View Full Version : Great American Bash: Dark Match, Big Star Jobs To Umaga

Black Widow
07-21-2008, 05:36 PM
-- There isn't much to report in regards to what didn't make the Great American Bash PPV airing. There was only one dark match which saw Umaga defeat Mr. Kennedy with the Samoan Spike. There were no festivities after the PPV went off the air aside from a few drunk guys fighting at ringside.

07-21-2008, 05:59 PM
Second time in a row Kennedy has jobbed to Umaga...I don't know why. Kennedy has charisma and wrestling skill coming out of his ass...while Umaga is a fat, uncharismatic fan killer.

07-21-2008, 06:25 PM
Umaga shouldn't be getting pushed off of Kennedy...:no: Kennedy should feud with MVP while Umaga just beats some jobbers then tries a push, I don't really see Umaga needing a push just yet... he's kind of boring imo.

Ill Will
07-22-2008, 03:16 AM
I disagree with both of you. Kennedy sucks. Umaga is a million times more entertaining in the ring, plus, he was moved to Smackdown specifically to be a new addition to the main event scene. Kennedy, on the other hand, still botches the most basic moves on a regular basis.

07-22-2008, 03:19 AM
imo they both should be getting pushed when i saw umaga have 2 dudes on his back and somoan back drop them i was like damn he needs a belt!

07-22-2008, 07:25 AM
umaga hasnt realli got anybody to actually feud with at the moment...so i thin having him beating jobbers is the only thing ..as for Kennedy..well since hes face...i would like to watch him go for the US Championship..which should happen...and im glad that the US Championship is back to SD! coz a whole pool of talented stars like MVP, Jeff Hardy, Ron Killings, Kennedy, Shelton, etc. have sumthing to fight for...but yeah Kennedy shouldnt be jobbing!