View Full Version : Batista Talks About Summerslam With John Cena, Going To Raw, His Feud With Undertaker

Black Widow
08-10-2008, 07:26 PM
Show : The Main Event with hosts Ryan Rider and Steve Rockamaniac airing Sunday mornings from 10:30am to Noon on CJLO 1690 am in Montreal and worldwide on MainEventRadio.com

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Q: Joining us today is Mr. Dave Batista doing an autograph signing here in Montreal and the GNC Supplement store and the line is going all the way down the street, hundreds of fans lining up to see the former world champion Batista, so without any further ado welcome to the main event how you doing this afternoon?

A: I'm great man. How are you guys?

Q: Doing very well thanks. First off, recently being drafted from Smackdown to Raw, what was your reaction to that decision and do you have a preference between one of the two brands?

A: You know I was shocked, but you know the cool thing was at the beginning of that show Rey Mysterio got drafted over too and he's a real good friend of mine and I'd follow Rey anywhere so I knew that I was gonna have someone to go to battle with. It was just odd you know. I was leaving a lot of close relationships behind, had built a lot of good relationships on Smackdown so it really felt like I was leaving my family so it was a little bit difficult, and honestly I really don't have a preference, but I do miss Smackdown.

Q: Well as mentioned the fans are lined up down the street they're going crazy, and you've obviously started to get used to this by now but what's one of the craziest things a fan has done when they got a chance to meet you?

A: (lol) You know I've had some odd experiences with women. You know I think the funniest thing is always when mom's will come in with their kids and the mothers will kind of throw themselves at me and it was just kind of awkward and embarrassing at the same time, but not a bad thing ya know.

Q: I've actually been reading your biography recently, how much work goes into a volume like this and I know you had some good stories about your mom in here if you want to share one of them.

A: It was you know, (Dave laughs as the crowd chants Cena sucks in the background, there ya go a Cena sucks chant but ya know if Cena was here they'd be chanting Batista sucks) but the book. It was basically, I had a ghostwriter, a guy who wrote it for me and I basically talked to him for 4 or 5 days straight. I took him on the road with me. I wanted him to experience what our life is like on the road, and also did a number of phone conversations and he also talked with my mom and people who are close to me. And you know I don't really have any particular stories about my mom, but I'll tell you, my mom, people come up to me all the time and say hey Batista you know I'm your biggest fan and I oblige them, but there's no way, there's nobody comes close to my mom, my mom is my biggest fan by far, she carries a stack of books and magazines wherever she goes and she's just my biggest representative and my biggest fan by far.

Q: Batista you here promoting Neutrobolics, you started in OVW back in the day and you hit WWE by 2002 and your headlining WrestleMania by 2005, a three year journey, and looking back on it how did you feel about it then when it was going so quickly and how do you feel about it now?

A: It's still something that's really hard for me to believe, and it's funny because it seems quick when I think back on it now, but then it didn't, it seemed like it took forever. But honestly I never thought in a million years that I would be headlining Wrestlemania so it's something I didn't take for granted and I still don't. Every day in this business is a blessing because you never know when it's going to be over, especially for a guy like me who started out at 30 years old.

Q: Recently you worked what many consider one of the better rivalries in recent memories with the Undertaker. What is it like working with him in front of and behind the camera?

A: It was an incredible working experience. I learned a lot with Taker and I think that anybody who watched my work before, I can't even tell you how much I improved, and also it was just something I enjoyed. Taker and I have a very similar wrestling style. He's a lot more athletic that I have ever have been or ever be, but you know a very rough style, a brawler style, and we compliment each other and we were just magic in the ring, and the chemistry was incredible. I'm prideful, and everyone knows that, but I think by far that it's one of the best rivalries ever in professional wrestling, and i'm just happy that I could call the Undertaker my friend. I'm very proud and I just love him to death.

Q: In the ring right now your probably the best you've ever been but back when you first tried out with WCW, you had a tryout with the Power Plant, they told you would never make it in the wrestling business. What was your thoughts at that time and have you ever bumped into anybody from WCW at that time and made them regret ever saying that?

A: No I've never seen anyone, and actually it was one guy who said that. I don't even know what his real name is. They used to call him Sarge.

Q : Sergeant Parker?

A: Right he was a jerkoff, but you know I always wonder how much talent he actually chased out of that place because he had a napoleon complex. But the funny thing is, Chuck Plaumbo was there at that tryout, he was going through the Power Plant at that time. I don't think he remembers me but he's really the only other guy I remember from WCW at the time. But the cool thing was, I always remember that Chuck was actually very positive going through the whole workout, cheering me on as well as the rest of the guys, but he's just a positive guy. But no I've never seen Sarge and I was upset for about a day before I was just pissed. I was just pissed off.

Q: This upcoming Sunday August the 17th it's gonna be you vs. your current tag team partner John Cena in the annual summer extravaganza SummerSlam, what can we expect from that match-up between the two of you?

A: I don't know. I've never really had a one- on- one Cena and I went through OVW together and we had some singles matches but were both just different people from that time so I really dont know. We've never really been 1- on- 1 in the ring. I don't know what to expect. I know he's an incredible athlete and entertainer, but I don't plan on being outshined by anyone so it's gonna be a good one!

08-10-2008, 08:32 PM
Thanks for this.