View Full Version : Breaking News: WWE Releases Ashley Massaro

07-10-2008, 03:35 AM
After weeks of speculation, WWE has finally made the announcement via WWE.com:

World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of Ashley Massaro as of July 09, 2008. WWE wishes Ashley the best in all future endeavors.

07-10-2008, 04:42 AM
Hopefully she can get her daughter better and eventually come back...

Bad Boy
07-10-2008, 07:10 AM
i didnt think the story of her daughter was true, but anyways I will miss Ashley, she was a hot diva... thx for the news

07-10-2008, 04:26 PM
I hated that waste of tv time. I'm glad I won't have to see her anymore :agree:

07-10-2008, 05:14 PM
I hated that waste of tv time. I'm glad I won't have to see her anymore :agree:

Yeah, now they can devote more time to much more attractive divas...like Jillian...

Yeah, no. Ashley was awesome.

Black Widow
07-10-2008, 05:32 PM
its not really breaking news when it happened a few weeks ago :)

07-10-2008, 06:39 PM
Yeah, now they can devote more time to much more attractive divas...like Jillian...

Yeah, no. Ashley was awesome.

Yea, all those botched moves of her's reminded me of John Cena. That's how awesome she was, right? :lmao:

07-11-2008, 04:52 AM
Yea, all those botched moves of her's reminded me of John Cena. That's how awesome she was, right? :lmao:

Oh, she was an awful wrestler. She was just hot though...

Once again, I would like to point out Cena vs Triple H (1 and 2), Cena vs HBK (1 and 2), and all of the Cena vs Edge's, Cena vs Randy Ortons, and even Cena vs Bobby Lashley as reasons why Cena CAN indeed wrestle, contrary to what some know it all internet fans think.

07-11-2008, 05:16 AM
damn....gonna miss her boobies

Lady DeathStrike
07-11-2008, 07:29 PM

07-11-2008, 07:48 PM
She got fired for being a hooker in LA before she joined wwe. and she was fake as shit, and ugly. her face was scarry.

07-11-2008, 07:57 PM
She got fired for being a hooker in LA before she joined wwe. and she was fake as shit, and ugly. her face was scarry.

That makes perfect sense. Well, except for the fact that WWE didn't fire her when the story broke, she was released several months later. That kinda makes you look stupid. Oh, and the fact that Ashley herself said she requested her release for a legitimate reason before they even announced her release, which they do immediately after the firing. Hmm...doesn't quite match up with your theory. Oh, and she was voted number one out of 10 people on national tv for her looks and personality and then immediately become very popular to the point that she was invited onto Survivor AND Playboy. You know, now that I look at it...you don't make any sense at all. It seems like you pretty much were 100% full of BS. Funny how that worked out.

07-11-2008, 11:38 PM
^^this cena fan douche-bag again... the wwe did realease her for the scandal.. . it just needed to play out a little before that happened. if you would read other things beside wwe propaganda then you could really see what goes on around you. But then again you do proudly display that you like John Cena. case in point. and who was #2 -10 on that list? Oh wait... it was top ten drag-queen look a likes. what ever she's gone and forever. she was a whore and you can only be so after you get hired by vince "i make up for my small penis by making women degrade themselves" Macmahon.

07-12-2008, 02:28 AM
I am not sad to see Ashley go, I never liked her.

At least she seems to have her wits about her, and is focusing on her daughter who needs her instead of caring only about herself.

07-12-2008, 07:28 AM
^^this cena fan douche-bag again... the wwe did realease her for the scandal.. . it just needed to play out a little before that happened. if you would read other things beside wwe propaganda then you could really see what goes on around you. But then again you do proudly display that you like John Cena. case in point. and who was #2 -10 on that list? Oh wait... it was top ten drag-queen look a likes. what ever she's gone and forever. she was a whore and you can only be so after you get hired by vince "i make up for my small penis by making women degrade themselves" Macmahon.

Oh yes, now we are attacking people who like Cena. That makes you look REAL good, let me tell ya. I highly doubt that they released her because of the scandal. There has been no new story in it, and it has all blown over already, so why release her now? Maybe she asked for her release because she was pulled off TV as well as her daughter, and she was definitely pulled off tv because of the scandal, but that doesn't mean she was fired because of it when she herself said she asked to be let go. Besides, they have convicted felons wrestling for them. What they did in the past doesn't matter to the WWE, as long as they are cleaned up.

So, why don't you pull you head out of your ass instead of spending your days attacking the likes of John Cena, Ashley and all of the other divas, and Vince online. It doesn't add inches to your dick, especially when all of your points are half thought out pieces of garbage.

07-14-2008, 11:07 PM
^^ Do you think that WWE honors women? yes or no.

07-14-2008, 11:10 PM
by the way Tommy... read the thread backstage reaction to Massaro's realease. Quote: "There was said to be lots of discussion and confusion within WWE over Ashley Massaro announcing on her "MySpace" page that her seven year old daughter was sick and this required her to ask for an early release from WWE.

The feeling among many was that if her daughter was very ill and she had to be home for her then the company would have understood and given her time off. WWE gave former TNA star Monty Brown (who wrestled as Marcus Cor Von on ECW) months off when he had to raise his sister's children and couldn't be on the road full-time anymore. It wasn't clear until later that returning wasn't going to be possible and they granted Brown his release.

Massaro was already sent home once earlier this year (something she denied on her "MySpace" page claiming an injury) and returned for WrestleMania. Believe it or not, the push Mickie James is currently getting as WWE Women's Champion was originally booked for Massaro. However, James got the role as the feeling was it would have set a bad example to give Massaro a top push after being sent home. Massaro was considered a favorite by Kevin Dunn at one point because it was his project, the Diva Search, that discovered her. Many were second-guessing Dunn's push to get her on "Survivor" and many have realized what a mistake it was in the end.

Ashley disappeared off WWE television shortly after the Rolling Stone article came out linking her to a high-priced escort service in her days before joining WWE. The theory among some within WWE was that asking for her release was a way to vanish from the limelight in the wake of the article going public. Massaro immediately responded to the article saying it wasn't true and that she was contacting an attorney over the matter. Since then, nothing had come out regarding any kind of a retraction and all editors involved with the story from Rolling Stone stood by the article. So, it's not hard to probably figure out what is going on here and it was the first thing that came to the minds of many when she issued her latest blog.
I am not the only one that is telling the truth. you stupid mark.

07-15-2008, 04:32 AM
So because "backstage" there are whispered rumors, that's supposed to mean something? Sure, I'm gonna believed unnamed sources guesses about the matter. Grow up kid, calling someone a 'mark' is unbelievably lame, especially when all they are doing is not listening to internet rumors.

Ill Will
07-16-2008, 09:37 PM
its not really breaking news when it happened a few weeks ago :)
She announced that she asked for a release a few weeks ago. The release was just granted last week.

Once again, I would like to point out Cena vs Triple H (1 and 2), Cena vs HBK (1 and 2), and all of the Cena vs Edge's, Cena vs Randy Ortons, and even Cena vs Bobby Lashley as reasons why Cena CAN indeed wrestle, contrary to what some know it all internet fans think.

lol, do you know what your list of matches proves? Absolutely nothing. Those are examples of when you thought Cena was good. They are reasons why you think Cena "CAN indeed wrestle". For someone who disagrees and thinks those matches suck, those reasons all amount to shit.

Anyway, the rest of your posts in this thread have show that immaturity and homerism always take precedence over logic. The only thing any of your posts have proven is the theory that people will defend the wrestlers they like without regard to rationality, reason, or common sense, not to mention resorting to insults due to the lack of an intelligent argument.

07-16-2008, 11:02 PM
She announced that she asked for a release a few weeks ago. The release was just granted last week.

lol, do you know what your list of matches proves? Absolutely nothing. Those are examples of when you thought Cena was good. They are reasons why you think Cena "CAN indeed wrestle". For someone who disagrees and thinks those matches suck, those reasons all amount to shit.

Anyway, the rest of your posts in this thread have show that immaturity and homerism always take precedence over logic. The only thing any of your posts have proven is the theory that people will defend the wrestlers they like without regard to rationality, reason, or common sense, not to mention resorting to insults due to the lack of an intelligent argument.

You obviously didn't read these posts very carefully, as I didn't "resort to insults due to the lack of an intelligent arguement". I was insulted first. As for your comments on Cena, he has proven himself as I stated. Just because some of his haters are extremely stubborn doesn't mean that those reasons amount to nothing. It just means that those people are extremely stubborn.

Ill Will
07-19-2008, 06:51 AM
You obviously didn't read these posts very carefully, as I didn't "resort to insults due to the lack of an intelligent arguement". I was insulted first.Bull. Fucking. Shit.

You called coachthor stupid before he had even made a post addressed at you. His first post was about Ashley being fired because she was an ugly hooker, and you responded to that by calling him stupid.

To deny this would be to argue against facts. The original posts are still there.

As for your comments on Cena, he has proven himself as I stated.lol, he has proven himself to you. Just because you "stated" it doesn't mean that your perspective is the only one. As I said, people can obviously disagree that Cena can wrestle, and they can disagree with your examples of when he performed well. It's called having an opinion, and yours isn't any more valid than anyone else's.

Just because some of his haters are extremely stubborn doesn't mean that those reasons amount to nothing. It just means that those people are extremely stubborn.
This is probably one of the most hypocritical statements I've read on this forum. You're blind homerism is getting quite sad. People disagreeing with you doesn't make them stubborn. The irony here of course is that you consistently think the same thing about Cena as well. If Cena haters are stubborn simply because stand by their opinion after you've listed your useless examples, then through your logic, Cena fanboys such as yourself have to be just as stubborn, because obviously you haven't changed your mind either.

Furthermore, the reason your reasons amount to nothing is because you're basically backing up your opinion with more opinions. If someone says Cena can't wrestle, you should assume that they've already seen what he can do in the ring, otherwise they wouldn't be judging him. But even if they hadn't, simply listing matches where you thought he was good is a fallacy because it doesn't actually prove anything. People can obviously disagree with you on each individual match as well. And once again, that's not being stubborn.