View Full Version : Details On Jim Ross' Meeting With Vince After WWE Draft

Black Widow
07-06-2008, 11:34 AM
To update on Jim Ross' transition from RAW to SmackDown!, he arrived to the Houston SD! taping at around 5:00 p.m., a few hours before show time and had a private meeting with Vince McMahon. Any issues that had taken place after the draft are said to be done as Ross was said to be very apologetic about the statements he made on his website.

McMahon reportedly told Ross that he was moved to Smackdown because they were making the brand more of a priority in looking forward to its debut on MyNetworkTV this October. Many feel Triple H and others putting over Ross on last week's Smackdown smoothed things over in regards to the decision that was made. While some of the WWE higher-ups were not thrilled about some of the things he wrote on his website, they appreciated his follow-up and new commitment to the brand. When Ross showed up late there had been concern he wasn't going to show up (especially when he declined to fly on the WWE corporate jet the night before), although one report stated he simply had to stop and get a new suit.

The feeling backstage is that everyone is making sacrifices to help Smackdown and its transition to MyNetworkTV this October as they could either let the problems continue or make changes for the better. It should be noted that Michael Cole was less than thrilled to be moved away from Smackdown, but he was more quiet about it.

07-06-2008, 10:55 PM
LOL, Cole must have thought that going to RAW was a promotion but really SD! is becoming the "A" show...:laugh:

07-07-2008, 12:19 AM
Raw will still have better ratings, and now it will probably be the more daring of the two, making it more exciting. Although, I will miss Hardy and Kennedy...and even Trips a little.