View Full Version : ECW Full Results - 3rd June 2008

06-04-2008, 06:02 AM
ECW for June 3rd opened with security removing items from Armando Estrada's office. Armando asked what they were doing, and one of the men said they were told to do it by "the general manager". Armando said he was the general manager, then Theodore R. Long walked in and said "Not anymore, playa. Holla, holla, holla." The ECW opening then aired.

Fatal Four Way with the winner to face ECW Champion Kane later tonight in a non-title match: CM Punk vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. John Morrison.

Clips of the Singapore Cane match from One Night Stand was shown as Dreamer made his entrance. This might have been done so we didn't have to watch Dreamer walk out in his new (ugly) white and red pants. Tazz and Mike Adamle talked about Big Show's injury and whether he would be ready for his match with Kane at Night Of Champions.

Dreamer and Morrison paired off at the bell in one part of the ring while Punk and Chavo went at it in the other. Morrison gave Dreamer a kick to the back, but missed a legdrop and Dreamer hit an arm drag and dropped an elbow. Punk suplexed Chavo onto "Tommy Morrison" (that's what Adamle said). Punk went for a cover on Morrison, but Dreamer pulled him off. Dreamer and Punk slugged it out while Chavo and Morrison brawled. Punk ran over to Chavo and cradled him for a two count. Morrison mounted Dreamer and pounded him. Dreamer clotheslined Morrison to the floor, then hit a clothesline off the ring apron to the floor on him. Chavo gave Dreamer a pescado. Punk hit Chavo with a tope.

Punk tossed Chavo into the ring, but Morrison hit Punk from behind, then pulled out Chavo and dropped him face first on the apron. Morrison tossed Punk into the ring, but Punk hit a jumping knee. Morrison avoided a Punk bulldog and hit him with a springboard kick. Morrison went for the cover on Punk, but Dreamer broke it up. Dreamer and Morrison went into reversals, with Dreamer ending up applying the Texas Cloverleaf on Morrison. Chavo broke it up and gave Dreamer the Three Amigos. Chavo went to the top rope, but Morrison stopped him and set up for a superplex. Punk jumped on the apron and knocked them down. Morrison fell into the Tree of Woe, while Chavo got hung up in the ropes on the outside of the ring. Dreamer gave Morrison a baseball slide kick. Punk gave Dreamer a springboard clothesline. Chavo pulled himself to the top rope and gave Dreamer a frog splash. Punk grabbed Chavo and gave him the GTS and got the pin at the six minute mark.

Winner: CM Punk

Punk checked on Dreamer, then celebrated with his Money In The Bank briefcase. The announcers noted that Punk had never wrestled Kane before.

Backstage, Theodore R. Long was showing the letter from the WWE Board Of Directors that made him the new ECW General Manager. He said Armando couldn't be an active member of the roster and General Manager at the same time. Long also said he felt Armando was overpaid. Armando asked Long to "work with him" and Long said he had a match for him tonight. Armando asked who his opponent was, and Long said he had brought over Smackdown's U.S. Champion, Matt Hardy, to face him tonight.

Kofi Kingston joined the announcers for the next match.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Matt Sydal.

The replayed Benjamin attacking Kofi last week during the introductions. Benjamin gave Sydal a pumphandle slam at the start, then choked him against the ropes. Sydal came back with a enzugiri, hurricanrana and a double flying knee to the chest form the top rope for a two count. Benjamin kicked out and hit a flapjack, then brutalized Sydal, including a press slam into a gutbuster. Benjamin flipped Sydal into the corner, then dragged him out and put him in an overhead wristlock. Sydal fought up, but Benjamin hit him with a clothesline. Benjamin tossed Sydal out of the ring, right in front of Kingston. Benjamin came out of the ring and argued with Kofi. Benjamin picked up Sydal for a powerbomb on the floor, then turned and threw him into Kofi instead. Benjamin rolled into the ring as Sydal was counted out at the four minute mark.

Winner via countout: Shelton Benjamin.

Kofi got up and dove into the ring to attack Benjamin. They brawled to the floor, and Adamle said that stupid "Yamakin' me crazy" line. Kofi went to whip Shelton into the steps, but Shelton reversed it and sent Kofi hard into the ringsteps. Benjamin walked off while Kofi clutched at his shoulder.

United States Champion Matt Hardy vs. Armando Estrada.

Armando went for a kick at the bell, but Hardy caught it and gave Armando a clothesline. They traded shots, with Hardy getting the better of it. Matt slammed Estrada, then hit a second rope elbowdrop to the back of the head. Matt hit the Twist Of Fate and got the pin in about a minute.

Winner: Matt Hardy.

Theodore R. Long came out on the stage, and said he was going to give Armando a chance to prove he was worth "all the money in his contract". Long introduced his opponent, Colin Delaney.

Colin Delaney vs. Armando Estrada.

Colin rolled up Estrada in La Magistral before the bell even rang. It rang, and Armando kicked out at two. Armando hit Delaney with a few shots, then went for a reverse suplex, but Colin floated over and rolled up Armando. Armando's feet hit the ropes, and Delaney grabbed the pants of Estrada, but the referee counted three anyway, ending this match even quicker than the last one.

Winner: Colin Delaney.

Matt Hardy got in the ring to raise the hand of Colin Delaney as Estrada rolled to the floor.

After the break, Armando was begging Theodore R. Long to not fire him. Long noted that he lost two straight matches. Armando said he would renegotiate his contract, but wanted to wait until the draft, saying he might go to Raw or Smackdown. Long said he could remain as a wrestler in ECW, but he would not be under contract any longer. Long said Armando had to earn his contract, just like Colin Delaney did. Long left, but said he had one more word for Armando. Armando turned, and Ron Simmons was standing there. "Damn!"

A video package on today's press conference and the million dollar giveaway was shown. Mike Adamle was shown filling out the registration form. I think he entered a bunch of numbers for his address.

ECW Champion Kane vs. CM Punk (non-title).

Punk tried to grab Kane's leg at the bell, but Kane shoved him away. Punk grabbed a headlock, but Kane shoved him off and hit a shoulderblock. Punk grabbed an armwringer, but Kane shoved Punk to the mat. Kane backed Punk into a corner, then worked him over with punches. Punk came back with kicks and forearms, then clotheslined Kane over the top rope and to the floor. Kane landed on his feet, and dragged out Punk. Kane decked Punk with a right hand, then threw him back into the ring. Kane rammed Punk into the turnbuckles and hit him with a forearm and an uppercut. Kane choked Punk in the corner, then lifted him in a Hangman. Kane flipped Punk to the mat, but Punk got up and charged him with a knee to the gut. Punk hit some knees to the head, but when he tried a jumping knee in the corner, Kane lifted him and dropped him across the top rope. Kane gave Punk a big boot, knocking him to the floor as they went to break.

Back from the break, Kane had Punk in an abdominal stretch and was pounding him in the ribs. Punk battled out and tried his own abdominal stretch, but Kane blocked it with a hiptoss. Kane snap mared Punk and dropkicked him in the face for a one count. Punk and Kane exchanged shots, then Kane began pounding Punk in the back. Kane put Punk in a bodyscissors. Punk struggled in the hold, then elbowed out. Punk gave Kane some leg kicks, then Kane reversed a whip and went for a backdrop. Punk dove over Kane into a sunset flip for a two count. Punk hit some punches, but Kane decked him with an uppercut. Kane went for a slam, but Punk floated over and pushed Kane into a corner. Kane charged back with a clothesline for a two count, then put Punk back in a bodyscissors with an armlock.

Punk tried to fight out of the hold again, but Kane held him down, then released the hold and drove one leg across Punk's face. Punk came back with some kicks and punches, but Kane delivered one boot to the face and Punk went down hard. Kane missed a charge in the corner and Punk hit three consecutive jumping knees in the corner. Punk went for the bulldog, but Kane lifted Punk and hit a back suplex for a two count. Kane whipped Punk in a corner and charged, but Punk hit a boot to the face. Punk hit a second rope bulldog for a two count. Punk went for a whip, but Kane blocked it and hit a side slam. Kane went to the top rope and hit a clothesline for a two count. Kane called for a chokeslam. Kane grabbed Punk, but Punk kicked him in the head to get him to release his grip. Kane threw Punk over the top rope, but Punk held on and landed on the apron. Punk went for a springboard clothesline, but Kane grabbed him by the throat. Kane went for the chokeslam, but Punk reversed out and went to lift Kane for the GTS. However, Punk's back gave out on him, and he dropped Kane to his feet. Kane grabbed Punk and hit the chokeslam for the clean pin at the fourteen minute mark.

Winner: Kane.

John Morrison and the Miz ran out and attacked Kane. Punk was kicked to the floor, and wasn't seen again. Kane tried to fight back, but Morrison gave Kane a running knee to the head. Miz then gave Kane the Reality Check neckbreaker. Miz and Morrison stood over Kane. They showed some replays, and when they came back, Miz and Morrison were in the aisle staring back at Kane, who was lying on the mat, staring and Miz & Morrison, while smiling. That ended the show.

06-04-2008, 08:22 AM
Thanks for this.

Flair Country
06-05-2008, 03:40 AM
Thanks for posting these Kellie.