View Full Version : Hogan Interview Brooke/Playboy more.......

08-02-2008, 09:44 PM
Source PWMania
Hulk Hogan was on Howard Stern this morning. Usually on the show Artie Lange will never shut up but he barely spoke during this interview. This is the case whenever he doesn’t have any in interest or respect for the guest. A lot of the interview was Linda bashing but he talked about a few other things.

Hogan said that Playboy offered Brooke the cover of the 55th Anniversary issue. He said that ultimately the decision was up to Brooke. Howard asked him if he thought she should do it and Hogan said no. Howard agreed, noting that since she already has a tv show she doesn’t need to play that card. When her career is on a downswing then she could consider doing Playboy.

Hogan said that Nick got a much more severe sentence than he was expecting, but that he took it like a man. Most hardened criminals need an emergency injunction to get them out of solitary confinement after 72 hours because they start to crack but Nick lasted 28 days. The phone calls shouldn’t have been released because they didn’t release tapes of Charles Manson or O.J., plus Nick signed a form saying he didn’t want any publicity.

Howard asked Hogan if he wanted to take a call from the Iron Sheik. Hogan said he was an idiot but to put him on anyway. Sheiky started ranting about putting Hogan over for title and how Hogan had promised that he owed him one. At the end of his rant Sheik said he would forgive Hogan because he was the bigger man. Hogan said alright thanks, and they made up. Hulk said that Sheik is crazy and is always talking smack but next time they meet in person Sheik will come over and give him a big hug.

Hogan mentioned his new Celebrity Wrestling show. He said that Trump’s catch phrase was “You’re Fired!” and his catch phrase was “You’re a Jabroni! Get out of my ring!”. He said that when he said that to 80’s singer Tiffany she got so mad she wanted to beat him up. I guess this means that she won’t be the Celebrity Wrestling champion, so don’t pick her in your office pool. Hogan put over Dustin Diamond saying that he was the best wrestler and had the psychology down and he said that Todd Bridges was the best athlete. Then Hogan said that it took two weeks for Frank Stallone to find his wrestling character which was a cross dresser. Hogan noted that wrestling characters only work if it is an extension of who you really are.