knowing the bad blood that still boils between these four competitors, what type of pre-battle tactics can we expect in the next two weeks leading up to One Night Stand?

Flowing out of the ongoing rivalry between Santino Marella and Hall of Famer “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, the cocky Italian Superstar ridiculed “Hot Rod” and his super-fan, Jimmy Kimmel’s Cousin Sal on Santino’s own version of Piper’s Pit. After Piper and Sal threw him from the ring, Marella challenged Cousin Sal to a match, which Piper promptly accepted on Sal’s behalf. When can we expect to see these two spicy Italians square off, and how might the kilted WWE Legend be involved in their confrontation?

Batista has a bone to pick with Shawn Michaels, and by defeating Chris Jericho on Raw last Monday, he earned the chance to take on The Showstopper at One Night Stand. The Animal is still angry about HBK faking a knee injury, but William Regal has assured that HBK and The Animal’s match will end with someone legitimately injured by making their contest a Stretcher Match. Shawn Michaels is a man who will do anything to win — how will he use the next two weeks to prepare for the raw power of The Animal?

Though much of the night’s talk was of One Night Stand on June 1, there was another shocking development Monday night. After being defeated by Mr. Kennedy in a Loser Gets Fired Match, William Regal has been relieved of his duties as General Manager of Raw. Regal has a successful wrestling career behind him, having been recently crowned King of the Ring, and even garnered praise from Mr. McMahon himself for his work as GM of Raw. Have we seen the last we see of this vicious British brawler? And who will step into his kingly shoes on the next Monday Night Raw?

For answers to these questions and more, tune in to Monday Night Raw at 9/8 CT on Memorial Day, only on USA Network!


Please feel free to discuss RAW here. No need to wait for updates!


RAW Results - 22nd May, 2008
Location -
Announcers - Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

The show opens with the usual tribute to the troops that WWE.

Vince tells us to listen to the excitement of the crowd. He reminds us that Regal was fired last week, then asks if the audience is getting what they deserve. He says the fans deserve appreciation and will even welcome input from the wrestlers. This appreciation could mean something never done in WWE before.

Todd Grisham welcomes Randy Orton and Triple H to the ring for a face off before their Last Man Standing Match at One Night Stand for the WWE Championship. Their entrances are too long.

Grisham's first question is for Orton. He says that Triple H had an extra match the night Orton beat him in a Last Man Standing, so why does Orton think he can win? Orton wants to know why he is a joke even though he has beat everyone who has gotten in his way. He says the laughter is over on Sunday. Trips says they are laughing because he is an ass. HHH says he is not laughing because he knows how good Orton is. HHH calls him a scared little boy in a man's world and if he says he is good enough times, maybe the "bad men will go away". Triple H says to be the best, you have to thrive against the best competition, and you have to rise to the occasion.

Orton gets upset and says HHH doesn't thrive, he makes threats friends, or he eliminates them. He befriends Shawn Michaels. He broke up Evolution when Orton won his first World Title. Trips says he and Flair helped Orton realize his potential, but when he got in the ocean, the sharks were his to deal with. It's every man for himself at the top.

Orton says it will be hard for HHH to say he is the best thing going when he loses at One Night Stand and is beaten until he can't get up. Orton starts to walk away, but HHH says that is not the last word. The last word is Sunday night. Either the Age of Orton continues or the last seven months were all for nothing. HHH is going to leave Orton lying in the ring and it will be like the Age of Orton never existed. He moves past Orton and gets onto the apron. He holds the belt in Orton's face. Commercial.

Beth Phoenix joins King and JR for commentary. Jillian Hall is already in the ring. She says she loves Melina, but she has to side with Beth when it comes to the victor of this Sunday's I Quit match.

Melina vs. Jillian Hall

Hall wastes no time and takes Melina to the mat, punching her. She whips Melina into the corner and hits a handspring elbow, then takes her to the mat for one. She pulls on Melina's hair. Jillian chokes her in the ropes. Melina takes down Beth for one. Melina with a dropkick that sends Jillian to the corner. She drives Jillian's face to the mat. Jillian puts Melina in a fireman's carry, but is rolled up by Melina for two. Melina applies a Muta Lock aka California Dreamin' for the submission victory.

Winner: Melina!

Chris Jericho is in the back with Vince. McMahon wants to know his idea. Jericho says the fans deserve to see a rematch of his match against Shawn Michaels tonight. Vince says it is on, but it is not for the IC Belt. Jericho says that Vince's theme needs a rock update. He then suggests a skat version, showing off his vocal abilities. Cryme Tyme walk in next. Vince tries to act black. Cryme Tyme have an idea...they want to auction off Regal's pictures. Auction auction, yeah yeah! Commercial.

Sadly, the auction took place over the break.

World Tag Team Championship Match: London & Kendrick vs. Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes (c)

London and Rhodes start. Cody gets him to the mat with a side headlock. London shoves him off, but runs into a dropkick. Kendrick tags in and they double dropkick Rhodes for two. Kendrick with a Crucifix for two. Rhodes whips Brian hard into the corner. He drives Kendrick into his corner and tags Holly in. Holly pounds him to the mat, then clotheslines Kendrick for two. He puts Kendrick in the corner and tags Cody back in. Rhodes with a double axe handle, and then he applies a waistlock on the mat. Kendrick gets to his feet and elbows out. He walks into a mule kick, but Rhodes misses a dive off the middle rope.

Holly and London tag in. London with a couple dropkicks and a rana. Spinning heel kick to Rhodes. Holly goes for an Alabama Slam, but Kendrick dropkicks him into a London pin for two. Spinning Heel Kick for two. Kendrick gets knocked out of the ring and then London takes Rhodes out. As he skins the cat, Holly hits an Alabama Slam for the win.

Winners: Bob Holly & Cody Rhodes!

After the match
Just as the pin is counted, The Million Dollar Man comes out and says their days are numbered. He introduces his son, Ted DiBiase. Junior comes out and says in his first match, he will become a champion. He puts Rhodes and Holly on notice, cause everybody has a price, but he is simply priceless.

Slam of the week is Santino getting some cake in his face courtesy of Cousin Sal. Their match is on...Smackdown? We get some clips of Sal training with Roddy Piper in LA. Piper asks him if he is ready, then he slaps him. Sal tries to beg off. Jimmy Kimmel walks in and asks how things are going. Piper clubs him like a baby seal. Kimmel joins in and tells Piper to try some unique moves, like the Paris Hilton and the Tickle Me Elmo. Piper stretches Sal. Jimmy says the entire Kimmel clan is depending on Sal. Piper puts him in a Sleeper Hold. While Sal is knocked out, Jimmy draws a mustache on his face, then goes off with Piper to eat.

Mickie's big idea is to have schools send in tapes of why they love RAW. The winning school gets a Diva for a day. Can non schools send tapes in? JBL makes an escort service joke. Awww man...why couldn't it be to Ashley (though it is clearly who it is meant for). JBL has some ringside memorabilia in mind. He says they can cut open the pieces of the mat that have John Cena's blood on it. JBL says that Mickie might not have exchanged blood, but she has exchanged other bodily fluids with Cena. Whatever turns you on (RIP Dick Martin!).

Several soldiers have messages for loved ones

John Cena & Jeff Harvey vs. Umaga & JBL

Cena and JBL start off. Cena is all fired up, but JBL opts to tag Umaga in before they face off. Ewww...close up of JBL's cellulite. I've never been more glad to not have HD. Cena goes for an early FU, but Umaga is too fresh. Umaga punches Cena in the corner. Cena dodges a charge and fights back for a pro Cena crowd. He goes for a cross body, but is driven to the mat for two. Commercial.

Cena tags in Hardy back from the break. He kicks Umaga, but is shoved off a Twist of Fate. He blocks and dodges a charge, then knocks JBL off the apron. Umaga takes advantage of the distraction and shoves him to the floor. JBL drives Hardy into the apron. Standing splash from Umaga for two. JBL comes in and knees Hardy in the corner. Abdominal stretch by JBL. He hits the kidneys with some forearms. Hardy makes the ropes to break it up. Boot to the head and elbow drop by JBL for two.

Hardy comes back with Whisper in the Wind and both men are down. Cena tags in and hits a Blue Thunder Driver, then clocks Umaga. 5 Knuckle Shuffle to JBL. Umaga shoves him. Hardy tags in, but misses a Swanton and gets nailed with a Clothesline from Hell by JBL for the loss.

Winners: Umaga & JBL!

Michaels is in the back with Vince. HBK has doubts about Vince doing anything...decent. Vince swears that he will show appreciation and even Shawn will have to give the devil his due. Michaels says Vince would know about that and walks off.

Several Denver Broncos are pointed out in the crowd before a video package that highlights the Mexican Tour.

Mr. Kennedy vs. Carlito

They lock up briefly. Carlito pounds Kennedy to the mat. He misses a springboard back elbow. Carlito blocks the Mic Check and gives Kennedy a neckbreaker for two. Kennedy gets choked in the ropes. Snapmare and chinlock by Carlito. Kennedy elbows out, but is put down again for a one count. Carlito with some lefts. Kennedy ducks and comes back with his own shots. Standing Green Bay Plunge for two. Kennedy with some bootscrapes. Carlito gets two with a powerslam. Carlito hits an elbow to Kennedy, but walks into a Mic Check as Kennedy wins.

Winner: Ken Kennedy!

Katie Lea comes out and says that not everyone is happy he got rid of Regal. Paul Burchill comes from behind and attacks Kennedy, hitting a neckbreaker. He says Regal was a great man, then hits a Curb Stomp.

Trevor Murdoch is regaling Vince his a country version of No Chance. Vince tells Murdoch that he wants every superstar in the ring after this next match.

Backlash recap and more soldiers and more commercials.

Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels

Michaels and Jericho go hold for hold. Wristlock by HBK. Jericho reverses and ten applies a side headlock. Hip toss by Michaels. Back elbow by Jericho right in the kisser. Jericho dives over the top, but Michaels gets out of the way. Commercial...come on, WWE!

Back from the break, Jericho has a chinlock applied on the mat. HBK fights back and chops Jericho. Back slide by Michaels for two. Step up enziguri by Jericho for two. Jericho with some charges in the corner. He then puts the boots to HBK before choking him. Michaels shoves Jericho off a bulldog into the corner. Inverted atomic drop and a chop, followed by a flying forearm. HBK nips up, but Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho. Inside cradle by HBK for two. Jericho clotheslines him, but misses the Lionsault. HBK goes to the top, but doesn't connect with the diving elbow. Jericho goes for the Codebreaker, but Michaels holds the ropes to send him off. Jericho ducks the Sweet Chin Music and applies the Walls of Jericho. HBK struggles, but makes the ropes. Jericho stomps him and the ref pushes him off. Jericho, knowing what happened in the match he refereed, hesitates and kicks Michaels out of the ring. On the floor, Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho again, resulting in a double count out. Lame finish aside, this is as good as it gets for tv these days.

After the bell rings, Jericho drops an elbow across Michaels back, then applies the Walls of Jericho again. He grabs a steel chair, but doesn't do anything with it as HBK looks up at him. Jericho offers his hand and Michaels takes it. Jericho puts the chair down and walks off. Color me intrigued.

Vince walks to the ring for his big announcement.

The entire roster is on the stage as Vince McMahon comes out. He says the crowd deserves NEW. They deserve every superstar converging for the draft in four weeks. But wait, there's more! He says it's all about the money. What if he were to give away cash money every week during RAW. Like a thousand dollars. Even ten. Maybe even one hundred thousand dollars. Will that get ratings up? Vince says each and every week, from his own personal bank account, he is going to give away one million dollars. No word on whether that is a grand total or what. All the details have yet to be worked out.

05-25-2008, 04:30 PM
EDIT: I have placed spoiler tags aorund your post, I thought it was better to have them for it, if it is true lol. - LionDen

New GM named.

teddy long is the new Raw Gm....

05-26-2008, 07:55 PM
Well, I thought it would be him but I really was hoping that he would replace Vicki Guerrero some time. Guess we will see tonight but I do not find this shocking, I hope Vince has something else to shock us with.

Black Widow
05-26-2008, 10:08 PM
aww noooo he suckes i wanted shane to come back and be gm :(

05-27-2008, 01:10 AM
Major RAW Spoilers For Tonight, More:
Tonight on RAW:

A Triple H-Randy Orton face-off will open RAW tonight.

John Cena and Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga and JBL.

Vince McMahon appears live.

I expect a new General Manager of RAW to be announced. Teddy Long? Or someone else.

Roddy Piper is there so that storyline continues.

Note- I heard possible rumours Stone Cold could be the new GM, not sure how accurate that is.

Source: Wrestlezone

05-27-2008, 02:45 AM
Wow, RAW's been good so far IMO. I'm really looking forward to Ted DiBiase's son in the ring because he was good on the mic. The only thing that looks to be crap so far is the main event. WWE is copying TNA and trying to make their women's division better, which I like since they're using their talented women instead of garbage like Kelly Kelly. The Melina/Beth feud is going good, I just don't like Melina turning face but she's getting a huge face response so I guess it works. I definitely have to watch the I Quit women's match, that is the first one with women right? Oh and I like the feud they're starting with Paul Burchill and Kennedy, should be good.

PS: I'm seeing Vince changing his theme to the one released on the album.

05-27-2008, 06:23 AM
RAW was not to bad, a bit stale. How does a double count out occur, one wrestler usually always leaves earlier than the other and since they count in seconds, it can be 1 second in front of the other wrestler and he would lose.

I can not wait to see what the competition will be for the money, I am guessing it is for someone in the crowd although he did bring all the wrestlers to the ring, why would he do that if it was for someone in the crowd, anyway, he does not really say. I wonder if he will say more on ECW tomorrow night, I hope so.

05-27-2008, 04:21 PM
Wow, RAW's been good so far IMO. I'm really looking forward to Ted DiBiase's son in the ring because he was good on the mic. The only thing that looks to be crap so far is the main event. WWE is copying TNA and trying to make their women's division better, which I like since they're using their talented women instead of garbage like Kelly Kelly. The Melina/Beth feud is going good, I just don't like Melina turning face but she's getting a huge face response so I guess it works. I definitely have to watch the I Quit women's match, that is the first one with women right? Oh and I like the feud they're starting with Paul Burchill and Kennedy, should be good.

PS: I'm seeing Vince changing his theme to the one released on the album.

Just because they are focusing on Melina and Beth doesn't mean they are "copying TNA". I don't know why you would say that now, I mean, they just had a fued with Mickie and Beth, two gifted wrestlers, and even back in the day before TNA they had the Trish and Mickie fued, as well as Trish and Lita. It's not out of the ordinary for two good girl wrestlers to fued, and when it does, that doesn't mean that they are copying TNA.

Also, no GM mentioned. So much for those alleged rumors. Just goes to show that you can never believe those.

05-27-2008, 09:05 PM
I have to agree, WWEs women division has been good for a while. Beth Phoenix has done good with the division and I do not believe they are trying to copy TNA. IMO WWEs divas are better looking than TNAs knockouts also :) lol If anything, TNA is trying to copy WWE. I remember when TNA started again and they said they would never use women the way WWE uses them lol. I remember postnig that they are full of shit then.

05-27-2008, 09:11 PM
^ Uh, I meant that the women's division was garbage until Mickie got the title, before that it was "Playboy CoverGirl" garbage:no:

05-28-2008, 04:13 AM
^ Uh, I meant that the women's division was garbage until Mickie got the title, before that it was "Playboy CoverGirl" garbage:no:

You do realize that most of the time the "playboy covergirl" thing was going on, it was concentrated to Maria and Santino, while Mickie and Beth had their little fued with Mickie getting frustrated she couldn't win. The other diva's only got involved in the playboy angle like...three weeks before wrestlemania. Before that, it was Candice and Beth or Mickie and Beth, with the focus on good wrestling.

But, by all means, WWE stopped their one month long diversion to try to promote playboy, they MUST be copying TNA!!! Well said. :rolleyes:

05-28-2008, 04:49 AM
^ Mickie and Beth's feud was extremely small, if even present. After that PPV with the Elimination Chamber when Mickie had her title shot at Beth and lost, the Mickie/Beth feud was silenced until after WM24. They wasted their time promoting Playboy instead of the women's division(or the women who could actually wrestle) and even Trish(who I agree completely with) said that Mickie and Beth should have had a title match and the Playboy garbage could have happened like third match. That way they could have promoted Playboy and gave the women a real match.

05-28-2008, 05:26 PM
^ Mickie and Beth's feud was extremely small, if even present. After that PPV with the Elimination Chamber when Mickie had her title shot at Beth and lost, the Mickie/Beth feud was silenced until after WM24. They wasted their time promoting Playboy instead of the women's division(or the women who could actually wrestle) and even Trish(who I agree completely with) said that Mickie and Beth should have had a title match and the Playboy garbage could have happened like third match. That way they could have promoted Playboy and gave the women a real match.

Well, duh they should have had a woman's title match, but it's WWE and you know every wrestlemania they promote playboy. They tried to make it a tag team with three great female wrestlers carrying Maria, but then Candice got hurt, putting Ashley in the match. What I am saying is that having a month long diversion then returning to quality wrestling does NOT mean they copied TNA by returning to quality wrestling.

05-29-2008, 10:49 PM
I enjoyed raw a lot, i live in liverpool england, i especially enjoyed the skat version of vince's theme song.. DOY!! lol funny stuff