View Full Version : Jim Ross Not Happy

06-24-2008, 07:43 PM
Jim Ross has posted a blog entry on his official website regarding his move to Smackdown last night in the WWE draft. You can read the full blog at http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/. Here is an excerpt from the entry:

As many of you know, I was “drafted” to Smackdown Monday night in the “random lottery”. Obviously that means I will be leaving Monday Night Raw and my long time partner Jerry Lawler.

I am not happy about this surprise development.

I also contemplated calling it a career Monday night and not going to Houston to tape SD.

After speaking with my wife and thinking on this matter until 6 a.m. Tuesday morning, I have decided to do the right thing for the fans who care and the talent who care and begin my new assignment.

It has been explained to me that the WWE’s Smackdown tenure on My Network is a high priority within the corporation. Allegedly, my presence is needed in that effort.

Many are speculating about when I learned of this development…the same time those of you were watching at home. I should have detected something with the demeanor of certain individuals either thru their plastic, poker faces or the perceived smirk that I thought I might have seen on some of their faces during the day.

As far as going to Connecticut each week to do Smackdown post production, that’s not going to happen. Either Mick Foley can handle it or the WWE can install a DSL line in my home to facilitate the work.

Ross goes on to talk about the breakup of his team with Jerry Lawler, how long he thinks his announcing career will last, and more in a very interesting blog entry. Again, you can check out the full blog (and I recommend you do so) by clicking here.

Source: PWI

Black Widow
06-24-2008, 07:46 PM