View Full Version : Smackdown Full Results - 6/6/08

Flair Country
06-08-2008, 05:02 AM
We begin tonight’s show with a look back at the end of the Undertaker’s career in the Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match at One Night Stand.

We are live on tape from Los Angeles, California and your announcers are Michael ‘Why Won’t Katie Holmes Return My Calls’ Cole and Mick ‘You can provide a nickname for $19.95 plus shipping and handling’ Foley.

The non-title holding members of La Familia is in the ring and they have champagne and are going to celebrate Edge’s victory. Vickie says that it is with great pleasure that she introduces the man responsible for banishing the Undertaker from the WWE and the new World Heavyweight Champion . . . Edge.

Edge comes out to the ring and the fans are not particularly happy that he is the champion. Edge kisses Vickie and then he gives credit to the entire family. Edge says that Los Angeles is a place where people are smiling while stabbing you in the back. He says that they are the real thing and he could not ask for better friends. Edge gets down on his knees to address Vickie. Edge says that the kid from Jerry Maguire is in the crowd, and then he tells Vickie that she completes him. Edge congratulates himself. He did something that no one else has been able to do. He ended the career of the Undertaker. Not only that, but he became the new World Heavyweight Champion. Edge says that you should not feel bad for the Undertaker because he did Taker a favor. If Taker had won, Edge would have hunted him down, and Taker would have left the WWE a shell of himself. He got to leave with dignity. He lost a TLC Match to the master of the TLC Match. Edge says that Taker should thank him. Edge suggests that they toast the Undertaker and may he rest in peace.

The lights go out and when they go back on, Edge starts to laugh because he says that he got everyone. As something dies, something else blossoms.

Vickie says that on July 11th, Edge and her will be pledging their endless love in holy matrimony. Edge gets champagne poured on his head and that cues Batista’s music.

Batista comes out and Vickie wants to know what Batista is doing. Batista tells Vickie to relax. Batista wonders why he was not invited to the party. Batista wishes them luck on their wedding. Batista hopes that they live happily ever after. Batista says that he is kidding and he does not care about them and that they make each other miserable.

Batista tells Edge that there is one more thing that he has to tell Edge. Batista says that last week he said that he would challenge the winner of the TLC match and that is what he is doing right now. Vickie says that she came prepared and was going to announce it later. If Batista wants a world title match, he will not get it because she gives orders. If Batista wants a match, he will have to earn it. Batista will be part of an eight-man tag match. Edge, Chavo, Hawkins, and Ryder will face Batista and three men of her choosing. Edge tells Batista that if he does not win, he will never get another title match against Edge.

We go to commercial and Santino is getting ready for his match against Jiminy Kimmel’s Cousin Sal.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Chuck Palumbo versus Fit Finlay last week

Match Number One: Fit Finlay with Hornswoggle versus Chuck Palumbo in a Belfast Brawl
While Chuck revs his motorcycle, Hornswoggle gets on the bike and then he grabs Hornswoggle’s jacket. Chuck pulls up the apron and then Finlay hits a drop kick that knocks Palumbo down. Finlay goes to the floor and he punches Palumbo before they return to the ring. The match officially starts and Chuck goes to the floor and Finlay follows after him and slams his head into the ringside barrier. Palumbo Irish whips Finlay into the ring steps and then he kicks Finlay in the head. Chuck looks under the apron for something and he finds a trash can. Finlay with a baseball slide into the trash can that staggers Palumbo on the floor. Palumbo throws the trash can at a charging Finlay and then kicks him in the back followed by a punch. Finlay with a drop toe hold that sends Palumbo into the trash can and then Finlay throws the trash can at Palumbo followed by a kick to a strategically placed trash can. Finlay hit Palumbo with the trash can again before throwing Chuck out again. Palumbo punches Finlay on the floor and then hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. They are back into the ring and Finlay gets a near fall. Finlay grabs the shillelagh while Palumbo exposes a turnbuckle. Palumbo with a boot to Finlay before he can use the shillelagh.

Palumbo grabs the chain again and he returns to the ring. Hornswoggle with a low blow to Palumbo but Palumbo pushes Hornswoggle down. Finlay picks up the chain and he nails Palumbo with it for the three count.
Winner: Fit Finlay

We pan over to a skybox and Montel Vontavious Porter is watching. We go to commercial.

Big Show comes to the ring he has a huge smile on his face. Show says that his shot at America’s Next Top Model is gone. Sometimes you go into an Extreme Rules Match and you don’t come out looking the same. He is now the number one contender for the ECW Title and we see the highlights from Sunday night.

Show says that the match was a challenge, but now he is on a bigger challenge when he faces Kane. Kane is a champion for a reason, but . . .

Mark Henry interrupts and comes out. Mark says that Show has the audacity to tell him to pick on someone his own size. What did Show do? He got involved in a match using sticks to earn a title match against Kane. Show got battered and beaten in that match. We go to the spot that caused his eye injury.

Mark says that does not look like championship material to him. We take a look at Show’s eye. Show says that even with a bad eye, he can see that Mark is full of it. Show says that there is nothing between the two of them but air and opportunity.

Henry comes to the ring but he hesitates before entering. Henry laughs at Show and backs away.

Sal and Roddy Piper are in the locker room as they get ready. We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the WWE getting the Corporate Patriot Award.

Match Number Two: Deuce and Domino versus Great Khali
Deuce starts things off against Khali. Deuce with a kick and punch but Khali pushes Deuce into the corner. Deuce runs into a claw and then Khali sends Deuce into the mat. Domino tags in and he hit Khali from behind, but Khali with a back elbow and then he connects with a boot. Khali slams Domino’s head into the turnbuckle and then chokes him. Deuce and Domino try to double team Khali but he does not have any trouble. Khali with a chop to Deuce’s head and then he gives Domino the vertical choke slam followed by one to Deuce for the three count.
Winner: Great Khali

We go to Vickie’s office where Natalya and Victoria are looking at her ring. The rest of the women on Smackdown and ECW enter the office. Vickie says that since she is a woman with power in a male dominated business, she compares herself to the Fabulous Moolah. Vickie says that she is disappointed that there is no women’s champion on Smackdown so there will be a Diva Champion. Vickie says that there will be a Golden Dreams Match and the winner will be one of the competitors in the Diva’s Challenge.

We go to commercial with footage of the Cousin Sal/Santino feud.

Match Number Three: Santino Marella versus Cousin Sal with Rodney the Piper and Jiminy Kimmel
Santino offers his hand to Sal but Sal does not know what to do. Santino pulls his hand away. Santino with a take down on Sal and then Rodney gives Sal some advice. Sal goes for a leg, but Santino with a front face lock and then a waist lock but Sal escapes the hold. Santino does not look to be too impressed. Santino lets Sal apply a side head lock and Sal holds on. Sal with a forearm to Santino followed by an airplane spin and both men go down. Santino misses a charge into the corner and Sal with a suplex for a near fall. Santino punches Sal and then he slams Sal. Piper gets on the apron and Kimmel distracts Santino allowing Sal to get the three count with a rollup.
Winner: Cousin Sal

After the match, Santino hits Sal and then he gets in Jiminy’s face. Rodney turns Santino around and punches Santino.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Montel Vontavious Porter is still in his sky box and we are in there too.

We go to a replay of what happened during the Sal/Santino match.

We go to the locker room where Jiminy is checking on Sal and Eve storms in and asks Sal how he feels. Jiminy says that Sal is proud of himself. Eve asks Sal if he thought he could beat Santino and Jiminy speaks for Sal again and he says that he had a good feeling going in and it ended up the same way. Eve asks Sal what is next and Jiminy says that he has Sal’s next opponent ready and Jiminy brings in the Big Show. Sal puts Jiminy in a side head lock but Show picks Sal up and carries him away.

Miz and Morrison are playing with Hornswoggle’s hat in the back and Finlay takes the hat off Miz’s head. Finlay asks Miz and Morrison to take the hat off his head. Hornswoggle sprays Miz and Morrison with a water gun and they leave.

La Familia is in la oficina and Edge is la talking. Edge says that they are ready to go and Edge pulls Chavo back for a second. Edge points out how he will be Chavo’s uncle so he wants Chavo to be his best man. Chavo accepts the offer. Edge talks about their plans to have kids and how he wants another wrestling dynasty.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Kelly versus Layla versus Natalya versus Victoria versus Cherry versus Michelle McCool versus Maryse in a Golden Dreams Match to determine who wrestles for the Diva’s Title
There is a pole with a star at the top of it for the women to gat to win the match.

The bell rings and Maryse is the first one to try for the pole but they keep her away. Cherry sends Maryse to the floor and Cherry goes to the pole but Victoria knocks Cherry to the floor. Now it is Kelly’s turn and Victoria tries for a power bomb, but Kelly with a rana. Michelle pulls Layla off the turnbuckles and throws her to the mat. Natalya throws Kelly out of the ring and then Michelle takes care of Natalya. Maryse takes Michelle down and slams her head into the mat. Maryse gets on the turnbuckles but Michelle with a kick that takes Maryse to the mat. Michelle kicks Maryse out of the ring and Michelle tries to climb the turnbuckles but Layla stops her. Victoria with a clothesline to Layla followed by forearms and punches to Michelle. Victoria tries to climb the pole while Michelle is still on the turnbuckles and Victoria sets for a superplex but Natalya comes underneath and hits a power bomb. Natalya climbs the pole and gets the star to win the match.
Winner: Natalya

After the match, Natalya celebrates as we go to commercial.

We are back with highlights from the Press Conference from this past Tuesday.

Match Number Five: Jimmy Wang Yang versus Vladimir ‘Life of the Party’ Kozlov
Yang with a kick to Kozlov but Kozlov with a front face lock and forearm to the back. Yang with a kick to Kozlov but he misses a spinning heel kick. Kozlov with a kick that takes Yang down. Kozlov with a single leg crab but Yang gets to the ropes. Kozlov sends Yang back to the mat but he misses an elbow drop. Yang with a kick to Kozlov’s head and he staggers the big Russian. Yang goes up top for a moonsault but Kozlov move and Yang lands on his feet but he favors one knee. Kozlov with a head butt to the back followed by a belly-to-belly suplex for the three count.
Winner: Vladimir ‘The Music Man’ Kozlov

Batista is in the interview area and Eva asks Batista how he feels about being in an eight man tag match where he does not know his tag team partners. Batista says that he knows what he is up against and he hopes that his partners have all of their limbs. If he gets his hands on Edge, he might not leave with all of his limbs. We go to commercial.

We see Montel Vontavious Porter watching Edge enter the ring from his sky box.

Match Number Six: La Familia of Edge, Chavo Guerrero, Curt Hawkins, and Zach Ryder with Vickie Guerrero and Bam Neely versus Batista, Funaki, Nunzio, and Colin DelaneyBatista and Ryder start things off and Batista with a boot and then he punches Ryder in the corner followed by shoulders, a snap mare and boot to the head. Batista with a back elbow and then he tags in Chavo. Batista backs Chavo into the corner on a collar and elbow tie up and then Chavo tries to punch Batista, but Batista blocks it and punches Chavo. Batista with a slam and leg drop for a near fall. Batista choke Chavo in the corner and then he works on the shoulder and puts Chavo in an arm bar. Batista with a knee and jackhammer. Colin is tagged in and after a rocket launcher, Colin with a two count. Colin punches Chavo as we go to commercial.

We are back and Hawkins with a suplex to Delaney and Ryder tags in and he works on Colin’s back. We see footage from the break of Bam Neely clotheslining Colin on the floor. Back to live on tape action a Ryder gets a near fall on Colin. Hawkins is tagged in and they connect with a forearm in the corner for a near fall. Chavo is tagged in and Chavo with a drop kick. Chavo with a Saito suplex and then he tries to draw Batista into the ring. Edge tags in and he kick Colin in the ribs. Edge kicks Colin to the mat. Edge with a hard Irish whip and we can hear Colin scream in pain inside the ring. Edge holds Colin’s arm to mock Batista for a tag. Edge knocks Batista off the apron and Funaki tags in. Funaki with punches but Edge with a big boot. Chavo tags in and he kicks Funaki in the corner. Chavo talks to the referee about what he was doing and that allows the rest of his team to work over Funaki. Chavo with a Latino uppercut. Funaki with punches but Chavo with a drop kick for a near fall. Hawkins tags in and he kicks Funaki. Hawkins with a blockbuster before tagging in Ryder. Ryder with a knee to keep Funaki from getting to his corner. Hawkins tags back in and he kicks Funaki. Hawkins with a rear chin lock but Hawkins sends Funaki to the mat again. Edge tags in and sends Funaki’s head into the turnbuckles. Edge charges into a boot and Funaki tries for a tornado DDT but Edge throws him to the mat. Hawkins tags in and gets a near fall. Hawkins misses a spear into the corner and Funaki tags in Batista. Batista with punches to Ryder followed by a clothesline. Batista with a running power slam to Ryder and then Batista takes care of the rest of La Familia. Batista with a spinebuster and sets up for the Batista Bomb, but Edge with a breakdown. All eight men are in the ring and Edge with a spear to Delaney. Batista with a spear to Hawkins and Chavo at the same time followed by a spinebuster for Edge. Batista with a kick to Ryder as he comes off the ropes and then he hits a Batista Bomb for the three count.
Winner: Batista, Nunzio, Funaki, and Colin Delaney

We go to credits.


06-13-2008, 07:10 PM
Nice in details :)!