View Full Version : Joey Styles Status Update

07-02-2008, 10:59 PM
Joey Styles is said to be happy with his new position on WWE.com and it seems to be paying off for him. He is spending a lot of time with Vince McMahon in meetings, on the corporate jet, and even backstage during tapings. The WWE website traffic has increased quite a bit since Styles came on board. It has been said that he's making considerably more money now than he was when he was an announcer.

Source: Wrestlezone

07-03-2008, 06:38 PM
good for joey. the guy seems like a true fan of the business and deserves whatever money he can pry from vinnie mac's hands.

07-04-2008, 03:12 PM
I am glad Styles is getting on with the company better now. This is a clever move being close to McMahon and maybe even learning alot more about the business than he would as an Announcer. This could lead to endless possibilities for him. I still say he was and is a great Play by Play man.