View Full Version : Taker Gone, The Next Snme, Batista Vs. Edge And More

Black Widow
06-02-2008, 06:50 PM
There is a Saturday Night’s Main Event scheduled for December 20 from 9 to 10 p.m. on NBC.

Selling last night's angle, Undertaker's profile has already been removed from the Smackdown Superstars page on WWE.com.

Friday's Smackdown did a 2.2 fast national number, which is lower than usual. We should have the final number in the next day or two.

Carol sent word that a Batista vs. Edge dark main event is being advertised for tomorrow's Smackdown taping at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

For what it's worth, the word going around is that Batista will take on Edge at the Night of Champions PPV later this month.

Tom Mehs sent this item. ... I went to the Pre Wrestling Hall of Fame inductions in Amsterdam, NY last weekend. It was a blast. All wrestlers were personable and friendly. Tony Atlas is still huge! Paul Orndorff, Lou Albano, Superstar Billy Graham, Superfly Jimmy Snuka, Dick Wuerhle, Destroyer Dick Beyer, Baron Mikel Scicluna, Mae Young, George “the Animal” Steele and many others were there. The induction dinner was a lot of fun. Beyer told a great story about teaming with Bobo Brazil in Japan. He had told him to eat the flowers given to them to get heel heat. When he did so before a big match against Baba and Tsurata, Brazil bit the flowers only to find a bee in them that stung his mouth. It caused all participants to crack up before the match. I definitely recommend this place/event to you or one of the other crew. It is just outside Albany, NY. I also want to mention that Steele said he has been contacted to appear at the next TNA PPV to be involved in the Lethal/SoCal Val wedding. He accepted initially, but is not sure if he will go or not.

Our old buddy Frank Wilson sent this item. ... ECW Originals Sandman and Jasmin St. Claire, as well as WWE Hall of Famer Captain Lou Albano are scheduled to appear at the Big Apple Comic Book, Art, Toy & Sci-Fi Expo's Summer Sizzler Convention next weekend, June 7th & 8th, at the Penn Plaza Pavilion directly across from Madison Square Garden. In terms of Captain Lou, the Going.com events listing site is describing this as "possibly his last convention appearance" (SOURCE: newyork.going.com/bigapplecon). Albano had survived a heart attack in May 2005 (per Mike Johnson's report for PWInsider.com on 5/12/2005) and will turn 75 on July 29th (SOURCE: wikipedia.org/wiki/Lou_Albano). For more information, the convention's official website is bigapplecon.com.

Paul Jordan reporting. ... The theme for this month's 24/7 Online selection is "June Gems- Unearthed from WWE's Library". Featured content thus far:

Raw: Episode 32
September 20, 1993 | Approx. run time: 43 mins.

Raw: Episode 33
September 27, 1993 | Approx. run time: 44 mins.

History of the Intercontinental Title: Part XII
June 1, 2008 | Approx. run time: 63 mins.

Introducing: Melina
June 1, 2008 | Approx. run time: 7 mins.Bonus Features: Exclusive Interview with Melina.
Wrestling Hot-Beds: Strangest Places for a Show
June 1, 2008 | Approx. run time: 66 mins.

MSG: Undertaker vs. Bret Hart
January 31, 1992 | Approx. run time: 15 mins.

June's Flair: Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels
December 16, 1991 | Approx. run time: 11 mins.

MSG: Hulk Hogan vs. Ted DiBiase
December 17, 1979 | Approx. run time: 14 mins.

WCW Saturday Night: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Sting
April 8, 1995 | Approx. run time: 12 mins.

WCW Saturday Night: Cactus Jack vs. Vader
April 17, 1993 | Approx. run time: 13 mins.


Bad Boy
06-02-2008, 07:41 PM
OMG!? Is Undertaker really gone from WWE? Wats up wit dat... anyways, Edge/Batista feud, a good change from Edge/Taker from teh past so many months... just hope Vickie and all the dumbasses supportin Edge stay out of the storyline...

Black Widow
06-02-2008, 07:53 PM
OMG!? Is Undertaker really gone from WWE? Wats up wit dat... anyways, Edge/Batista feud, a good change from Edge/Taker from teh past so many months... just hope Vickie and all the dumbasses supportin Edge stay out of the storyline...

nope its just a work, while hes taking time off

06-02-2008, 11:23 PM
I am trying to figure out how they will bring the undertaker back. I would love to see him go to RAW in the future.

06-03-2008, 12:01 AM
I think Taker is going to Raw to feud with HBK and HHH. That would bring ratings

I am big Batista fan, but Edge and Batista they had long feud last year. I would like to see Batista in feud with Punk or Morrison

06-03-2008, 12:34 AM
IMO Punk should aim for Edge now, I'm tired of the Edge/Batista, that was going on last year plus Batista's crap so I don't want to see that. I'd love for Undertaker go onto RAW and feud with HHH or HBK:)

06-14-2008, 08:30 PM
i think taker should come back as the american badass and go to raw and reclaim that yard as well he all ready has reclaimed smackdown all tat is left are raw and ecw.