View Full Version : Updates On The Releases of Moore, Harris and Domino

08-14-2008, 12:33 AM
In regards the Braden Walker/Chris Harris release announced last Thursday, it was a rather quick release as he just made his TV debut in early July for ECW. His situation has been described as a guy who had a string of great matches in TNA and when he got to WWE, they were down on him and suddenly he didn't know how to work that style. The talk within WWE was that he went out there like a guy whose confidence was beaten out of him in his matches on ECW. Harris was said to have had a lot of heat on him to begin with in how he carried himself backstage, but no one can really pinpoint if he did one thing to cause that reaction among the wrestlers. One assumption is that Harris may have been too forthcoming about his success in TNA when he got to WWE, and it's reportedly a strike against you to discuss any prior success. The overwhelming opinion was that Harris didn't do well in his debut TV match with Armando Estrada on ECW and didn't come across well on his pre-tapes either.

The release of Domino wasn't a huge shock to many after the Deuce and Domino tag team was broken up during the draft. He reportedly realized his limitations and might have been too forthcoming about them, especially when he was overheard saying that he knew Deuce would be the star of the tag team once they broke up. The funny thing about that now is since being traded to Raw, we haven't heard much from Deuce at tapings or on house shows.

Shannon Moore's release was made public a few hours before WWE officially announced it as Moore issued a statement on his official "MySpace" page. Moore was always described as a solid talent in the ring, but reportedly struggled in pre-tapes. The likely feeling was that the company had no real plans for him despite a re-debut in the early days of the new ECW on Sci Fi. Moore owns a tattoo shop in North Carolina that will be his primary business and is working with Bill Behrens to get booked on the indy scene. It should be noted that Moore is friends with Jeff Jarrett, which was how he got into TNA in the first place. However, the odds of him returning to TNA could be slim as on his way out of TNA in March 2006 he pinned AJ Styles on TV (a move that was second-guessed) and then got word to WWE that he was not working under contract with them and got a deal.

Source: Wrestling Observer