View Full Version : WWE House Show Results (7/27/08) - Hyannis, Massachusetts

Black Widow
07-29-2008, 11:07 AM
These are the Smackdown/ECW house show results from the Melody Tent.

Carlito def. Atlas Ortiz
This match was OK, but a decent starter none the less. Atlas is not a very good
wrestler. It appered that Carlito was holding the match together.

Ron Killings (R-Truth) def. Nick Nemmeth
There were a lot of "WHATS UP" chants. At one point there was a "We want Kenny!"
chant. Very exciting match up. Killing finishes with the modified axe kick.

Cherry def. Tiffany, Mayrse, and Victoria in a dance competition. Victoria got a
lot of heat for wearing a Yankees jersey. Mayrse was looking extremely fine!

The Great Khali def. Finlay
Another decent match up. Khali finishes with a chop to the head. The cameras don't
do Khali any justice.

Evan Bourne def. Chavo Guerrero w/ Bam Neely
Very fun match. Bourne wins with the shooting star press.

Shelton Benjamin def. Jimmy Wang Yang (US Championship)
Nothing Special. there were a couple good spots.

Howard Finkle announces that the main event is for the ECW Championship.

Mark Henry w/ Tony Atlas and Colin Delaney def. Matt Hardy.
The Crowd was really into this one. Tony Atlas got on the mic, and he has to be the
worst speeker I ever heard. Matt Hardy was extremely over with the fans. Mark
Henry tried to talk on the mic, but he was drowned out by the "Hardy" and "Lets Go
Hardy" chants! Henry wins with the Worlds Strongest slam. After the match, Hardy
gives Delaney a Twist of Fate. Matt stays for 5 min. to high five the fans.

There was not that many big names. There was no Triple H, MVP, Big Show, Umaga,
Kendrick, Jeff Hardy, or Kennedy. Nevertheless, it was still a good show. 3 out of
5 stars.

Pop of the Night:
1) Matt Hardy
2) Finlay
3) Ron Killings (R-Truth)

Heat of the Night:
1) Mark Henry
2) Carlito
3) Victoria