View Full Version : Nick Hogan Planning To Plead For House Arrest, Hulk Instructs Son Not To Tell Linda

Black Widow
05-25-2008, 10:38 PM

In the latest released conversation between Nick Hogan and his father on TMZ.com, Hulk and Nick discuss a planned hearing where Nick will push for being placed under house arrest in lieu of imprisonment since as a minor, the facility is keeping him separated from the population, which in his description, amounts to almost "maximum security" conditions.

In the conversation, Hulk tells Nick he's not going to attend the hearing and instructs him to not tell his mother. Hogan says his appearance would make the situation too high-profile and says his mother would show up with divorce attorneys and attract media attention.

Meanwhile, Nick tells his father that he plans to wear his jailhouse jumpsuit in court to create "sympathy" with the judge. I guess because a judge has never, you know, seen an inmate in prison issue before?


Hulk Plans Secret Hearing: Don't Tell Mom

In one of the audiotaped phone conversations, you hear Hulk tell Nick that he's not going to show up at the hearing because he's too high profile and that the media would then show up and the judge would feel pressure "not to do the right thing."

It's unclear which hearing Hulk is talking about, but it's very clear the purpose of the hearing is to get Nick transferred to another facility. You hear Hulk urge Nick, "Don't tell your mom." He's afraid she'll come with all her divorce lawyers and attract the media.

Nick says he'll wear his jailhouse issue in court to create "sympathy" with the judge. Nick said in another conversation he was hoping for house arrest. Good luck with that, dude.


Big Evil
05-25-2008, 11:53 PM
I've lost a lot of respect for the men in the Hogan family. Nick is nothing but a little bitch imo, and he can't handle the punishment that has been handed down for his own reckless driving, that ended with a friend seriously hurt. Meanwhile, Terry just wants to make money out of it, discussing a tv series and all that. What the hell? These people are out of their damn minds! I hope Nick gets transferred into the general population, then his ass will be sorry... literally.

05-26-2008, 01:29 AM
If his last name wasn't Hogan he'd be in with everyone else for alot longer than he has. . . and how he wants house arrest? Pussy.

Big Evil
05-26-2008, 03:01 AM
Exactly. He is a complete pussy, and just like other celebrities, when the cold hard reality sinks in, he can't deal with it. That's why celebs should get the coldest, harshest treatment when they break the law. Somebody has to set an example, to let all these privileged people know they aren't above the law.

05-26-2008, 03:45 AM
what the hell is house arrest gonna teach him? what a pussy, why can't he just suck it the fuck up and serve his time like a man.

Ill Will
05-26-2008, 04:10 PM
I've lost a lot of respect for the men in the Hogan family.I never had any.

05-27-2008, 12:59 AM
The Hogans are awful...:no: He deserves to be locked up longer and with the general prison population, that should teach him what he deserves.