View Full Version : Rey Mysterio's Return, Kane Angle Changed?

Black Widow
08-12-2008, 03:48 PM
- It appears that WWE plans to bring Rey Mysterio back to television in a program with Kane. While I cannot confirm this, it looks like the Kane angle was changed when Mysterio was held off of television for several weeks because company officials felt that he was not ready to return from his torn right biceps injury. Mysterio has been medically cleared to wrestle, however, I was told that WWE officials have been very cautious with the injury because of it's severity and post-operative infection. Rumors regarding other issues with Mysterio are apparently false as sources have indicated to me that the only reason that he has been held off of WWE television and live events has been because of his injury.

08-12-2008, 04:31 PM
oh wat the hell kane & mysterio this is gonna suck bad

08-12-2008, 04:53 PM
How is this going to suck bad? Kane and Mysterio are both great workers. I'm expecting some great matches out of the two.

08-12-2008, 06:43 PM
Last time I saw these guys fight was May 19th two years ago.

08-12-2008, 10:04 PM
Thanks for the info, it would have been a good rivalry if they followed through with it properly. Just when Kane said that Rey Mysterio was hurt beyond human comprehension or something like that, they show a SummerSlam thing with Rey in it doing Batman impersonations. If Rey didn't do that, I'd have liked it(the feud) more as it would have shown that Rey really was hurt badly by Kane.

08-12-2008, 10:57 PM
hopefully kane can get his mask back during this feud...but kane and mysterio will be good no matter imo

08-13-2008, 12:06 AM
Kane vs Rey is going to be an awesome feud. Power vs Speed/Agility. Classic mismatch between giant and underdog. And both are main event superstars. So this wont be a mid-card status feud.

08-13-2008, 06:59 AM
This will suck if, for no other reason. because Rey is a shadow of his former self. He's gained a lot of weight over the years and it's slowed him down. He doesn't even get close to the Rey of ECW or WCW. Also, Kane's only shot at making any sort of comeback disappeared the second Rey's mask came out of that bag. You could just hear the crowd die...they were all ready to explode at the sight of Kane's mask and got punched in the gut for their trouble.

Personally, if they'd REALLY wanted to start up a good short term program with Kane, he woulda pulled the Mankind mask out of the bag! I know Mick ain't anywhere close ot what he used to be but he can still sell a move and can still talk like no other. They coulda worked the whole angle of Mick losing it after Edge attacked him...they fuckin' blew it.