View Full Version : RAW House Results - 4th June 2006 (Evansville, Indiana)

06-06-2006, 07:58 PM
RAW House Results - 4th June 2006
Location: Evansville, Indiana (Roberts Stadium)
Report by: Cory Hurm

Basically the exact same as from Bowling Green the night before. It was right at or maybe a little over 80% sold out. It was a very good crowd it seemed.

Spirit Squad defeated Big Show, Goldust, and Snitsky...the crowd loved Big Show.

Harry Smith defeated Rob Conway. Fans seemed to like Smith fairly well..cheered for a him a bit.

The Highlanders defeated Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch. The highlanders had some pretty funny spots like slapping each other before the match and raising there kilts up.

Umaga with Alejandro defeated Big Vis. Not quite a squash match but Vis didn't get much in before being defeated.

Johnny Nitro with Mielina defeated Charlie Hass. Peoples surprisingly seemed pretty excited to see Nitro and Melina.

Shelton Benjamin defeated Carlito using the ropes to retain the Intercontinental Championship. Carlito was very over with the crowd and he was pretty funny at the beginning of the match. Also a surprise to me but Shelton got on the mic and seemed to me at least like to me that he didn't have any mic problems it was a pretty good all around Evansville bash feast again. But that was just me. Maybe they play up his mic problems on TV.

Matt Striker came out ran down Evansville and Kane. He said Kane wouldn't be there because he was in Hollywood making movies and wouldn't want to come to a town like Evansville and that he saw his Movie "See No Evil" and said Kane wouldn't be winning an Oscar anytime soon. About that time Kane's music hits and he comes down and proceeds to Chockeslam Striker and begins to walk away and looked back and decides to Tombstone Piledrive him as well. Interesting fact when the show was over, I walked over near where the wrestlers leave the building and saw Striker getting in the car with a neck brace on. So I'm not sure but they may plan to run an angle with that.


Mickie James & Victoria defeated Maria & Beth Phoenix. At the end, Maria and Beth attacked Mickie and Victoria and ripped their clothes off as well. So everyone in the audience got a treat.

Triple H defeated Kenny of the Spirit Squad via disqualification when the other four member of the SS got involved and beat Triple H down before he got his sledgehammer and beat them down. The crowd absolutely loved Triple H.

John Cena defeated Edge to retain the WWE Championship. Fans loved Cena. His reaction was even bigger than Triple H's as it could be heard in the parking lot louder. I also had to put my fingers in my ears as well it was so loud.

06-07-2006, 12:02 PM
nice my friend was at that show. That sounds like a great night for the fans there.