View Full Version : Big Show Injury May Be Worse Than Originally Diagnosed

Black Widow
06-03-2008, 11:15 AM

The WWE website reported that Big Show is undergoing an MRI to determine the severity of his injury from last night after waking up finding extreme swelling forcing his eye shut. Show was initially believed to have simply suffered a bad gash when his face hit a porton of steel steps while falling forward outside the ring, but there is fear the swelling may be caused by a broken bone.

06-03-2008, 01:15 PM
Poor Big Man. I wish him soon recorvery

06-03-2008, 04:45 PM
Ugh, they should have let Morrison win it:hmm:

06-03-2008, 07:33 PM
Ugh, they should have let Morrison win it:hmm:

Yes, because Morrison, who is a current tag team champion and got there through steroids, deserved is so much more than Big Show, who lost 100+ pounds just so he could come back and be better than he ever was.

06-03-2008, 09:34 PM
i hope this isn't serious. the big show is one of the more entertaining guys the wwe has. i really wanna see his ecw title match happen too.

Ill Will
06-03-2008, 10:09 PM
Yes, because Morrison, who is a current tag team champion and got there through steroids, deserved is so much more than Big Show, who lost 100+ pounds just so he could come back and be better than he ever was.

lol, that's ridiculous.

Morrison: Tough Enough Winner; 2 time IC champion; 1 time ECW champion; 3 time (excluding his current reign) WWE tag team champion

Most sane wrestling fans would think that his credibility (gained from previous title wins), athleticism, and overness with the crowd got him to his current reign as a WWE tag team champion...but somehow, you conclude that he "got there through steroids". I'm not even commenting on whether or not I think he used/uses steroids, but it's stupid to suggest that if he did, that must be the only reason he is currently a champion.

Big Show: Well past his pro wrestling prime; left WWE for over a year to pursue boxing (which was the sole reason he lost weight); realized he couldn't cut it as a boxer and came back to his rebound job as a pro wrestler; upon his return was booked in a ridiculous gimmick match at WM 24...and lost; has been somewhat of an afterthought since then

So I would say that at best, your perception of Big Show, "who lost 100+ pounds just so he could come back and be better than he ever was", is misguided.

06-04-2008, 12:03 AM
lol, that's ridiculous.

Morrison: Tough Enough Winner; 2 time IC champion; 1 time ECW champion; 3 time (excluding his current reign) WWE tag team champion

Most sane wrestling fans would think that his credibility (gained from previous title wins), athleticism, and overness with the crowd got him to his current reign as a WWE tag team champion...but somehow, you conclude that he "got there through steroids". I'm not even commenting on whether or not I think he used/uses steroids, but it's stupid to suggest that if he did, that must be the only reason he is currently a champion.

Big Show: Well past his pro wrestling prime; left WWE for over a year to pursue boxing (which was the sole reason he lost weight); realized he couldn't cut it as a boxer and came back to his rebound job as a pro wrestler; upon his return was booked in a ridiculous gimmick match at WM 24...and lost; has been somewhat of an afterthought since then

So I would say that at best, your perception of Big Show, "who lost 100+ pounds just so he could come back and be better than he ever was", is misguided.

If you are gonna list all of Morrison's title reigns, you gotta do the same with Show instead of just writing him off. Morrison has had a pretty good start, and i do expect great things from him if he would buckle down and get off the juice (I mean, you can't say he doesn't use steroids...look how his first world title reign ended...)

Big Show is a FIVE time World Champion (2 WCW, 1 ECW, 2 WWE), he is a former United States champion, three time hardcore champion, and SIX time tag team champion. His credentials far outweigh Morrison, who is a current title holder already and should stay tag team until they lose the belts. Show has been drifting because they had to come up with something for him to do, Morrison has a well defined spot already. I personally think that Big Show deserved this shot a lot more.

Ill Will
06-04-2008, 04:14 PM
If you are gonna list all of Morrison's title reigns, you gotta do the same with Show instead of just writing him off.I was not writing him off. I listed Morrison's title history for a specific purpose. I was responding specifically to your claim that he "got there through steroids", and also the ignorance you presented about Big Show. I wasn't comparing their two careers. That would be largely irrelevant.

i do expect great things from him if he would buckle down and get off the juice (I mean, you can't say he doesn't use steroids...look how his first world title reign ended...)

...I personally think that Big Show deserved this shot a lot more.

...two more misconceptions that you apparently took from my post. I never said Morrison doesn't use steroids (in fact, I specifically distanced myself from making a comment on it), and I never said anything about what Big Show does and doesn't deserve. Once AGAIN, I was responding to what I thought were two misstatements of facts about Morrison and Big Show.

That Rob
06-06-2008, 06:27 PM
Big Show>>>>>>>Morrison. At least Show didn't have to win a contest to get his job in the WWE.

I'm hoping he'll be back and in better condition for Night of Champions.

Ill Will
06-08-2008, 03:53 AM
Big Show>>>>>>>Morrison. At least Show didn't have to win a contest to get his job in the WWE.

You're right on that one. Morrison earned his place in WWE by winning a contest, while Big Show got his opportunities in pro wrestling basically due to his pituitary gland disorder.

But anyway, it's more than a little naive to ignore the fact that Morrison has been with the company for six years, and has held many titles. His exposure is due to the contest he won, but his success in the company has really got nothing to do with him winning Tough Enough.

06-09-2008, 10:48 AM
lol I have to say I would rather see Big Show than Morrison. I just don't like Morrisons new gimmick and I did not like him much before either.

06-14-2008, 08:39 PM
hope show is doing better i wish him aspeedy recovery