View Full Version : Several WWE Stars Cause Controversy In Panama - Details

06-14-2008, 08:46 PM
This past Wednesday, Mr. Kennedy and Carlito caused a bit of controversy during a WWE press conference in Panama promoting a show on July 4. During the press conference, the two Raw stars behaved in character by insulting the women of Panama. Kennedy said, "We thought we would see beautiful girls here; still, we have seen none. In fact, you can't tell them apart from the men." Carlito added, "I don't agree with Mr. Kennedy. After women in England, the USA, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, etc. then come the Panamanians." Their comments caused a stir and now there is a serious news story on the situation on a Panama news site. You can view the article at this http://www.prensa.com. The article is in Spanish, so here is a rough translation of it:

WWE wrestlers insult Panamanian women

The wrestlers Carlitos [sic] and Mr. Kennedy created controversy yesterday, Wednesday, during the promotion for the Raw Summerslam [tour] event, which will take place July 4 at the Figali Convention Center.

During the press conference they did not respect Panamanian women and the country in general.

"We thought we would see beautiful girls here; still, we have seen none. In fact, you can't tell them apart from the men," said Mr. Kennedy.

Carlitos [sic] supported his opinion and added some additional things.

"I don't agree with Mr. Kennedy. After women in England, the USA, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, etc. then come the Panamanians."

A fan took the opportunity to ask if they had any plans of buying a summer home in Panama, and they shuddered in response.

"Not at all. I have no intention of buying a house in Panama, since this country is a cheap rip off of Puerto Rico," indicated Carlitos [sic], a native of said country.

"The beaches in Puerto Rico are better," he noted.

Carlitos [sic], who during his appearances always chews on an apple and spits it at his rival, added one more insult.

"Are these apples? (in reference to the size of the fruit) Here in Panama everything is small," he stated before throwing the apples on the floor, creating disgust among all those present at the press conference.

Source: Wrestlezone

Ill Will
06-14-2008, 10:53 PM
Apparently Panamanians don't know what pro wrestling heels are supposed to do? idk why Kennedy was playing heel, but he obviously was. Wrestlers say way worse things than that all the time in American cities.

06-15-2008, 12:00 AM
since when is mr kennedy a heel again?

06-15-2008, 05:29 AM
lol I don't know if you can call this wrestling heel. I mean, in the old days a wrestling heel would pick on his opponents and maybe say a little about the town they are in or country but they seem to have taken this over the top lol Or i could be completely wrong and I am reading it all wrong lol I don't care, still funny stuff to me .. sorry Pamananians

Ill Will
06-15-2008, 06:05 PM
lol I don't know if you can call this wrestling heel. I mean, in the old days a wrestling heel would pick on his opponents and maybe say a little about the town they are in or country but they seem to have taken this over the top lol Or i could be completely wrong and I am reading it all wrong lol I don't care, still funny stuff to me .. sorry Pamananians

I specifically remember Brother (Bubba) Ray saying something along the lines of "I've never been surrounded by this many gutter sluts before" at an ECW show years ago. And did you forget about JBL's nazi salute in Germany? Kennedy simply saying the women aren't pretty hardly seems "over the top" to me.

06-16-2008, 01:05 PM
He didnt just say that Ill Will, he said alot more about the country as well. Also, ECW back then is no where near the force WWE is today and the overall view from fans and SPONSORS is way more important to WWE than it did for ECW. Also, ECW fans expected that from the wrestlers.

06-17-2008, 04:14 AM
i've been to panama...a lot...they ain't lyin'.