View Full Version : What Happened On RAW During Commercials

06-06-2006, 10:31 AM
06/05/2006 - Credit: PWInsider.com

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler make their way down to the ring as Unlimited opens. King has a somber look on his face until he spots the members of the Pittsburgh Steelers behind the announce table and points them out. The crowd pops and then suddenly boos as Jonathan Coachman makes his way to the ring. He has a new Titantron video and new music ("Hard Hittin'" from the Wreckless Intent CD.) King says he forgot to put on his headset and tests it by counting to five. The contract signing set-up is already in the ring. The ECW music hits and Paul Heyman makes his way down to the ring. King says they'll let anyone in.

*The RAW stars and crew remain in the ring as Cena looks on with the blood still on his head. The other stars (both heels and faces,) just stand in the ring and look around. He looks around the ring and crowd and then starts the leave the ring. The RAW theme starts and the other superstars follow him out of the ring. Several replays of Sabu's chairdrop are shown. It looked like he wanted to do a legdrop of some kind but didn't get his legs straight enough. The RAW stars watch the replay from the ramp and they go through the curtain. Interesting to note that Harry Smith was in the ring and on the ramp with the others, wearing tights with the Union Jack on them.

*Maria comes out for the Kiss Cam and the camera goes on a sign that says "Maria: U & Me Kiss Cam." Maria says she doesn't care if the person next to you is your mother, brother, sister, wife, lover, or mistress, she wants to see you make out. Most of the couples kissed. The crowd popped big for two girls who really made out. One girl had long hair and a drawn on moustache in the style of Triple H.

*Triple H does his signature pose on the turnbuckle and the music stops as Mr. McMahon comes on the Titantron and tells Triple H that he had a Plan A and a Plan B, but he may now have a Plan C. Vince tells Triple H to come on backstage and hear his Plan C. As Triple H goes back up the ramp, the SmackDown! Rebound airs and show Lashley beating King Booker and Regal and Finlay beating him down afterwards.

*The Spirit Squad are all talking at once backstage and one says that Triple H lost and has to join a certain club. They all say, "Well, Damn, Damn, Double Damn!" Then they join in a cheer that goes, "Triple H, you had no class. So get ready to pucker up and kiss Vince's ass!" As if that weren't bad enough the school bell rings and Matt Striker makes his way to the ring. Striker takes the mic and the screen goes black.

*Referees and Eugene carry Jim Duggan through the curtain. A package on last year's ECW One Night Stand airs with all the big spots, including the WWE vs. ECW brawl at the end. Funny to see Angle wear SmackDown! blue and get choked out by Tazz now that he's an ECW star.

*Randy Orton is walking backstage and runs into Todd Grisham, who asks why he is here. Orton said he didn't forget how back in April Angle broke his ankle with a minor fracture. He says it took him 60 days to come back and get payback and if Angle thinks that's all he's going to get, he's dead wrong. He then accepts Angle's open challenge for One Night Stand. Of course, we all know he wasn't out with an injury and he seemed to stumble his words a bit as if he almost forgot what to say.

*Trevor Murdoch is holding up Cade's arm and screaming, "We beat Kane!" He then says that, "You're lookin' at the most dominant tag team in the world and the next Tag Team Champions, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch!" He says how excited he is and jumps around before embracing Cade on the outside.

*My apologies as my computer experienced an error and I missed the Unlimited segment between the Hass/Nitro match and the divas match.

*Todd Grisham has three autographed Carlito shirts for whoever can answer trivia. Mike from Pittsburgh is asked who Kane won the WWE Championship from at the 1998 King of the Ring: Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, or Undertaker? He said Taker faced Mankind and Todd told him to hurry up. He said Austin and got it right. Ethan, who was booed for wearing a Miami jersey, was asked who 'Hervina' was when he became the first man to win the Women's Championship: Harvey Wippleman, Howard Finkel, or Gerald Brisco? He said Brisco and was wrong as it was Wippleman. Todd then decides to ask one of the Steelers and he asks Max Starks. He is asked who made their SummerSlam debut in 1995: Mankind, Triple H, or Goldust? He said Triple H and was right. His teammate tried to yank away his shirt but failed. Max decided to give the shirt to the young girl sitting next to his teammate.

*An ECW promo airs featuring the b.W.o., Sandman attacked by Raven after hugging his son, Bam Bam Bigalow going through the ring and the walkway, women being piledriven and powerbombed, Tazz choking out 911, and several high table spots. The promo ends with the lights coming on and Sabu staring down Tazz as the crowd goes wild.