View Full Version : The Absolute Latest On The Undertaker's WWE Return, More

06-15-2008, 09:18 PM
At the moment, Undertaker is slated to return in late July. The storyline will lead to a SummerSlam showdown with Edge.

'Taker did indeed take some time off to heal some nagging injuries, but there was also a feeling that his program with Edge needed to be put on the shelf, at least for a little while. They want to continue it, but it was going to run out of steam without a major angle.

The creative team wasn't told about Undertaker's leave of absence until a week ahead of time.

Source: Wrestlezone

06-16-2008, 04:07 AM
If his program with Edge is going to continue when he returns, I guess Edge will be keeping the title then or will win it back before Undertakers return. I guess Edge will have the title at his wedding.

06-17-2008, 12:20 PM
looks like batista might not be winning it anytime soon...im hoping for taker to appear during the wedding..hehe