View Full Version : Breaking News: More WWE Releases

Black Widow
08-15-2008, 06:35 PM
The following has just been posted on WWE.com:

World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of ECW Superstar Stevie Richards, Raw tag team Robbie & Rory of The Highlanders, and WWE referee Wes Adams as of Aug. 15, 2008. WWE wishes them the best in all their future endeavors.

Black Widow
08-15-2008, 06:43 PM
You can add Cherry and Colin Delaney to today's firing spree. Here is the updated message from WWE.com:

WWE releases several Superstars, referee Wes Adams
Written: August 15, 2008

World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of ECW Superstars Stevie Richards and Colin Delaney, Raw tag team Robbie & Rory of The Highlanders, SmackDown Diva Cherry, and WWE referee Wes Adams as of Aug. 15, 2008. WWE wishes them the best in all their future endeavors.

08-15-2008, 06:56 PM
there goes another tag team...so Raw now has two tag teams...wow!

08-15-2008, 07:04 PM
No shockers here...

Robbie & Rory got a push in the beginning but never became the new incarnation of the Bushwackers like I think the WWE wanted.

Cherry had nothing to do without Deuce & Domino...and it looked like she'd put on a BUNCH of weight too.

As for Stevie Richards, I've always been a fan of his but he wasn't doing anything anymore. Hopefully, he took care of his money cuz the big time pay days are probably done for him.

08-15-2008, 07:13 PM
I grew tired of Delany's pastey ass months ago...glad he's off my tv.

08-15-2008, 08:19 PM
Geez, did Wwe decide to stop using jobbers or what?

08-15-2008, 09:04 PM
I liked the highlanders when they first showed up, but they they didn't go anywhere...

08-15-2008, 09:07 PM
It's a shame to see Cherry let go especially when they keep somebody as ugly as Jillian on the roster.....

08-15-2008, 09:25 PM
Colin could have been something when he was teaming with Tommy Dreamer, I really liked him then. Cherry had potential to be something in the "diva's division" but I guess they wanted to clear it up... Stevie Richards, don't care. The Highlanders got a push at first, didn't like them, when they turned heel and got that small push, I thought they had some sort of chance but looks like they messed up.

08-16-2008, 12:22 AM

The Phenomenal Blaze
08-16-2008, 01:57 AM
So I guess Friday has become lets drop some people day..

Some Idc about others I do...but hey...Steven Richards is yet another ECW Original gone from the WWECW...so hmm that leaves what...Tommy Dreamer as the only one still on ECW..and Colin was a jobber but still in a major feud on ECW so thats a shocker...

08-16-2008, 04:27 PM
finally like no1 saw this coming i guess the only 1 that kind of suprises me is colin delany with his sumwat push