View Full Version : WWE house show report 7-27 White Plains

Black Widow
07-28-2008, 07:38 PM
Theodore Long came out and ran down several of the matches, including
Edge vs. Jeff Hardy in the night's main event. He was interrupted by Armando
Estrada, who complained about his yet to be granted contract. After a little
back and forth chatter, Estrada challenged any "New Yorker", which led to...

Match 1: Tommy Dreamer def. Armando Estrada
- Nice crowd reaction for Tommy Dreamer. Ocassional ECW chants as
expected, and moderate heel heat for Estrada. Dreamer took the win after
a DDT.

Match 2: Vladimir Koslov def. Stevie Richards
- Richards looked excited to be there, despite jobbing to Koslov. Not
as much of a squash as one would assume, as Richards did get a good
amount of offense in. Basically a similar match to their previous encounters
on Smackdown. Koslov hit his headbutt manuver for the win. His facial
expressions make him semi watchable.

Match 3: Brian Kendrick ( w\ Ezekial ) def. Funaki
- Kendrick came out with his new gimmick, to not much of a reaction.
Funaki got cheered, mainly because the majority of the crowd consisted
of children. Nice cruiserweight match with several near falls. Lots of
stalling from Kendrick, but they worked a good pace. Ezekial distracted
Funaki long enough for Kendrick to finish him with a roll up\bridge

Match 4: Umaga def. Nunzio & Shannon Moore in a handicap match
- Umaga was definitely over, despite the fact that he's a heel. They did
a comedy match, similar to the one described at the show in Poughkeepsie
last night, with Nunzio and Shannon acting like they were scared of Umaga.
The crowd pretty much turned Umaga face, by cheering everything he did.
He even cracked a smile at some points, breaking character and confusing
a few in the process. After several attempts to double team him, Umaga
delivered the Samoan Spike to Nunzio for the victory.

Match 5: The Big Show def. MVP
- MVP came out and ran down the Westchester County Center, making
reference to MSG and Nassau Coliseum, insisting he's far too superior
to compete in an arena like this, and said he's not performing until Big
Show came out. Decent exchange between the two, MVP worked the
crowd as best he could and Big Show did the usual. MVP missed a
big boot in the corner, resulting in Big Show nailing the chokeslam and
the pinfall.

Intermission. Throughout the night, Eve Torres interacted with the crowd,
awarding front row tickets to a fan that got a trivia question correct and
later selecting a fan to be a guest time keeper, before selecting another
fan to serve as guest manager in the next contest...

Match 6: Michelle McCool def. Natalya to retain the Diva's Championship
- Crowd loved McCool, I prefer Natalya. Similar to their match last Sunday
at the Great American Bash. Natalya dominated for the most part, before
McCool made a comeback and won after a suplex turned face slam.

Match 7: Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder def. Jesse & Festus and John
Morrison & The Miz to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship
- Jesse & Festus were really over with the fans, especially Festus. Basic
triple threat style contest, with the champs avoiding Festus, and Miz
& Morrison drawing lots of heat. Festus, like Big Show, is huge up close.
Probably one of the longer matches of the night, ending with a brawl
late in the match, with Jesse getting pinned by Hawkins.

Match 8: Jeff Hardy def. Edge in a No Disqualification Match
- Theodore Long came out and announced that Vickie Guerrero has
made this bout No DQ. Edge is great at what he does, playing heel
to the utmost. The fans were going crazy for Jeff, many decked out
in his merchandise. Match of the night, with Edge using the ring
steps to attack Jeff midway through the match, before several
trash can lids were used later on. Several 'We want tables' chants
late in the match but nothing materialized. Finishing sequence
saw Jeff go for the Twist of Fate, Edge countering with the Impaler
for a very close two count. Edge's new piece Alicia Fox ( the wedding
planner ) came out and broke up another pin attempt. Jeff went to
the outside and grabbed a chair, setting up the Poetry in Motion.
After hitting that on the chair, he dropped a Swanton on Edge and
got the 1-2-3. After the match, Edge stayed in the ring for a good
5 minutes, selling the final moments.

All in all it was a pretty good show, the crowd was into it and most of
the matches were fine. Biggest reaction of the night was for Jeff
Hardy, with honorable mentions going to Big Show, Jesse & Festus
and surprisingly Umaga. Justin Roberts announced that tickets are
on sale for the 8\23 show at Madison Square Garden, featuring
the superstars of Raw.