View Full Version : Rob Van Dam To Return To Wrestling, Smackdown Rating, Shooting On Despicable Hogan

Black Widow
05-24-2008, 09:16 PM
On yesterday's Elite hotline, Mike Johnson and I ripped Nick and Hulk Hogan for their recent taped jail conversations. After hearing the latest call that TMZ released today, I don't think we were hard enough on them. Nick, who in essence killed his best friend by driving like a lunatic and losing control of his car, is now complaining because he is isolated in jail? He and Hulk say it was God's will for John Graziano to end up in the state he's in? Could they be bigger a-holes? Then, they talk about him selling his story of getting out of jail as a reality show, with Hogan actually bargaining with his son for the rights to the show. Does it get any more callous than that? I can just hear it now, "Hey Nasty Nick, let's make a mint off of you getting out of jail!" Who thinks like this? Given the way that they act is it any wonder that they are in the position that they are in? But wait, it gets worse. Now little Nick is begging his dad to get him out of jail and placed under house arrest according TMZ. You see, jail isn't a fun place. He doesn't have a window! Oh, the horror! How about they just move him in with general population and see what happens then? That is what the kid deserves. Someone needs to tell the punk that jail isn't a country club and he's there because he drank, drove and basically ended Graziano's life. Anyone who could defend the Hogans must be in business or in bed with them in some form or fashion.

Last night's Smackdown did a 2.3 fast national rating. The final number will be out next week.

Former WWE star Rob Van Dam has announced he will work for Europe's NWE on their June 12 through 15 tour in Spain.


05-25-2008, 12:13 PM
I thought criminals could not profit off crime... This Hogan situation is just all round f*cked up.

05-25-2008, 08:19 PM
Thanks for the info.