View Full Version : J.R. Talks Kane Angle, Update On Chicago Affiliate Airing SD

07-10-2008, 09:55 PM
Jim Ross has a new blog up that you can see HERE ( http://www.jrsbarbq.com/2008/07/09/back-from-baton-rouge-with-some-random-thoughts/) where he gives his thoughts on Monday Night Raw this past week, his continual growth with Mick Foley, and more. The following is a brief excerpt from his column:

"Monday Night Raw was an interesting show from ‘Nawlins and certainly had its share of verbalizing. I really enjoyed the HBK-Y2J interaction and if any one wants to bet that those two don’t steal the show at the Bash let me know and perhaps we can bet some J.R.’s Beef Jerky…you know, the 97% fat free jerky. The program’s ending was intriguing to me involving Kane, who looks to be in line for more prominent exposure, along with The King and Michael Cole. Welcome to Raw, Michael. I am curious to see how this Kane business is followed up next Monday in Raleigh. I talked to King after Raw and he was still woozy after Kane pounded him that Jerry actually got lost in downtown New Orleans looking for the “team hotel” which was the Marriott on Canal Street, not exactly an obscure locale. I hope the King will be able to find Raleigh on Monday and can avoid Kane’s big right hand. :)"

Source: Wrestlezone