View Full Version : Storm Says 'Tons' Of Smaller Wrestlers On Steroids

06-14-2008, 08:43 PM
Bret Hart and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin were both in attendance at the 43rd Annual Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion this past week. Hart was on hand to receive an award and Austin attended the event with close friend Jim Ross. Pat Patterson was also there receiving the Art Abrams Lifetime Achievement Award. For pictures and a recap of the festivities, visit http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/.

Lance Storm has posted his latest Q & A on his website, which you can read at StormWrestling.com. In one of the questions, a reader asks him if WWE will start pushing "smaller" talent like TNA does. The question upsets Storm because the reader also called them natural, assuming that smaller wrestlers must not be on anything because they're small ("Do you think that WWE will ever focus more on the "smaller" more natural talent like TNA has done?"). "I don't like naming names but there are a TON of smaller guys in this business who are on as much if not more gas than the larger guys in this business," Storm explains. "Fans used to complain about WWE and WCW pushing jacked up monsters rather than smaller more talented guys like Benoit and Eddie, yet we now know that both of those guys were big steroid users. I know guys in this business under 175 pounds who are on steroids, so you can't just push smaller guys and lay claim to pushing more natural talent." Here is Storm's response in its entirety: A: Questions like this frustrate me. People need to understand that "smaller" and "more natural" can be two completely different things. The steroid issue is far more complicated than you think. I don't like naming names but there are a TON of smaller guys in this business who are on as much if not more gas than the larger guys in this business. Fans used to complain about WWE and WCW pushing jacked up monsters rather than smaller more talented guys like Benoit and Eddie, yet we now know that both of those guys were big steroid users. I know guys in this business under 175 pounds who are on steroids, so you can't just push smaller guys and lay claim to pushing more natural talent. Look at the signature pharmacy list, again not to bury anyone but there were a ton of small guys on that list. On the other hand, I firmly believe Mark Henry is actually clean and anyone I’ve ever heard from that knows him or has discussed the subject believes this too. Mark is a 400lbs monster who could actually be "natural" yet Funaki (of all people) was on the customer list of signature pharmacies so at least at one point in his career may not have been. The term "Small" and "Natural" do not necessarily go hand in hand.

Source: Wrestlezone

Ill Will
06-14-2008, 10:48 PM
I don't take anything Lance Storm says seriously anymore.

06-15-2008, 05:16 AM
Well, this reminds me of the story of when X-Pac got asked by WWE to get bigger or he would be fired. He must have gone on a steroid spree cause he got alot bigger quickly. Smaller guys sometimes find it hard to get larger so I guess some would take steroids to put on the extra beef needed to atleast look the part in the ring.