View Full Version : Update on Edge and Vickie's Wedding Plans for TV

07-08-2008, 01:00 AM
Although Edge "broke up" with Vickie Guerrero on Smackdown last week and called off their wedding, WWE creative is still looking to have a wedding take place in the future. There is no official word at this time as to why they postponed the idea, but speculation is that it may have to do with them wanting The Undertaker's return to interrupt the ceremony. The original plan was to have the wedding take place on this Friday's Smackdown broadcast.

Source: Wrestlezone

07-08-2008, 04:28 PM
i see this marriage taking place..as in all plans for it to take place..coz i feel Vicky will either turn face..and re-instate Taker sumtime soon and he interferes at the marriage..or i see Vicky and Edge back together and costing HHH his title...and dat there supposed break-up was all a plot!

Bad Boy
07-08-2008, 05:39 PM
yeah, but what bout the fact that HHH and Taker don't wanna be on the same show, that makes me thinks of the possibilities... but anyways, glad that Edge and Vickie broke up, now the next step, remove that ugly bitch from the WWE...

07-08-2008, 07:55 PM
I hope this doesn't happen. I hate weddings.