View Full Version : Maria's Love Notes (Blog - July 24, 2008)

Black Widow
07-25-2008, 01:14 PM
What's up all you stars and studs!!!!!!

It is so nice to speak with you all once again. It has been a crazy busy year, and I have loved every moment of it! WrestleMania, to a kiss with Snoop, to top 100, to Santino and I, (What was I thinking?) Project Runway (purrrrrrrr kitty), Sunset Tan, SummerSlam poster, (Did you see me blow ... mmmmm ... that boat up?) my first runway show, (It's called fashion for a reason ... not everyone is supposed to like it or understand it ... hahahaha...) and now I moved to SmackDown! AAHHHHHHH!!!! It still isn't over. It is never over ...

Moving to SmackDown ... Did it come as a shock is the question I have been getting. Yes, very very much. I am sad in some ways and happy in others. I am happy and excited about this new adventure I am beginning. It is a new bright and shiny begining. It is like the first day at a new school and I am still trying to figure out who to sit with. I am sad because I am leaving some very important people that have been in my life for four years and without them I could not have gotten to where I am now. I want to send a big SPANK YOU to all the Divas on Raw, whether kicking my butt or trying to help me get my butt in shape in the ring, I thank you!! Red team, sorry girls I am turning “blue.”

I am sooooo excited about helping charities! It makes me feel like I am giving back because I have been given so much. It makes me feel alive!! Paws for Style was so much fun ... Gemini (my Chihuahua, or hua hua as I like to call him), was so cute!! The outfit was fun to make, and since I wanted it to be a little crazy and wild I think it did the job. Haha ... Gem even had a hoodie. He flirted with all of the ‘lil girl doggies. Ow Ow!! If you would like to buy Gem's and my outfit go to eBay!!!!

As for the new Divas Championship … Congratulations to Michelle!!!!! Yay!! That title is beautiful! And Michelle deserved it. Congrats!!

What is next?? I am only looking to the future! Hard work and more hard work! My Favorite quote is, "My own personal strength scares the sh### out of me!!" I have had my butt kicked from here to Phoniexville and I am still not scared. I still step into that ring. I still desire to be champion!! I still want gold around my waist — and not as just a fashion statement. But as a statement that “Even though I might not be the best and have been beaten, I never give up!" I have so many dreams, from wrestling to music, movies and fashion to one day a family. No one should ever fear going after what they believe in, and you should always follow your passions! Do not, I repeat, DO NOT under any circumstances change for anyone but yourself!!

Finally, I want to talk about the most important people in my life: My family. My ‘lil bro is having a baby!!!! Billy and Kelly CONGRATS!! Life is the greatest gift! And to the rest of my family thank you for always being by my side. I miss you and love you!

As always, Passion is my motivation!!

Spanks and Kisses!!!!,
Maria and Gem (ARF!!)

P.S.: tut.....

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