View Full Version : Selfish Hogan Speaks

Black Widow
05-26-2008, 12:08 PM
[CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE PATHETIC CONVO] (http://www.aolcdn.com/tmz_audio/052408_mommy_crying_5e2810cc.mp3)

We're all aware of Nick Hogan's awful illegal activities, right? If not then Nick basically killed his best friend (John) in a car crash - Nick was recklessly driving as per usual. We're all aware that justice was served when that little prick when to jail, right? Well be sure to head over to TMZ.com as they've posted a series of his phone calls - all of which were made whilst he's behind bars.

You'll hear Nick complaining about the poor jail conditions, begging his father to make him lots of money via a new reality show, his father proclaiming that John (the real victim in this sad story) deserved what he got, among other things. Here's a quick quote by the Linda Hogan, which sees her bitching about John's own mother: -

She has no other recourse than to be nasty and vindictive now... She's not sad. She's just acting angry like she wants the money. John never meant anything to her or Ed... This is sad because I really appreciated you kids. I miss John, and I miss you too. And it's like she's not suffering... I am. I have the loss. She could give two sh*ts. I'm at the beach house all by myself - it's not the same.

Wait one minute. Linda Hogan is the real victim because she's lost her son? She's the real victim because she's stuck at the beach house all alone? John's mother isn't the victim? Something is seriously wrong here. Linda your spoilt little brat of son is very much alive - he hasn't been turned into a vegetable. So you're all alone in the beach house? RHD suggests you log onto Amazon.com and order yourself a bunch of parenting books... oh wait... it's too late!!!


05-26-2008, 01:48 PM
it is sad to say that i've lost all respect i had for hogan since i was a kid...i am not ashamed to say that hulkmania is dead...

Ill Will
05-26-2008, 04:03 PM
Quite frankly, I'm fucking sick of all of this hogan news polluting the WWE news section, and I've made an effort to stop commenting on these shitty threads. But then I read this tidbit of misinformation:

Nick basically killed his best friend (John) in a car crash


John Graziano, the friend in question, is not dead. Yes, he'll be handicapped for the rest of his life, and Nick "the prick" Hogan is responsible. But it's a complete misrepresentation to say that John was "basically killed". Whoever wrote this did a horrible job.

05-26-2008, 04:07 PM
Well he basically did because that kid will never be the same again... He is a vegetable cant do anything

Ill Will
05-26-2008, 06:57 PM
Well he basically did because that kid will never be the same again... He is a vegetable cant do anything

That's the type of warped understanding I would expect from just a random poster at a wrestling forum, such as yourself.

But in the world of unbiased reporting, where accuracy is the goal, when you say that someone has been killed, there should be a prerequisite for it actually being true. Throwing the word "basically" in there is just a feeble attempt at distracting the average reader from the blatant inaccuracy of the statement.

Nick Hogan did not (to any subliminal extent) "kill" John Graziano. They were involved in some reckless/irresponsible/immature driving, which resulted in a car crash, which resulted in John being badly injured. To paint this as John being "killed" is either dishonest or stupid.

or both

05-26-2008, 10:14 PM
If he is a vehetable or brain dead, havnt the parents got the right to pull the plug? I have been hearing reports he is in a coma and what not. I thought next of kin had the right to pull the plug.

05-27-2008, 01:05 AM
Thanks for the read.

Ill Will
05-27-2008, 04:17 AM
If he is a vehetable or brain dead, havnt the parents got the right to pull the plug? I have been hearing reports he is in a coma and what not. I thought next of kin had the right to pull the plug.

I think the law on that differs from state to state.

EDIT: I just read up on the situation a little bit, and it is documented that the very reason the parents are suing the Bolleas is to help pay for the long-term care of their son (or at least that's what they claim the basis for the lawsuit is), so that would suggest that he's going to be kept alive.

John's mom, Debra Graziano, is his temporary emergency guardian, and she is currently making all of his medical decisions.

05-27-2008, 07:06 AM
Yeah well, no point disagreeing about why they are getting the money, only they know that for sure. Ofcourse, it will cost alot of money to look after their son when / if he goes home in that state. I am just going by what Hulk said, he said that his parents did not really care about their son nd that he and Linda had been looking after him, or something to that effect. Although, maybe Hogan said all this over the prison mic after he knew people were listening in.