View Full Version : Animal Gets Animalistic, Haas Has Heat, Greg Gagne

06-07-2006, 12:50 AM
By Daniel Pena

# 06/06/2006 - The recently released Road Warrior Animal recently gave management several ideas for angles which could involve him. Road Warrior Animal had been used sparingly as of late. Anyways, all of his ideas were turned down and he snapped. Animal proceeded to throw a huge fit backstage.

# Charlie Haas has some heat backstage after he carelessly knocked Lilian Garcia off the ring apron last night on RAW.

# Greg Gagne is officially the new booker for both Deep South Wrestling and Ohio Valley Wrestling. Gagne is coming to shows this week to familiarize himself with the wrestlers. Gagne wants to book OVW and DSW just like how the old AWA was booked. If Gagne's tenure as booker doesn't work out, the heat will be on Johnny Ace for hiring him because he put someone who hasn't been following the business in several years in that important position.

sources: PWInsider.com, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

06-07-2006, 01:00 AM
it was so funny when lilian fell off