View Full Version : WWE SmackDown Taping Results (08/15) *Spoilers*

08-13-2008, 09:05 PM
* A WrestleMania XXIV video package is shown.

Dark Match:
* Elijah Burke b. Stevie Richards
- The match was slow throughout & the crowd could have cared less. Burke got the win via pinfall.

* A SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 video game highlight package is shown.

WWE SmackDown: (Airing Friday)
* Jim Ross and Tazz make their way out to the announcers table.

* The video opener is shown followed by a pyro.

* United States Championship Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin
- The match is pretty much back and forth throughout. The crowd is fully behind Hardy. Hardy goes for a Swanton and MVP interferes and knocks him off causing the match to end via Disqualification. Twist of Fate followed by a Swanton on MVP & Shelton.

* Vickie is backstage with Victoria. Vickie is worried about The Undertaker showing up. She begins to cry...

* Maryse & Natalya b. Michelle McCool & Maria
- Slow match... Natalya gets the win after pinning McCool.

* A Make a Wish video package is shown.

* Kendrick (accompanied by Zeek) comes out and cuts a promo. Scotty Goldman comes out and stars a match.

* Kendrick b. Scotty Goldman
- Kendrick got the win via pinfall. The match was slow throughout. After the match, Zeek comes in a tackles Goldman.

* Triple H is backstage when a video of last week's arm wrestling match airs. Kenny Dykstra interrupts the promo and informs Hunter that he will face him tonight.

* A SummerSlam promo highlighting Batista is shown.

* Khali comes out comes out to the ring and cuts a promo. Triple H comes out. Next is Kenny. Khali stays outside to observe the match.

* Triple H b. Kenny Dykstra
- Triple H got the win via pinfall after hitting a pedigree. He then fights with Khali clotheslining him out of the ring. They have a staredown as Khali exits.

* Big Show b. Ryan Reddick
- Reddick doesn't even make a formal entrance. Big Show squashes him with a knockout punch followed by the three-count.

* MVP cuts a promo backstage.

* Vickie is backstage again with Victoria. She is still panicking.

* Ron Killings video promo is shown.

* Victoria rolls Vickie to her limo where she finds Edge inside. She screams and falls to the ground. Edge gets out and tells Vickie he's taking her to hell. Vickie cries.

* Vladimir Kozlov b. Festus
- Kozlov got the win via pinfall.

* A 15th Anniversary Raw DVD video package is shown.

* Edge is still rolling Vickie around backstage. She is screaming at the top of her lungs. Edge says he will roll her to the ring.

* Edge comes out to the ring with Vickie. He cuts a promo talking about marriage. He then shows a video of "memory lane" between him and Vickie. Edge pleads with her to apologize to The Undertaker. She says she sorry. Edge begs for The Undertaker to come out. He then walks up the stage while Vickie stays in the ring crying as SmackDown goes off the air.

Source: Wrestlezone